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Andre Villas-Boas - Head Coach

Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

I think you are right. Can't remember any other manager leaving Spurs for another club before. We seldom keep a manager for more than 3 years anyway. So, AVB is probably thinking should he jump before being pushed.

Terry Neill.
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

I'm not so sure. I think Bale is gone if not this year then next. We'd get in excess of £80m for him so at least we can get three or more quality players if spent wisely which I'd trust AVB to do. However I think with AVB we could really build something special, the guy is such a good fit for us - we are an up and coming young side and so is he in managerial terms....

AVB is the future and although i fully expect Bale to be here next season i can see Bale moving eventually so for me AVB is the one we should keep.
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

AVB improved Spurs last year. But we did not win anything. He has to prove himself here before he can be considered for a top job.

He is already a wealthy man so I imagine he is looking for a career in the game and he won't get that if he jumps ship.
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

I disagree, the changes a new manager would make to our tactics and formation would have far more of an impact to the new season than one player leaving, even a player of the calibre of Bale. Can you even name a manager who hasn't moved already and that you think would be able to improve us as a team?

this is because you think or are currently thinking in micro analysis. it wouldnt be just one season would it. thats a short term sight....if we get another manager, chances are that the aim would once again to be to hold serve. top 6. that was always AVBs bench mark. which he accomplished

i also dont see managers as people that move to clubs just because of G14 status. I think money plays more of a part for them ...and the intent of a project. People that i would think of that would at least hold serve that if we paid enough would come, Van gaal the lunatic, HItzfeld, I doubt Klopp would come but he would do the same, HIddink, Joachim Löw, Massimiliano Allegri...a guy that has actually battled his way to the top...making a team that can compete with the best,Marcelo Bielsa,Felix Magath,Luciano Spalletti,Mircea Lucescu

These are all guys making either good use of thier resources or shown that they can make good use of their resources...also managing teams that are either very organised, encouraging technical style football, focus more on coaching than management and wont necessarily shy away from development. As such i think resources would be the main issue here,,....which they would have enough of to hold serve for next season and possibly improve us going forward

I can think of lots of players that we could go out and get that would improve us as a team were we to sell Bale. Replacing players is far easier than replacing a manager, simply due to the sheer number of players out there.

Oh come on!! LOTS!!!:eek: that WE can get after selling bale that would improve us? There is no way you will ask me to name names and you go out andbmake a bold statement like that and not churn out a list;)

think of one guy...same as the coaching question you asked me. Just one guy that can improve us, or even come close to replicating the significant contribution ....then if you cantor actually...think of any number of players and tell me if you think we can get them all and for what price. I see players as heavily influenced on BOTH career AND financial aspirations and also that they would be looking to cripple teams financially. so yeah i am waiting for the list of players that would make us better were we to sell bale..that we would be able to attract. it would actually show that losing bale according to you would be a blessing in disguise...remember the word "LOTS"

I You don't pay mind to one of our players saying good things about our manager? Why not? The player doesn't have to say anything, he could just talk about other things. That Bale decided himself to give a lot of the credit to AVB shows how much he believes that he has helped his game. Add in to that some of the heat of the moment celebrations, oh look, he rushes over to AVB and jumps on him.

No , i really dont care as much as you and people like you clearly do. i am more a man of actions. When a player says something of importance and then goes out there to show you he means his word then i start taking them seriously for their sound bites.....by the way, its not bale in particular its footballers in general. lip service and TV personas quite often dont reflect who they are and their stand points in real life. they say what they are supposed to say. The jumping on AVB thing is more an indication he likes AVB as opposed to a necessity of AVB to Bale's game. Bale does a Heart sign to the crowd.....we dont have as much a significant effect on his development as other factors now do we? if he cheated on his wife the bit on the side doesnt affect spurs i dont think

I Also, what makes you think Bale would even want to stick around if we lose our manager? If he's going to be under a new manager, why not just go and do it at a new club whilst being paid a whole lot more money?

i dont know. i never said anything about both their fates being tied in with one another, thats your tangent, i wont get into that particular speculation.
i did say though that bale is MUCH MORE an important loss than AVB. I think we could replace AVB, i dont think we can replace bale's quality and i think the team would suffer more without Bale than without AVB in the short term...or even maybe in the long term.
If Bale wants to leave then it isnt down to him, its down to levy, ...the idea that bale is going to boss levy around along with the weight of another club behind is the idea and though process of people that either dont support tottenham or dont know Daniel Levy and how he operates when he has made his mind up. Or people that dont have faith in him.
PLus if we lose bale, yes i would be sad about it but i dont go to work thinking about bale winning a match....i think alot more about tottenham winning that game but that bale carried us. but it will always be tottenham..as long as my club is there i am football supporter. Bale if he wants to leave cause AVB left then he should follow AVB as opposed to just go somewhere else if that was REALLY the reason for him wanting to leave...(Actually i just realised thats what could be happening from pSG perspective. Makes sense as they can attract much better proven than AVB)...or he could stay here with MY team. YAY!!!

