Gary Stevens
Hydrogen is very explosive no doubt. But a hydrogen bomb is caused by fusion of hydrogen, you need an atomic bomb to set it off as only that has enough energy to start the fusion process.
We use hydrogen in cars, trucks, ships and planes already. We used it to get to the moon.
Charging vehichles in the city won't be that much of a problem. Every street is powered (lamp posts). We can and have introduced charging points.
Haven't suggested powering planes/ships with batteries.
We are already looking at sulphur batteries that don't require rare metals.
As for inefficiency the most efficent internal combustion engine cars on the market today have an efficiency of 40%. The rest is lost in heat and friction. An ev is between 85-90% efficient.
As for weight, yes batteries are heavy (which is being worked on) but the motor isn't. Far lighter than an engine. No gears etc...
Who cares about how much their car weighs? They care about the cost of running it. Ev's are cheaper to run and have far less maintenance costs as the motor only has 1 moving part.
There is a German company putting in chargers into lamp posts. There are two near where I live. They are never used. And blocked by other people parking. I wanted to get an EV and use them, but the charging was slow and incredibly impractical if you could even access them. In reality, EVs are still impractical for longer journeys and for charging - sadly they are a step backward for convenience as things stand. Japan is big into Hydrogen, they backed it over batteries. But then Musk really changed things. The focus has shifted to batteries for cars at least. Others points well made and taken on board.
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