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Andre Villas-Boas - Head Coach

It's not all bad at all.

1) Away from home we look good
2) We're 4th which is great.
3) AVB is a very likeable guy.
4) he's signed some good players.
5) the way he's dealt with player issue so far has been nothing short of brilliant imo.

Home performances have been bad though and well below what is expected. One thing that has been going for us is that we're getting the rub of the green with referee decisions and we're getting results when we're not playing well but that could chance. I'm happy though but you can't praise him for everything he's done right and then make excuses for everything that isn't working.

Very fair comment.

But to me, "looking good playing away" and "not good enough home performances" are actually two sides of the coin. I personally believe, AVB is building a team that play consistently at home or away, his ideal team would focus on keeping possession and pressing the opponents to open up opportunity, not playing to please the home crowd. The opponents may play differently, e.g. more open at their grounds and defensively at WHL, and it ends up with different feel to the viewing crowd.

*edit* great, I finally turned the page to 200 :ross:
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this whole kind of pro avb debate that seems to have dragged on is more about not jumping on every poor performance/every poor result and look at it in more than what it is - a bad game, trying to write the manager off (which i saw many people doing and is the main reason myself and the likes of Steff tend to rally behind the manager) at such an early stage with so many things going against him and the team is futile. as i mentioned earlier, lots of changes at many clubs this season (ours more than most i believe) and how many of these clubs in the league are not also suffering from poor results/performances ?


I would like to add that my support to AVB due to the fact that he is our current manager. Touch wood, unless he crossed the Rubicon the way 'Arry and Ramos had done previously, I will keep supporting him.

Having said this, I do not mean I will blindly agree to his every decision/sub/transfer made. They are open for discussion. No man is perfect.
JURGEN SAID: Basically, you are always citing injuries as an excuse for AVB, but that didn't wash with previous managers. People didn't use that as an excuse when we finished 5th two seasons ago. I accept we've lost key players and it will take time to replace them.

I haven't made ANY excuses for AVB, I think the guy's done a great fudging job so why on earth would I make excuses for him? I merely point out to his few stoic and inflexible critics the list of things he has had to deal with, not the least of which is being a new manager at the club (although I think come Jan 1 we can strike this off). As for injuries two seasons ago when we finished 5th, your statement is so utterly general that it doesn't bear the slightest bit of weight. I am sure some people used it as en excuse!

I believe that posters will make excuses for managers that they liked, but won't do the same for managers they didn't like. Take Jol for example, the official line is we would have "DEFINITELY" finished 4th if it wasn't for a "dodgy lasagne", they just assume we would have rocked up and turned West Ham over that day, and considering the fact that they hate us above all else except for Millwall and would have been bang up for it regardless as it's their cup final, that is a pretty arrogant line of thinking. They desperately wanted to deny us CL football. And people will conveniently forget all the late goals we shipped that season that the manager must be accountable for in part at least. Those late goals cost us more than the lasagne did.

Err, with regards to me personally, whilst I was gutted over lasagnegate and believe we should've been given 24 extra hours, I was very critical of many of BMJ's decisions in the second half of the season particularly, Sunderland away and the Filth away being two examples of games we could've closed out with more bravery. So with regards to myself, sorry mate, I criticized BMJ a few times and got hammered for it at the time.

Funny how people never say we were only denied CL football last season by a totally inept performance in goal from Martin Fulop. It's no secret I was a big fan of Redknapp, but I would never say Fulop and Fulop alone cost us a place in the CL because Harry clearly made some big fudge ups last season which also cost us.

I agree.

Again, I'm not saying AVB doesn't deserve some time and patience from the supporters, but It really gets my goat when people make excuses for him EVERY TIME we drop points. There were definitely extenuating circumstance in some games, Arsenal away being a prime example, but I could cite numerous games where the manager deserves a bit of blame for the final result.