I Also to add, AVB didn't play Bale up front full stop. He played him in an AM position, however his real strength was drifting in from the right hand side. You just have to watch his goals from the season to see how devastating he is cutting in from the right.

slice it however you want...bales average position is that of a forwards...not an Attacking midfielders...an attacking midfielder is VDV...or frank lampard etc...players that you regularly see deep in midfield but have much less defensive responsibilities than others and therefore mimic a free roller of shadow striker...but you very often see them in midfield....bale nowadays you see in a FORWARDS role...and quite often playing on the last line.....an attacking mid doesnt do that with such blatant regularity and complete disregard for the midfield. if bale is an attacking mid then its quite worrying how often he isnt in the game when he is playing UP FRONT. no he plays a forward role IMO. Clearly not an out and out striker,....more of a free-er roaming forward..like Beardsely.

bale is strong where ever he plays. his strength isnt necessarily coming in from the wing...though he is decent at it. If you play him middle..he will score...if you play him wide he will assist and free role himself into the middle to have a pop or assist again anyway. when lennon got injured i pretty much bellowed that bale should move out wide for the sake of the team....that way we can vary our options and he has more scope for movement. i dont know where you were at with that discussion but i have a rather poor recollection of you querying why we should move him out of a central position that he wants to play in. But that might easily not be you. How many goals would you say bale has scored coming in from the right?

I In the end, if we lose one of them, it will make it far more likely that the other will leave.

i actually dont agree with that. i dont think they have some sort of unspoken pact and /or understanding that if the other one leaves then that would mean the jig is up. I think they like each other and that their careers are their own
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

I'm not so sure. I think Bale is gone if not this year then next. We'd get in excess of £80m for him so at least we can get three or more quality players if spent wisely which I'd trust AVB to do. However I think with AVB we could really build something special, the guy is such a good fit for us - we are an up and coming young side and so is he in managerial terms....

cant dispute this.

but let me ask...why do you trust AVB in the transfer market?
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

I disagree, bale goes we buy another player to plug in to that position

AVB goes then it's the start of another philosophy, new coaches coming in, squad will need shuffling again, it's a whole new 5 year plan

this actually makes the most sense out of anything i have read in the last few pages

but once again....AVB technically then is in the start of his 5 year plan...so we would really only be losing one year. so since harry it wouldnt have been a 5 year it would have been a 6 year plan...is that a TOTAL disaster? for me it isnt..AVB hasnt been here long enough for his presence to be a total and utmost necessity. If anything he has instilled the kind of confidence and organisation that we lost in the latter stages of two seasons ago (and subsequently got back after harry said he cant get the england job)...that kind of mindset is transferable if you keep the core unit and their chemistry together. Thats actually the foundation, IMO , that AVB had with the one spark of greatness and ingenuity that is bale for him to build his points tally on

something funny and ironic.......when bales was out ...we actually averaged like just over 2 goals a game? or was it 2 goals a game...had we had a solid defensive line we would have been in CL. Funny that
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

AVB is the future and although i fully expect Bale to be here next season i can see Bale moving eventually so for me AVB is the one we should keep.

Yes or no question (i know you love those;))

So if you had to pick one now, you would chose AVB?
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

Granted african. You raise great points, a lot of which, i agree with. However, last seasons squad was missing madric vdv and king and big injuries to YK and Sandro. Personally i think AVB showed enough for me to believe that if he can make the squad his own, we can go places.

It is misleading to suggest we were missing Modric, VDV and King when they were no longer Spurs players
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

I disagree, bale goes we buy another player to plug in to that position

AVB goes then it's the start of another philosophy, new coaches coming in, squad will need shuffling again, it's a whole new 5 year plan

Interesting that you mention AVB in the same sentence as a 5 year plan when he does not himself have a 5 year contract
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

AVB improved Spurs last year. But we did not win anything. He has to prove himself here before he can be considered for a top job.

He is already a wealthy man so I imagine he is looking for a career in the game and he won't get that if he jumps ship.

I dont really wanna enter into this debate because I think its a load of flimflam really. BUT in regards to your first sentence - Pellegrini has won jack brick right? Yet he got the job at Man bricky. So not sure about the whole needing to win things before getting a job at PSG for example.
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

cant dispute this.

but let me ask...why do you trust AVB in the transfer market?

He signs good players and appears to be flexible in where he recruits players. Can you name a bad signing he's made for us? Sig and Holtby performance wise have probably been the weakest, yet both are immensely talented and have just needed time to settle in. Sig came into his own second half of the season and Holtby has shown glimpses, is always tough coming in January....
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

Well it seems we are looking at a lot of Brazilian/South American type players, that suggests to me he's involved....
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

AVB would be pretty dumb to go to PSG. There's absolutely no way of succeeding there - it's a weak one-horse league that he'd be expected to not lose. It's pretty much a managerial dead end.

I think they are getting Blanc anyway, as soon as Ancelotti's severance is sorted out (which is why there is currently a delay).