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Andre Villas-Boas - Head Coach

Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

I wish he had sold dawson, he is completely unsuited to how we should play as a team and gives the ball away far to often. He has only played so much because of injuries to others, he will not be in the first team if everyone gets fit.

But that's the point about keeping daws isn't it...capable and willing back up.
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

What like wanting to sell Daswon then reinstating him and admitting he had been proved wrong?

You are quite correct but one one case does not outweigh nor negate the other cases where it is evident that he isnt learning or rather there is no evidence that he has learnt. The major issue is the home form/performances.
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

You are quite correct but one one case does not outweigh nor negate the other cases where it is evident that he isnt learning or rather there is no evidence that he has learnt. The major issue is the home form/performances.

Is October the right time to be forming those judgements? In the summer how long did you think that it would take for the new team to settle and play to their full ability?
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

Is October the right time to be forming those judgements? In the summer how long did you think that it would take for the new team to settle and play to their full ability?

It depends how far back you want to go in terms of reviewing his abilities. I am not only limiting it to this season whilst some are. Yes there have been a number of changes but I do think you can form a judgement based on how the team is set up and how they play regardless of the players that are playing so to speak. Its how we are set up at home that concerns me and this has been going on since his arrival (barring one or two performances). I am happy with how we play away from home - I think he has it down to a T, its the home tactics that I think is getting everyone frustrated.

People say that its how the opposition is set up but they do that at the likes of ****, Liverscum, Man utd, Emirates Marketing Project - yet they tend to have much better success. Surely the change of Manager was so that we can become more successful not merely experiencing the same issues as before.
Re: AVB On Reals Madrid's Short List For New Manager

Well we have a higher ppg and win % since the change so over a full season that should translate in to success ;)

I guess a big stumbling block, at least in my mind, is that it's almost like we're starting from scratch again this summer (after doing so last summer with the new manager coming in initially) - 7 signings and 2 long term loanees returning making it 9 new faces in the 25 man squad, add to that Holtby who has only been here half a season longer and the previous summers signings and we have a squad very much in it's infancy. It's a boring answer and im sure a lot of you are tired of hearing it (much like i am of repeating it)

iirc last season we had a very patchy opening but as the season wore on we found a very consistent level - both in terms of performance and results, this season we're getting the results in early - even if our performances are at times less than impressive. For me im waiting for us to find the right starting XI and tactics to suit - i don't think we have either right now how AVB will ultimately have us set up. It's just a case of being patient - as frustrating as that is
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

Spurs' average possession of 59.8% this season is the highest of any team in the Premier League.
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

We complain about teams coming and parking the bus but are we not encouraging that with the high line and keeping the ball in the other teams half?
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

We complain about teams coming and parking the bus but are we not encouraging that with the high line and keeping the ball in the other teams half?

sitting deep and giving the ball away worked wonders under Hoddle

i agree we are, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't do it, we just need to be better at breaking through
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

Rather than attack at every opportunity, AVB wants us to keep passing sideways and backwards at times in order to maintain possession. This means we won't tire as easily as those teams that have to rush back to defend every time an attack breaks down. An important factor is winning back the ball high up the pitch through intense pressing, then resting with it when there's no clear opportunity to create something.

Over the course of a season it means fewer goals conceded, fewer errors towards the end of games and less fatigue, meaning we can keep a high, even increasing, ppg right to the end.

An AVB side won't offer many goal fests and you'll never get the typical English 100mph attacking.
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

Spurs' average possession of 59.8% this season is the highest of any team in the Premier League.

i think it's pretty clear AvB see's us as a possession based side, first step towards the ultimate goal must surely be to dominate possession - which it looks like what we are doing. Now comes the part where we make it work to our advantage. I seem to recall a similar situation at Liverpool last season - lot's of possession but little end product - they stuck with it though and are now reaping the rewards. Hopefully a similar story for us
Re: AVB On Reals Madrid's Short List For New Manager

Well we have a higher ppg and win % since the change so over a full season that should translate in to success ;)

