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The General Transfer Rumours and Speculation Thread

I find this talk quite interesting so will add my two pence!

Given Dembele's, Lamela's, Dier's, Walker's and Rose's improvement this season, not to mention the whole team ethic that has occurred, I just don't get how anyone can say with any true level of confidence that Mason, Carrol, N'Jie and any other player should or should not be sold/traded/upgraded. People were saying that we should sell Dembele, because although he had potential, he would never fulfil it. I am a Mason fan, and no doubt he has a job on his hands to win back his place but I'm not convinced that this is beyond him.

I also don't subscribe to the theory that getting in 5 players will be too much and will mess up the harmony in the squad. What this season has shown is that we have avery strong first XI but we don't have as strong a squad to compete fully in the cup competitions and Europe, meaning that Poch did have to prioritise some competitions over others. With increased money from TV and hopefully CL, we should be able to do that and 5 extra squad players could be just what we need. However, Poch knows best, and I am sure that we will back him in the market and get the right players. To have someone like N'Jie could be like having a new player given the limited time that he has played.

I think we would benefit from a striker, some competition for Dier, a backup goalkeeper (as I agree with Dubai that from a financial perspective, now may be the right time to cash in) and another midfielder. Some of those positions can be filled by the academy, but I do think that we could benefit from a real leader. Someone that our youngsters will be in awe of and will learn from.

The most important point though, is that I think every single player in this team has the capacity to play better. Learning how to grind out a 1-0, having players that make a difference when coming off the bench and also having the ability to play with two strikers will mix things up and mean that we can get the extra points that will mean a league title. Ultimately Poch will decide, but in my mind the most important signing that we can make this summer is Poch himself. He is instrumental for our team and it is obvious that a lot of these players have a great loyalty to the man.

As usual mate you make some good points (especially the importance of getting Poch signed up) and I can not really disagree with most of them.

However if we were to bring five players in ( and I do not think we will) and also keep the likes of Mason etc the squad is going to be overblown, I think most fans agree that we will strengthen the CM and if/when we do there will be some who will leave. I guess its down to opinions who they will be but Mason and Bentaleb would be the likely ones as I can not see them replacing the likes of Alii, Eriksen, Dembele let alone the ones we bring in to strengthen the M/F.
As usual mate you make some good points (especially the importance of getting Poch signed up) and I can not really disagree with most of them.

However if we were to bring five players in ( and I do not think we will) and also keep the likes of Mason etc the squad is going to be overblown, I think most fans agree that we will strengthen the CM and if/when we do there will be some who will leave. I guess its down to opinions who they will be but Mason and Bentaleb would be the likely ones as I can not see them replacing the likes of Alii, Eriksen, Dembele let alone the ones we bring in to strengthen the M/F.

If we look at our first team squad, we have the following:
  1. Lloris
  2. (Vorm)
  3. Walker
  4. (Trippier)
  5. Alderwiereld
  6. (Carter Vickers)
  7. Vertonghen
  8. (Wimmer)
  9. Rose
  10. (Davies)
  11. Dier
  12. (Bentaleb)
  13. Dembele
  14. (Mason)
  15. Lamela
  16. (Son)
  17. Alli
  18. (Onomah)
  19. Eriksen
  20. (Chadli)
  21. Kane
  22. (Njie)
The players in brackets are the cover for the first choice player. I know it’s not as simple as that and in fact if (say) Alli was out then Eriksen would probably move into the centre and Chadli or Son come into the team, but the above shows the size of our squad (or probably more pertinently, the lack of size when you consider that we cannot realistically rest players and expect to make a reasonable fist of our Champions League group (assuming we qualify).

I would say that the three players I have highlighted are all a huge drop in quality from the player they are covering. I wouldn’t be confident in these players coming in for the first choice player and being anywhere near as effective. There is also a question mark over Bentaleb covering Dier as they seem to have very different attributes as players. The players that I have highlighted may well eventually become good enough to fight for a place in our team, but I think they are all probably a couple of years away from doing so. It is therefore these three positions that we need to be going all out to strengthen. If we can also strengthen our holding midfield cover (perhaps by signing a player who can play as both a CH and a CM) then so much the better.

