Dimitar Berbatov
Good time to have shares in AZN
The developer
Edit: Oh...it's not the developer of that one, but that one
Good time to have shares in AZN
Sounds like you know the answer you want to hear. Or rather shout at anybody and into every area.Err... so that would be down to more Tory cuts on the NHS and their bumbling incompetence then wouldn't it? That clam Johnson really has some front, his party have done nothing but undermine the NHS and there he was lauding it and the lectern with the protect the NHS message. fudging hypocrite!
Hardly surprising, is it?
Hardly surprising, is it?
I agree with all the above.The success of the contact tracing is that everybody acquiesces. Problem is there are some legitimate concerns about the use of our data by a govt run by Vote Leave folk who were incredibly innovative with the use of people's personal data. Although conceptually I see the need for it I am a little concerned now and I imagine many others might feel the same.
Although, to build on my previous post, this will just create a new opportunity for tech solutions to get around it.
I agree with all the above.
Unfortunately we have been on a path to minimal privacy for a couple of decades under the guise of "opt in consent". Whilst in reality you could opt out of most/all, to do so would effectively be a hermit. To be a part of "normal" society, such privacy can no longer exist.
We are just heading towards the inevitable.
How do you know it’s the same people?So the same people slamming lack of bed in NHS are now moaning that the Nightingale hospital was a waste of space because the way the Government handled the curve it was actually not used to anywhere near capacity.
I think people are so hyped up to moan at every turn they confuse themselves sometimes.
How do you know it’s the same people?
Hardly surprising, is it?
no, but for some of us who value our privacy but also value the idea that we need to get through this pandemic it is a bit of a quandry in temrs of whether we be good citizens or say eff off.
Serious question Scara:Hardly surprising, is it?
Serious question Scara:
If this virus predominantly killed 0-10 year olds would you poo poo the app?
If I genuinely believed this would only ever be used for the current situation it would also be a tough choice for me. However, I don't believe that for a second - no matter how much the govt try and tell us so.no, but for some of us who value our privacy but also value the idea that we need to get through this pandemic it is a bit of a quandry in temrs of whether we be good citizens or say eff off.
Yes.Serious question Scara:
If this virus predominantly killed 0-10 year olds would you poo poo the app?
I know his kids are in that age range,You wouldn’t need an app for kids