I guess a big stumbling block, at least in my mind, is that it's almost like we're starting from scratch again this summer (after doing so last summer with the new manager coming in initially) - 7 signings and 2 long term loanees returning making it 9 new faces in the 25 man squad, add to that Holtby who has only been here half a season longer and the previous summers signings and we have a squad very much in it's infancy. It's a boring answer and im sure a lot of you are tired of hearing it (much like i am of repeating it)

iirc last season we had a very patchy opening but as the season wore on we found a very consistent level - both in terms of performance and results, this season we're getting the results in early - even if our performances are at times less than impressive. For me im waiting for us to find the right starting XI and tactics to suit - i don't think we have either right now how AVB will ultimately have us set up. It's just a case of being patient - as frustrating as that is

spot on with so many points.........

we have made our best ever start so I am a little surprised at all the who ha!!!!!!! what did peeps expect flowing football straight away????

basically things are really simple you either believe in this manager and what he is doing or you don't......personally I choose to believe in this manager and the direction we are going......safety first I guess until we can get everyone settled and work out our best 11/combinations.....but again aside from losing to spam I think we have had a great start to the season.

I do not think anyone who comes on here and criticises avb or our performances is any less a spurs fan than I am.......I prefer to see reasoned arguments explaining that point of view though.

in terms of avb the man as I said either believe in him or don't...........being in the middle ground and being undecided about our manager just makes us weak as a fan support on matchdays......might sound dramatic but I just believe we are more of a force as a club when we are united and believe in our cause...

imo avb was spot on with his post match hull comments.......NOBODY thrives in a negative atmosphere NOBODY........if the players cant relax at whl and feel their own individual performances raised by 10-15% by our crowd then we are in big trouble....... Avb has made a rallying call if you like......lets see who buys it amongst our support.

AVB needs time because of the massive squad overhaul.....in fact considering everything over the summer I think he has done a remarkable job for us......I cant remember (minus west ham) a period of this many games where spurs have looked so defensively solid.......not time to let the handbreak off just yet I guess.

keep going AVB...you will make mistakes along the way but its about the big picture and where we are going!!!!!!!!

I believe!!!!!!!! I choose to trust the mighty AVB!!!
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

AVB is quite contrary - on the one hand hes open to admitting his mistakes when he makes them but doesnt appear to learn from them.

Were told he is a great analyser yet cant seem to come up with a plan b for teams that park the bus at the lane.

Weve seen he is a compassionate man when it comes to his players but ade's treatment seems counter to this, especially given the fact the team could do with another option sometimes.

He seems pretty inflexible in style but on the other hand he has changed a lot in style after the chelsea debacle.

Cant quite help the feeling that AVB doesnt have enough experience in his short career to really be successful and we are just another stepping stone for him to be managing another big european team.

Dont get me wrong i think he is a good up and coming manager but there's more to come definitely.

Playing so many midweek games doesnt help as he basically doesnt have a lot of time to get his ideas across to the players, so it will take time for the team to get used to his style.

If we look at last season the team started slow but then got beter and if you think this year we bought so many new players albeit higher quality players then it will take time. In the meantime it looks like we are going to have to put up with some turgid performances.

Not sure I agree with the examples

- Need to be more specific about not learning from mistakes, to your later point the AVB we have is quite different in many ways from the AVB of Cheat$ki, would indicate he learned

- Nobody has a cure for park the bus tactics (it is a game failing), see Cheat$ki's CL win against the best teams in the world using said tactic

- Ade is not an example to use, Ade has had issues long before, and I suspect will have long after Spurs

- Talked about style changes, I think where people get mixed up is I believe AVB strives for a system (vs. a style if that makes any sense)

- No, he doesn't have enough experience, however if we end up being a stepping stone for a bigger club, it means he has been successful here (and everyone bar Madrid is a stepping stone for players/managers)

- Hopefully

- Problem Jol actually highlighted, and may be what a lot of people don't understand and put down to club/manager/players not learning. With potentially 60+ games in a season, there is very little time for tactical training, changes in playing style

- People say the team is turgid, I think that's a bit subjective (especially with our history in last 20 years). do we play exhilarating football all the time? = no, what do I see? = A spurs team capable of holding possession like no other I have seen in my 30 odd years of supporting, similarly a team that like none of it's predecessors, cannot be bullied off the ball, has a midfield steel, and capable of occasional moments of pure brilliance (Soldado's last open goal, Paulinho's goal from Lamela, couple of Siggy's).