And again, I'm not saying he doesn't deserve some intelligent criticism, but some of the acute criticism the bloke's had, and some of the extreme comments about results that quite frankly our recent predecessors hadn't bettered, really gets my goat and forces me onto my rickety old soapbox for a whinge!

Both still hugely significant losses, as much as anyone we have missed this season, with the players missing in question being more important to the team back then.

Is that a fact? Really? I would say that given the level of expectation back then was relatively low (I argued with people that season that we would make the CL, most laughed at me) whereas AVB stepped into a situation where many supporters expect instant results of a top 4 calibre. I would argue that you are lacking context.

Not as bad as some of the others, but Dembele and Adebayor could both hit 30 games this season too, hasn't stopped people whinging about them not being fit.

(sigh) Context again. PLUS let's wait and see if Dembele hits 30 games this season, ditto Adebayor, before taking this one all the way.

(re: Gallas) That's less than half our games he was fit for.

Yes, but you said something about it being nearly all of the season!

(regarding application of context) I have done, and for the billionth time, I just don't think the changes that have taken place are anywhere near as bad and disruptive as some of you are making out, as we have been able to bring in new players and have still got some fudging good ones left over. The fact is, changes happen, and top managers deal with it, for example:

Everton 2004 - sold Rooney after finishing 17th - Finished 4th the following year despite also selling Gravesen in January
Tottenham 2005 - sold Kanoute who had been an integral part of our attack. Despite Defoe's form dipping without him, we finished 5th and only missed out on 4th because of a dodgy lasagne
Man Utd - 2006 - sold Van Nistelrooy - won the league after being miles off the pace in the previous 3 years
Arsenal 2007 - sold Henry - challenged for the title after two years of scrapping for 4th place
Liverpool 2008 - sold Crouch, Riise and Finnan, brought in Keane and Riera to play a more possession based and less direct style, they actually challenged for the title for the first time in years and only lost two games all season
Man Utd - 2009 - sold Ronaldo and Tevez - Still finished with 85 points and would have won the league if the linesman had noticed that Drogba's goal at Old Trafford was offside
2010 - It's hardly a fair comparison to point to Emirates Marketing Project getting miles better in this season after splashing big bucks, but nevertheless, lots of new players, style of play change, big improvements made.
Saudi Sportswashing Machine 2011 - Having sold Carroll in January, they were massively short of goalscorers. They also then sold Nolan who had been their second top scorer, Barton, Enrique and Routledge. I honestly thought they were going to struggle to stay in the division and I wasn't alone. They finished 5th.
Swansea 2012 - They have lost Caulker, Allen, Sinclair, Sigurdsson, basically all of last seasons best players except Vorm who has been injured and Dyer who hasn't even done that much this year. Oh, and they have a new manager too. They are currently higher than they finished last season. Norwich's new manager isn't doing badly either. No second season syndrome from either of these clubs.

Of the above list, Man Utd have had the same manager since the dawn of (modern) time, the Goons have had Wenger in place for ages, Liverpool had had the waiter in the chair for a while, you make the point clearly enough about Emirates Marketing Project (again not Mancini's first season in charge), Pardew did well at Newcash but not his first season with them (I believe - absolutely open to correction on that one!). In fact, the only examples I can find myself agreeing with are Swansea and Norwich, both of which are clubs which carry a significantly lower set of expectations in 2012/13 than we do.

Like I said, I'm not expecting miracles, but other clubs have experienced major changes before and have just got on with things, so I will not accept the changes, or the injuries, as a get out of jail free card when we still have such a strong squad that HAS been available. When we sold Carrick and replaced him with Zokora, people bleated on about a changing style of play and how it would take time, but Zokora, even though he was much faster and dynamic, was clearly a massive step backwards and of course we were going to struggle, that's not the manager's fault.

The manager SIGNED ZOKORA!!! martin is on record and quoted as bigging him up! Now, whether he was towing a company line or not? Who knows for real. But it was his signing. So he bears some responsibility, absolutely yes, just as AVB will if any of his signings turn out to be crap!

