Glenda's Legs
Cecil Poynton
Perhaps a fig leaf, perhaps not. I'm choosing to assume that the club has more knowledge than us, and that they wouldn't make what would at the very least be seen as a really bad decision on this.
I could be wrong on that, I'll be all with you in that case.
Bissouma's legal team may have an indication of how enquiries are progressing and which direction they are taking, all of which would not necessarily be available in the public domain, but yes, it 's possible some of that may have been filtered back to the club.
However as of now he, along with another man, remains under arrest and under investigation for sexual assault. I doubt there are many organisations that would employ someone with such a potential charge hanging over them and I wouldn't want our club to do so. Whether or not that is a fair approach when someone is innocent until proven guilty is another matter.
The other person under arrest is on bail until next week I read, so maybe there is an expectation that either charges will be dropped against both, or at least against Bissouma, at that time. Maybe we are getting things lined up to make an announcement if that happens.
I can't for one moment imagine the club signing a player when there is a risk he will have to face trial for sexual assault, but even if we have reason to believe that is not going to happen, we still shouldn't sign him whilst he is still under arrest and investigation.