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Cheatski are still scum

Incredible amount of money to spend and end up with very little

For £360m they'd have been better off signing 4 * £90m players

I look at that list of players, and there's a couple prospects there but also a lot of money wasted

They must have about 10 senior players many that don't even make the squad now!
Here we are stressing about shifting a player out to make room for a new RWB and they don't seem to care, I guess they will just spend the whole summer loaning everywhere out!
FA to charge any club who's fans make homophobic chants against Chelsea, but anti Jewish chants and hissing is ok you couldnt make it up.

I know the debate on this has been done on here but I remain unconvinced that R$ntboy is an intrinsically homophobic slur, and within the context of the song (at least the one I have heard) is not anti Homosexuality in any capacity, it's a rare chance for Chelsea to be outraged at nothing other than how totally dogbrick they are considering how much money they've spent.

I would state though, no one has said that the anti semitic stuff is okay though as you have suggested.

What a debut for Felix though and what a result!
Would expect more than one player for practically 400m spent. Plus he's supposed to be out until late Feb early March.

Doesn't matter, he's not joining them till the summer.

Felix getting sent off and them losing has really made my evening.
Well said chaps.
Losing to their small local rivals too.
Couldn't happen to a more entitled racist bunch of c***s
I guess we need to enjoy it while it lasts.
Just look at Cheatski, Pool, Spam, Everton, Leeds. Happy days.
I know the debate on this has been done on here but I remain unconvinced that R$ntboy is an intrinsically homophobic slur, and within the context of the song (at least the one I have heard) is not anti Homosexuality in any capacity, it's a rare chance for Chelsea to be outraged at nothing other than how totally dogbrick they are considering how much money they've spent.

I would state though, no one has said that the anti semitic stuff is okay though as you have suggested.

What a debut for Felix though and what a result!

No but I'm yet to see the FA warn any clubs that they will take action against them if they make anti semitic chants when playing Spurs.
No but I'm yet to see the FA warn any clubs that they will take action against them if they make anti semitic chants when playing Spurs.

A quick google search (you're welcome it's my pleasure :)) shows reports of the police and Chelsea Football Club themselves threatening a no tolerance approach to anti semitic chants (with fans being banned) but I cba to look for one from the FA but pretty sure they're against that type of thing too.

The hissing is tricky to clamp down on though, who can prove it's specifically anti semitic? I do accept there's shades of it with some Chelsea fans being utterly scummy enough to want to mimic the gas chamber sounds (alongside the Auschwitz songs) but booing + hissing is a staple at any sporting event / pantomime / disappointing fireworks show so it's a tough case.

Do you recognize how you labelling the reaction to anti semitic chanting as "okay" is disingenuous at best?

This is another can of worms but outside of the Spurs bubble we could easily be defined as being anti semitic because of our use of yid, I strongly disagree with that narrative as there's more to it but the FA are seemingly okay with us using that word still as it is on banners / in songs, do you want them to clamp down on that too?

I do hope you see what I am trying to get at but if you just wanted to grumble and feel oppressed without discussing anything further then that's fine too old chum! Happy just to revel in how poor Chelsea are this season if the discussion can't be had in good faith

A quick google search (you're welcome it's my pleasure :)) shows reports of the police and Chelsea Football Club themselves threatening a no tolerance approach to anti semitic chants (with fans being banned) but I cba to look for one from the FA but pretty sure they're against that type of thing too.

The hissing is tricky to clamp down on though, who can prove it's specifically anti semitic? I do accept there's shades of it with some Chelsea fans being utterly scummy enough to want to mimic the gas chamber sounds (alongside the Auschwitz songs) but booing + hissing is a staple at any sporting event / pantomime / disappointing fireworks show so it's a tough case.

Do you recognize how you labelling the reaction to anti semitic chanting as "okay" is disingenuous at best?

This is another can of worms but outside of the Spurs bubble we could easily be defined as being anti semitic because of our use of yid, I strongly disagree with that narrative as there's more to it but the FA are seemingly okay with us using that word still as it is on banners / in songs, do you want them to clamp down on that too?

I do hope you see what I am trying to get at but if you just wanted to grumble and feel oppressed without discussing anything further then that's fine too old chum! Happy just to revel in how poor Chelsea are this season if the discussion can't be had in good faith


Personally I am opposed to some fans using the yid chant as it is an offensive remark to many, but today's society is so full of confusion with words as people seem to have no respect to the language, it's ok for some people to say n igger or poof but not others, how do we know which is not offensive? Say a word often enough and it becomes acceptable, daily I hear people swearing freely in public and it appear to be acceptable. I suppose I'm just an old mug who doesnt like to see or hear people abused. I'd like to see clarity and same standards for all.

Personally I am opposed to some fans using the yid chant as it is an offensive remark to many, but today's society is so full of confusion with words as people seem to have no respect to the language, it's ok for some people to say n igger or poof but not others, how do we know which is not offensive? Say a word often enough and it becomes acceptable, daily I hear people swearing freely in public and it appear to be acceptable. I suppose I'm just an old mug who doesnt like to see or hear people abused. I'd like to see clarity and same standards for all.

It's why the law uses context. People can get offended by anything. You can't control that. You can only control your intentions.

https://www.theguardian.com/football/2014/mar/07/tottenham-hotspur-football-fans-chant-yid-charges-dropped-cps-court#:~:text=Charges have been dropped against,on match days last autumn.

Personally I am opposed to some fans using the yid chant as it is an offensive remark to many, but today's society is so full of confusion with words as people seem to have no respect to the language, it's ok for some people to say n igger or poof but not others, how do we know which is not offensive? Say a word often enough and it becomes acceptable, daily I hear people swearing freely in public and it appear to be acceptable. I suppose I'm just an old mug who doesnt like to see or hear people abused. I'd like to see clarity and same standards for all.

When you say you're opposed to "some" fans using yid, would you care specify who you mean? That doesn't seem to match with you seemingly equating not everyone being "allowed" to use the N word as an attack on equality, which I will say forthrightly is such a disappointing stance to take as it doesn't allow for any appreciation of historical use of the word and also intention as Lilbaz says, but there's a tricky sweet spot with a little bit of awareness and acceptance of what's gone before. "I'm white and I should be able to use the n word" is such a weird / irrelevant direction to take the conversation in, but makes sense after your opening statement of it being seemingly okay to be semitic at football games shown to be obviously way off the mark.

"I suppose I'm just an old mug who doesnt like to see or hear people abused. I'd like to see clarity and same standards for all." - Such a bizarre self serving, catch all without making any actual points and aimless way to end your post which didn't acknowledge or answer anything that I said, happy to leave it here but please do realise how silly you are being by choosing to not back up anything you have actually said.

Edit - Also your point on "today's society" doesn't seem to acknowledge that language has been constantly evolving throughout time, it's not a new issue at all but has been amplified by the confirmation bias echo chamber that is social media / algorithms but hopefully with the right attitude (not exaggeration/ hysteria that imo you do display from time to time re race related matters or organizations not taking hate speech seriously) things can improve but humans are often clams* so we'll see how that one goes.

*Here's a chance to jump at being offended as you are a human so it's an easy out
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Getting away from semantics and back to footy for a second, did anyone else wonder why on earth we let Vinnie go?
Maybe Richarlison is better but I back Vinnie to score a good few this season...
Getting away from semantics and back to footy for a second, did anyone else wonder why on earth we let Vinnie go?
Maybe Richarlison is better but I back Vinnie to score a good few this season...

Personally liked him. Think the price it would have cost to make his loan permanent was £40m or something. Just think it was too much at the time.