But even if Dembele doesn't have Modric's first touch and passing ability, he has significantly greater physical attributes and is just as good if not better at dribbling with the ball, he has the potential to be just as good as Modric was for us. It all goes back to my point, we have lost good players, but we have signed good new ones, and we have a lot of very good players who are already settled and integrated into the side, so I don't see any need to write off the season as a transitional one.

Whether you want to admit it or not, the FACTS are that last season, King, VdV, Modric, Parker, Kaboul and Ekotto were REGULAR first team starters, and that for whatever reason, this has simply NOT been the case this season, in fact we have barely seen most of them and obviously won't see three of them again in our colours. So simply by the nature of process, it HAS been a transition, simply by the fact that over half the bloody team each week has absolutely NOT been these players!

Of course this isn't the first season that our rivals haven't got their brick together. Last year, before our rivals got their brick together, we were 10+ points ahead of them. If that was the case now then I would have my tongue far up AVB's arsehole. They have been even worse this time around so there was a great opportunity for us this time that I'd have hoped we'd seize with both hands.

Because you expect it all to flow exactly as the first half of last season despite the above context. Well look mate, I cannot change that expectation, so I'm sorry you feel let down is all I can say.

Classy would be individual examples of things that other managers might not have been able to get out of their squad. A highly intelligent tactical switch. A rousing comeback from 2 goals down to win the game. A strong win away from home or against top opposition after getting a man sent off early in the game. Swashbuckling, attractive, attacking football, completely obliterating teams. A massively improved defensive record. A habit of always fighting to the death and scoring late goals.

Well it is my opinion that your expectations (and definitions) are absolutely unrealistic in such a short amount of time. visit again in 12 months and let's see. if he hasn't at least got most of those qualities rolling regularly, then I'll agree. But not after barely 6 months in charge.

The only one of these I have seen from AVB was the very impressive change at half-time in the Emirates to go 3 at the back and pack the midfield, after the other gamble of going with an aggressive 4-4-2 away from home was also paying off - unfortunately I will remember his performance in that game more for the fact that when Adebayor got sent off he stood around gormlessly and waited until they had scored not one, not two, but three goals, before actually doing something about it, when it was clear to most of us that a change needed to be made as soon as the card came out of the ref's pocket.

Oh really? I think it is VERY reasonable to think that you could tighten up and shut up shop a little tighter with two lines of 4 and a lone striker. He lost a striker remember. There were two poor errors in the first half that lead to goals. I believe that the players took a collective brick for 20 minutes at that moment. Having trudged in 3-1 down (when most of us there thought we'd get in at 1-1) he did what needed to be done to try and take the game back.

I can point to a lot more examples of tactical disasters this season from AVB too.

I'm sure you could. But I doubt I'd agree.

So until I can figure out what exactly he has brought to the table, that Harry, Jol or even the likes of Pleat, Graham, Francis and Hoddle wouldn't have been able to do in the same position, I remain sceptical. That's not to say I rate them above AVB, just that...in true Glory-Glory style, AVB....what does he do?

I don't know if any of them would've been able to do this, and it's academic. I'm dealing with now. And we shall see what he does. I feel we're already seeing it, you don't. What can I say? We disagree. We'll never change each other's perspective, so I'm out of this particular debate as there's no further point IMO.
I hear you, we've lost players, but are you saying that means we still aren't good enough to be beating Norwich, WBA and Wigan at home? We were outplayed for large parts of each game. Even with all the players we've lost, were a top 4 contender and a top 6 side at worst, were not some struggling midtable team. As for giving him two seasons, I agree, but that doesn't mean we should just brush it off when we get outplayed at home by inferior teams.

