Jimmy Cantrell
Clearly not the man to help Donny with his bathmophobia 
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Here it comes...
Is he still allowed to set foot in the White House up until January or can they already keep him out now?
He maintains all aspects of the Presidency until 12:00 on Jan 20th.
What a stupid notion. Who came up with such a trusting, piece of crap system of government? fudging dingdongheads.
Well its worked ok 40 odd times so far...
I guess there has to be a clear chain of command at all times. I don't think anyone believed it was possible for an administration to treat the country with such contempt, but here we are.
I guess everyone feared this transition period and the chaos that he could cause. I'm not sure how much irreparable damage he can do to the various institutions, he's done a lot already, but there are some genies that cannot be put back in the bottle, especially on the geopolitical front. His motivation to follow any norms (or laws), or any constraints on his behaviour due to the election is gone. He has nothing to lose now in a lot of ways.The best he should be able to hope for is that a failed DOJ investigation adds a form of credibility to his claims, useful when he's rallying his base.
Worst case of course, this is where he takes down US democracy. I don't think it's totally implausible we end up in a situation where two governments claim to run the country - in a way I guess we're there already.
I guess everyone feared this transition period and the chaos that he could cause. I'm not sure how much irreparable damage he can do to the various institutions, he's done a lot already, but there are some genies that cannot be put back in the bottle, especially on the geopolitical front. His motivation to follow any norms (or laws), or any constraints on his behaviour due to the election is gone. He has nothing to lose now in a lot of ways.
What is amazing, maybe even more so than Trump's behaviour, is that vast swathes of the GOP are totally on board with the notion the election has been stolen. The election has been called, there is no voter fraud, and yet senior GOP figures are calling into question its validity! And now Barr is going down the same road. One party has lost its fudging mind.
What is amazing, maybe even more so than Trump's behaviour, is that vast swathes of the GOP are totally on board with the notion the election has been stolen. The election has been called, there is no voter fraud, and yet senior GOP figures are calling into question its validity! And now Barr is going down the same road. One party has lost its fudging mind.
Some of them are in legal jeopardy for sure and that is their motivation. Actually said the same a few posts back, but that can't really explain all of them IMO.They have everything to lose, when this shakes out, most of them are going to jail.