Jimmy Cantrell
If you send groups of "right-wing protestors" to repeatedly "confront" protestors, you are going to ignite all creatures great and small. If you think the use of "agitators" is about sending "actor" in to play thieves, then you're missing the mark. Agitators will certainly create chaos and know how to enrage factions of those they're "pitched against"...the truth IS uncomfortable. The TRUTH is that when you continually isolate, profile and subjugate sections of the population, you are creating the conditions for violence and civil war. If he gets back in, mark my words, his only way out from sustained civil violence and chaos will be to create/engage in a war. Nixon...
The thing is this is not new, I remember the Rodney King Riots where 60 odd people were killed.
Is this a case that America is saying enough is enough?