I agree that Norwich was poor and Wigan was actually brick (an awful performance, really poor) but we BATTERED West Brom first-half and missed three absolute sitters that I remember...they came on in the last 20 mins when we could not get that lift-off...
In fact, the only examples I can find myself agreeing with are Swansea and Norwich, both of which are clubs which carry a significantly lower set of expectations in 2012/13 than we do.

They are under different circumstances.

Comparing Norwich with Swansea, Laudrup has done a superb job to rebuild a midfield severely weakened by the departure of Allen, Sigurdsson and Sinclair. He not only brought in Ki, Michu, Pablo and De Guzman, he even added another defender that complements their style, Chico. Their team actually has been strenghtened at a net transfer fee of close to zero. Though they do have a weakness in dealing with set-pieces (AVB noticed their game vs. Norwich and took advantage).

On the other hand, Hughton didn't have to deal with any major departure, and he had added shrewdly some defensive pieces (Bassong, Turner, Tettey, Whittaker and Garrido) and Snodgrass to solidify his team. Though he spent more than Laudrup and those deals are big relative to Norwich, they were still money well spent, especially if compared to the big money spending teams that Norwich has conquered thus far. It took a while for Hughton's team to take off, creative linchpin Hoolahan has to be told to be more disciplined and after some shocking initial results (the losses to Foolham and Loserpool came to mind). But the transformation of their attack from Hoolahan and Holt (Morrison) to Hoolahan-Pilkington and Snodgrass-Holt was quite impressive.

So there, we have examples of two teams with new managers, one with some significant changes to its playing personnel and replacing them at nil cost (like Spurs this pre-season) and another with no major departure of key player but spent big (relative) to add to their team (like Loserpool this pre-season).

Btw, both teams are currently placed above Loserpool.
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Difference in home form compared to away could also be explained by the fact that at home, you are expected to impose your style, while the other team counters it. So the games against Norwich, West Brom and Wigan, while terrible performances, were examples of us not being able to impose our style. But during that run, we were still able to do much better away. It's totally understandable that a new team with a new manager and a new way of playing would struggle to impose their style initially. And then the home performances are now improving...so what exactly is the problem?

Even Liverpool have got 12 points from 27 available in their home games this season. Yes they've passed the ball around nicely but often aimlessly. They've had some good results away from home but they just got schooled by Villa. And they aren't winning games, where as we are. People can say we got outplayed by them but the game would have panned out totally differently had we been chasing a goal. I'd say sitting deep on a 2-0 lead when you're forced to pick Gallas and Dawson was a pragmatic, winning decision and we would have got sliced apart regularly had we decided to push up on them.

So again I ask, what's the problem? Do the earlier poor performances mean AVB is a bad manager, even though they are now improving? Does it mean he should go? Of course not. I understand that people feel the need to criticise him because there are other 'camps' that will defend him, but really considering we are 4th, considering performances are getting far better in terms of consistency over 90 minutes, I don't think there needs to be the criticism of the performances earlier in the season getting dragged up when they are largely irrelevant now. Yes they were bad, but the problems seemed to have been largely rectified. Would be nice to have everyone beyond the manager - although I get that it would make for a pretty boring discussion forum if it were the case!
another poor performance from us and it's getting pretty repetitive now.

Why wait that long to make a substitution? what kind of substitution is Parker for Dembele when you're trying to win a game?

he had no idea today imo. He saw Lennon put that shambles first half performance and he waits until the 79th min to take him off. He sees Sigurddson look good for 4 sub appearances running and gives him 10 minutes. He switches Bale to the right because of Lennon's utter turd water performance.
another poor performance from us and it's getting pretty repetitive now.

Why wait that long to make a substitution? what kind of substitution is Parker for Dembele when you're trying to win a game?

he had no idea today imo. He saw Lennon put that shambles first half performance and he waits until the 79th min to take him off. He sees Sigurddson look good for 4 sub appearances running and gives him 10 minutes. He switches Bale to the right because of Lennon's utter turd water performance.