Maybe the point is, the team and the manager are no where near the finished product, but still close to the best thing we have seen/had in a long time. If we can have patience (no other real option), enjoy the good days and watch it play out.
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

I have supported Spurs for close to 35 years and will continue to do so for the rest of my life. To cease supporting Spurs would be unthinkable.

I was not born in Tottenham so I did not possess local affinity nor inherit a family legacy. I did not start off supporting Spurs because we won things. As those around me flocked to United and Liverpool and latterly Arsenal, Chelsea & City, I have always remained true to Tottenham. As a young child growing up in an age before the Internet with only a black & white television, I did not know of our "glory glory" history, our rivalries or the Double Winners. I started supporting Spurs purely & simply because of Hoddle. During my childhood & early teens, it was the odd snippet on Match of the Day and Shoot! that brought me closer and closer to this club.

My favourite players (like most of us, I suspect) have always been the ones with flair; Hoddle, Waddle, Gascoigne & Ginola. For me, it wasn't entirely about winning or points per game ratios, statistics etc. it has and always will be largely about being entertained. If we won, I would be ecstatic, if we lost, depressed (and occasionally mildly suicidal, particularly in the mid-90's) but the excitement of watching our flair players conjure those rare magical moments was what continued to satiate me. That and a total lack of expectation of winning. After all, only one year ended in "1" every decade.

As the years progress and I grow ever closer to my end, I admit that I have grown weary of losing and dearly wish to see my beloved Spurs win a major trophy again. In spite of the enormous difficulty of doing so, particularly with the amount of money being thrown about by some of our competitors, our ascent from mid-table mediocrity of late has nevertheless increased my expectations of the club. For all the jokes about Arsene Wenger, in truth, I have always cast an envious eye towards the woolwich lot and what his teams have achieved and the manner in which they play. Consequently, I have always yearned for a young'ish' manager who had a stylish philosophy and was willing to commit to building a dynasty that would one day outplay Arsenal consistently and maybe, possibly, ultimately, win things with style and flourish.

I am well and truly behind AVB and was genuinely excited by his appointment. I believe and still do that he is our "Chosen One". Prior to this, I had only greeted Hoddle's appointment with equal fervour; prodigal son and all that.

However, through the progress charted by AVB, without wishing to apportion any blame, I believe that our football has largely been dour & uninspiring, on occasion turgid even. Although we sit in a relatively strong position with a great squad, watching Spurs has been difficult.

I enjoy Spurs winning, immensely, it ****ing makes my week. I hate losing and despair every time we do so. I am excited that we are only 3 points from the summit (apparently whilst still not hitting our stride & even if it is early doors). But every so often, the child deep within me cries out for a Hoddle or a Gascoigne or a Ginola moment and reminds me why I began this journey in the first place.

Patience is a virtue.

Make Spurs your own Andre and do it with style...
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

I have supported Spurs for close to 35 years and will continue to do so for the rest of my life. To cease supporting Spurs would be unthinkable.

I was not born in Tottenham so I did not possess local affinity nor inherit a family legacy. I did not start off supporting Spurs because we won things. As those around me flocked to United and Liverpool and latterly Arsenal, Chelsea & City, I have always remained true to Tottenham. As a young child growing up in an age before the Internet with only a black & white television, I did not know of our "glory glory" history, our rivalries or the Double Winners. I started supporting Spurs purely & simply because of Hoddle. During my childhood & early teens, it was the odd snippet on Match of the Day and Shoot! that brought me closer and closer to this club.

My favourite players (like most of us, I suspect) have always been the ones with flair; Hoddle, Waddle, Gascoigne & Ginola. For me, it wasn't entirely about winning or points per game ratios, statistics etc. it has and always will be largely about being entertained. If we won, I would be ecstatic, if we lost, depressed (and occasionally mildly suicidal, particularly in the mid-90's) but the excitement of watching our flair players conjure those rare magical moments was what continued to satiate me. That and a total lack of expectation of winning. After all, only one year ended in "1" every decade.

