Steffen Freund
Takes around a minute for a penalty to be taken
3.5 minutes is too long
You have 3 incidents in a game and that’s 10 minutes
They will then bring in ad breaks for tv to fill the gap at this rate
From the second the whistle is blown?
It really doesn't.
Ten minutes a game is easily wasted by players chasing after the ref to complain about something anyway.
And that assumes three instances where there is a significant event for the ref to check. Basically a goal or penalty. (Maybe a violent conduct incident).
Give the ref the power to double major decisions.
Punish players properly for chasing after the ref.
Result = massive improvement in the game.
I have to say the ref in Germany was excellent too. One instance where a player looked like giving him a bit of grief, he shut it down straight away. There was no more in the game.
Respect..... something the PL could do with learning.