Honestly, I don't know why you support Tottenham.
another poor performance from us and it's getting pretty repetitive now.

Why wait that long to make a substitution? what kind of substitution is Parker for Dembele when you're trying to win a game?

he had no idea today imo. He saw Lennon put that shambles first half performance and he waits until the 79th min to take him off. He sees Sigurddson look good for 4 sub appearances running and gives him 10 minutes. He switches Bale to the right because of Lennon's utter turd water performance.

What a load of crap. We played well today, absolutely dominated the game. The only mistake was playing 2 up front; but even then it's not a disastrous one. Lennon wasn't that bad, Bale on the right isn't that bad. Why does everyone cry and throw a paddy every time we don't get an easy win?! WHy do you focus on the negatives all the time instead of the positives?!

Fact is, our squad isn't good enough because of our past few windows, they've been awful. Our squad is severely lacking in key areas meaning it's difficult to change a game.
I wonder what today's excuses will be. How long before some people just admit we aren't playing as a team, the manager is responsible for this, it's the same every week and nothing is changing. Unless we have a miraculous turn around in performances (which we currently have no signs that this will happen) then we all know how AVBs Spurs career turns out.
What a load of crap. We played well today, absolutely dominated the game. The only mistake was playing 2 up front; but even then it's not a disastrous one. Lennon wasn't that bad, Bale on the right isn't that bad. Why does everyone cry and throw a paddy every time we don't get an easy win?! WHy do you focus on the negatives all the time instead of the positives?!

Fact is, our squad isn't good enough because of our past few windows, they've been awful. Our squad is severely lacking in key areas meaning it's difficult to change a game.

And the end of year award for strangest post has a new run away leader.

Lets swap our awful squad with West Brom shall we?

I mean its not like Bale, Lennon, dembele, sandro, Ade, Defoe are any good is it?
I wonder what today's excuses will be. How long before some people just admit we aren't playing as a team, the manager is responsible for this, it's the same every week and nothing is changing. Unless we have a miraculous turn around in performances (which we currently have no signs that this will happen) then we all know how AVBs Spurs career turns out.

We're struggling to break down teams that put 10 men behind the ball. It's nothing new. It's a problem we've had for years.
I don't really care for the whole branding people as part of a camp, but some of the posts in the OMT are just laughable.

Some don't like AVB for whatever reasons, and maybe even want him to fail, but we were not brick today and he is quite clearly not clueless about tactics. When you only want to see the negatives it must get really boring. Always trying to find reasons to call him a failure, never acknowledging anything positive.

You see it with certain players as well, the poster has decided in advance that a player isn't good enough and will spend his time picking their performances apart to find something to justify his criticisms.
another poor performance from us and it's getting pretty repetitive now.

Why wait that long to make a substitution? what kind of substitution is Parker for Dembele when you're trying to win a game?

he had no idea today imo. He saw Lennon put that shambles first half performance and he waits until the 79th min to take him off. He sees Sigurddson look good for 4 sub appearances running and gives him 10 minutes. He switches Bale to the right because of Lennon's utter turd water performance.

100% agree. We really need to recruit some creativity and a forward in the window if we are not to see the season fizzle out.
another poor performance from us and it's getting pretty repetitive now.

Why wait that long to make a substitution? what kind of substitution is Parker for Dembele when you're trying to win a game?

he had no idea today imo. He saw Lennon put that shambles first half performance and he waits until the 79th min to take him off. He sees Sigurddson look good for 4 sub appearances running and gives him 10 minutes. He switches Bale to the right because of Lennon's utter turd water performance.

I don't know how he could've done any better with the subs at his disposal. Sigurdsson played well when he came on, but Lennon started to get going in the second half and he has much more penetration that Sigurdsson, so I can fully understand AVB's wanted to wait with the substitutions.

I think it's the lack of a creative number 10 and/or a better striker the squad desperately needs to break down teams that just sit back. Nothing to do with AVB's abilities IMO.