As the years progress and I grow ever closer to my end, I admit that I have grown weary of losing and dearly wish to see my beloved Spurs win a major trophy again. In spite of the enormous difficulty of doing so, particularly with the amount of money being thrown about by some of our competitors, our ascent from mid-table mediocrity of late has nevertheless increased my expectations of the club. For all the jokes about Arsene Wenger, in truth, I have always cast an envious eye towards the woolwich lot and what his teams have achieved and the manner in which they play. Consequently, I have always yearned for a young'ish' manager who had a stylish philosophy and was willing to commit to building a dynasty that would one day outplay Arsenal consistently and maybe, possibly, ultimately, win things with style and flourish.

I am well and truly behind AVB and was genuinely excited by his appointment. I believe and still do that he is our "Chosen One". Prior to this, I had only greeted Hoddle's appointment with equal fervour; prodigal son and all that.

However, through the progress charted by AVB, without wishing to apportion any blame, I believe that our football has largely been dour & uninspiring, on occasion turgid even. Although we sit in a relatively strong position with a great squad, watching Spurs has been difficult.

I enjoy Spurs winning, immensely, it ****ing makes my week. I hate losing and despair every time we do so. I am excited that we are only 3 points from the summit (apparently whilst still not hitting our stride & even if it is early doors). But every so often, the child deep within me cries out for a Hoddle or a Gascoigne or a Ginola moment and reminds me why I began this journey in the first place.

Patience is a virtue.

Make Spurs your own Andre and do it with style...

If I were eloquent enough I could have written that myself =D>
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

Best post I've read in this thread so far =D>

I too fell in love with the magical players such as Ginola, Berba, Bale, Modric and VdV.

I feel that the time is now for this club to push on and believe in itself, go for every trophy out there, even treat the League Cup with the same respect as the FA Cup, to not to choose a trophy, either out of want or lack of belief (that we can win two or more major trophies in one season), but to gain that taste of success that is missing in our player's mouths, to enter each league season with aim of winning it, not just finish as high as we can.
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

Great post spasm....im probably slightly younger but your falling in love with spurs resonates and is similar to mine.....I remember my first spurs top....yellow with the patches on the shoulder.....think that may have been 91.

yep patience is key and I hope we can all keep the faith... I have stated I believe in avb so I will fall on my sword if it all goes wrong.

I do agree watching spurs has been frustrating but I understand avb's caution when dealing with a so many new players.....as I said he just needs to release the hand-break at the right time......

keep the faith peeps!
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

So tonight's performance; after AVB's daring comments about lack of crowd encouragement, I thought we'd see a much more upbeat performance but by al accounts today's performance was potentially worse...

Taking the games over the season so far, it seems there is perhaps a problem with movement, quick-passing and interplay; which when up against packed-defences goes nowhere...

Do you expect this to always be the case? Will quicker movement, passing etc come with time? Were there many signs of such football last season overall?

Please discuss (and hopefully give me back my faith...)
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

The problem this season (as well as last season) is that we're utterly hopeless at home in terms of performance. We create next to nothing and rely mostly on wonder strikes to get us out of trouble. With a team filled with tremendously talented players it's highly embarrassing how inept we are at home and it's even more embarrassing that we don't seem to have a plan b despite having a squad with a lot of players that are able to play numerous positions.
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

The problem this season (as well as last season) is that we're utterly hopeless at home in terms of performance. We create next to nothing and rely mostly on wonder strikes to get us out of trouble. With a team filled with tremendously talented players it's highly embarrassing how inept we are at home and it's even more embarrassing that we don't seem to have a plan b despite having a squad with a lot of players that are able to play numerous positions.

At what point do fingers get pointed at the manager's skills himself??8-[
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

It is frustrating watching Spurs these days and not making excuses but one key factor is us not having a proper left footed left back along with a proper left footed winger. With Naughton always cutting in and Gylfi moving to the middle all the time our left side is non existant. It makes it really easy for teams to pack the middle and concentrate on blocking the right hand side which pretty much stops us from doing anything. Rose was great at making those runs at the start of the season.