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***Tottenham Hotspur VS Liverpool - Official OMT***

I'm at work........

I meant all the doom mongers and prophets of doom

its depressing

i know, seems as though people are waiting for things to go wrong so they can say "i told you so"

hope the players have more faith in them than the supporters seem to
LFC v Spurs: Reina; Kelly, Skrtel, Agger, Johnson; Spearing, Adam, Gerrard; Kuyt, Bellamy, Carroll.

Liverpool subs vs Spurs: Doni, Suarez, Hendo, Coates, Downing, Carra, Aurelio
LFC v Spurs: Reina; Kelly, Skrtel, Agger, Johnson; Spearing, Adam, Gerrard; Kuyt, Bellamy, Carroll.

Liverpool subs vs Spurs: Doni, Suarez, Hendo, Coates, Downing, Carra, Aurelio

Not a single one of that starting eleven would get into a first choice Spurs team.
LFC v Spurs: Reina; Kelly, Skrtel, Agger, Johnson; Spearing, Adam, Gerrard; Kuyt, Bellamy, Carroll.

Liverpool subs vs Spurs: Doni, Suarez, Hendo, Coates, Downing, Carra, Aurelio

average average average brick
___brick brick past it average
waste of money - rate faced clam
Tottenham Hotspur @SpursOfficial Reply Retweet Favorite ?À Open
Team v Liverpool - (poss 4-2-3-1) Friedel; Walker, Dawson, King, Assou-Ekotto; Livermore, Parker; Kranjcar, Modric, Bale; Adebayor.
for fudge sakes man we're playing Liverpool not Barcelona

we have 4 of our regular back 5 with Dawson coming in for Kaboul, who has proven he is a solid defender when played alongside King. add to that Parker and quite possibly Livermore providing a solid core in the center of the midfield as well as having Luka, Bale and Aebayor to provide some quality when we are in possession.

yes we are under strength but we have enough about us to remain strong in defense whilst having 3 top top quality attacking players to cause them problems (plus either Krancjar or Saha who aren't bad options)

Pfft, who the hell are Barcelona. They haven't beaten us for as long as I can remember, so I would be much more confident facing them. Joke aside, if King plays, I have much more confidence in Dawson. He is an excellent deputy but a very poor leader of defence. Forgotten all about Saha TBH..! The team KD presented looked quite tasty actually, but I still think that the middle will get congested and that we'll lose out there, especially if Bale plays his newfound free role. Even if we still have a good attacking options available, they are not exchangeable like for like.

Would love your optimism mate, and I'd be over the moon to be proven wrong, but I will be quite satisfied with a point today.
Tottenham Hotspur @SpursOfficial Reply Retweet Favorite ?À Open
Team v Liverpool - (poss 4-2-3-1) Friedel; Walker, Dawson, King, Assou-Ekotto; Livermore, Parker; Kranjcar, Modric, Bale; Adebayor.

I was feeling a bit down that we had a few player out, but feck me that's a good team...