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The Goon Thread

I think you're overcomplicating it if anything, I was clearly talking about important 1st team players, I can include Charile, Niko and Pienaar as well if you want? Either way it would only strengthen my point.

Important first team members?

Than Arsenal have brought in 1. Or maybe even 0.

Podolski and Giroud can't both play up front at the same time, and there won't even be one of them in the first team if RVP stays.

Thus reducing Arsenals current first team signings to zero.
I think you're overcomplicating it if anything, I was clearly talking about important 1st team players, I can include Charlie, Niko and Pienaar as well if you want? Heck, what about Saha and Nelsen? Either way it would only strengthen my point.

Ah...my bad.

I thought you were referring to the Croatians as "the two".

But I guess that you're referring to Ledley and Ade?

As to Ledley, as I said to Jurgen, he's no loss this season, IMO. He was already lost to us last season.

The "loss" of Ade is very much a concern, though.
Who are you talking about there? We've lost King and Ade.

You can dress it up and argue over little points as much as you want, but fact is we've lost/sold/returned to sender a fair few players(Corluka, King, Nelsen, Kranjcar, Pienaar, Ade, Saha) and brought in Vertonghen and Sigurdsson, with Naughton and Caulker returning from their loans. Arsenal haven't lost anyone of any importance and have signed Podolski and Giroud. They finished above us last season and have strengthened, we finished below them and have weakened.
Important first team members?

Than Arsenal have brought in 1. Or maybe even 0.

Podolski and Giroud can't both play up front at the same time, and there won't even be one of them in the first team if RVP stays.

Thus reducing Arsenals current first team signings to zero.

Podolski will play wide left, Giroud will either play up top or as competition to Van Persie if he stays. Why don't you apply that same logic to Vertonghen and Sigurdsson?
Who are you talking about there? We've lost King and Ade.

You can dress it up and argue over little points as much as you want, but fact is we've lost/sold/returned to sender a fair few players(Corluka, King, Nelsen, Kranjcar, Pienaar, Ade, Saha) and brought in Vertonghen and Sigurdsson, with Naughton and Caulker returning from their loans. Arsenal haven't lost anyone of any importance and have signed Podolski and Giroud. They finished above us last season and have strengthened, we finished below them and have weakened.

I'm not concerned by Podolski and Giroud. I think we've done better business than them thus far, in terms of incomings.
Podolski will play wide left, Giroud will either play up top of as competition to Van Persie. Why don't you apply that same logic to Vertonghen and Sigurdsson?

Giroud won't be a first team player if he's backup to Van Persie. Also Podolski out wide is sticking square pegs in round holes.

Applying the same logic to our squad?

I expect Vertonghen to be a First team player, but Sig will be backup to VDV.

So 1 in Spurs first team, 1 in Arsenal first team.

Buy a striker when they buy Carzola and we're pretty much evens.
You're unconcerned by Podolski and Giroud in the same way Arsenal fans are unconcerned by Vertonghen and Sigurdsson.

Imo he's 3rd/4th choice in their squad and if it gets to the point of them relying on him they may as well be relying on Park who they've already got.


Square peg in a round hole. If they were going to play him up front then yes, perhaps i would think they had improved, but you tell me he'll play on the wing.
Where does he play for Germany? Perhaps he will play central, I don't think he will but perhaps. Why are you writing off Giroud without seeing him play? Unless you've an avid Montpellier viewer? Both of their new signings would start for us, so if they're classed as nothing signings then I don't know what that says about our squad.
Where does he play for Germany? Perhaps he will play central, I don't think he will but perhaps. Why are you writing off Giroud without seeing him play? Unless you've an avid Montpellier viewer? Both of their new signings would start for us, so if they're classed as nothing signings then I don't know what that says about our squad.

Assuming we sign Ade, who would they replace in our team?
They wouldn't, but we haven't signed Ade. I've already been told off for assuming things. I said as it stands. They'd both give us great options up top though, which is what they're there to give Arsenal. But for some reason that doesn't count.
Where does he play for Germany? Perhaps he will play central, I don't think he will but perhaps. Why are you writing off Giroud without seeing him play? Unless you've an avid Montpellier viewer? Both of their new signings would start for us, so if they're classed as nothing signings then I don't know what that says about our squad.

Would start for us?

That says more about the state of our striking options than it does their signings.

I haven't written Giroud off, just noticed that he's not currently a quarter of the player RVP is.

Podolski? might start for us up front, but not on the wing, not even close.

Us having a lack of options up front doesn't mean everyone elses strikers suddenly become amazing.
Look, I just think it's silly to say that losing no players whilst signing Podolski and Giroud doesn't improve their squad. I'd suggest taking off the ilovespursihatearsenal specs.
Us on the otherhand are blowing our rivals out of the water ...

IN: Naughton, Vertonghen, Caulker, Sigurdsson
OUT: Corluka, King, Nelsen, Kranjcar, Pienaar, Adebayor, Saha