We will need a bigger squad next season than we had this season. We gave up the Carling Cup early and eventually gave up the Europa League due to not having the squad to challenge on multiple fronts. Yes we can add Winks, Ball and Pritchard to the above, but I think we will need more than that to have the right sized squad for next season.
If we look at our first team squad, we have the following:
  1. Lloris
  2. (Vorm)
  3. Walker
  4. (Trippier)
  5. Alderwiereld
  6. (Carter Vickers)
  7. Vertonghen
  8. (Wimmer)
  9. Rose
  10. (Davies)
  11. Dier
  12. (Bentaleb)
  13. Dembele
  14. (Mason)
  15. Lamela
  16. (Son)
  17. Alli
  18. (Onomah)
  19. Eriksen
  20. (Chadli)
  21. Kane
  22. (Njie)
The players in brackets are the cover for the first choice player. I know it’s not as simple as that and in fact if (say) Alli was out then Eriksen would probably move into the centre and Chadli or Son come into the team, but the above shows the size of our squad (or probably more pertinently, the lack of size when you consider that we cannot realistically rest players and expect to make a reasonable fist of our Champions League group (assuming we qualify).

I would say that the three players I have highlighted are all a huge drop in quality from the player they are covering. I wouldn’t be confident in these players coming in for the first choice player and being anywhere near as effective. There is also a question mark over Bentaleb covering Dier as they seem to have very different attributes as players. The players that I have highlighted may well eventually become good enough to fight for a place in our team, but I think they are all probably a couple of years away from doing so. It is therefore these three positions that we need to be going all out to strengthen. If we can also strengthen our holding midfield cover (perhaps by signing a player who can play as both a CH and a CM) then so much the better.

We will need a bigger squad next season than we had this season. We gave up the Carling Cup early and eventually gave up the Europa League due to not having the squad to challenge on multiple fronts. Yes we can add Winks, Ball and Pritchard to the above, but I think we will need more than that to have the right sized squad for next season.

So if we take the 22 players you named and the five ( coming in) which I said in my earlier post that I believe that will not happen, that makes 27 and as you say we could see Pritchard, Winks and ball making a total of 30, now ( imo) that number of players is to many ( keeping them all happy would be the first problem) and unrealistic. We will see some departures in the summer I am sure.
So if we take the 22 players you named and the five ( coming in) which I said in my earlier post that I believe that will not happen, that makes 27 and as you say we could see Pritchard, Winks and ball making a total of 30, now ( imo) that number of players is to many ( keeping them all happy would be the first problem) and unrealistic. We will see some departures in the summer I am sure.
22 mentioned + THREE coming in (improvements on those I have bolded) = 25.
Plus Pritchard = 26.
Winks and Ball would probably benefit more from loans than under 21 football at Spurs.
CCV and Onomah may also benefit more from loan football - although the player's respective ages make it advantageous for us to keep them as they can be part of the squad without taking up one of the 25 squad positions.
As usual mate you make some good points (especially the importance of getting Poch signed up) and I can not really disagree with most of them.

However if we were to bring five players in ( and I do not think we will) and also keep the likes of Mason etc the squad is going to be overblown, I think most fans agree that we will strengthen the CM and if/when we do there will be some who will leave. I guess its down to opinions who they will be but Mason and Bentaleb would be the likely ones as I can not see them replacing the likes of Alii, Eriksen, Dembele let alone the ones we bring in to strengthen the M/F.

You may be right buddy. I just am not prepared to pass judgement on Mason and Bentaleb especially as both have had some pretty serious injuries this season. Bentaleb is the worry for me because of the alleged discipline issues, as this is the one thing that Poch doesn't stand for (quite rightly). We will have to wait and see I guess. Silly season will soon be upon us!
22 mentioned + THREE coming in (improvements on those I have bolded) = 25.
Plus Pritchard = 26.
Winks and Ball would probably benefit more from loans than under 21 football at Spurs.
CCV and Onomah may also benefit more from loan football - although the player's respective ages make it advantageous for us to keep them as they can be part of the squad without taking up one of the 25 squad positions.

I would also say that I would be surprised if there weren't any outgoings such as Chadli and Vorm. I'd prefer to keep Chadli as he does a job, and am ambivalent on Vorm.
22 mentioned + THREE coming in (improvements on those I have bolded) = 25.
Plus Pritchard = 26.
Winks and Ball would probably benefit more from loans than under 21 football at Spurs.
CCV and Onomah may also benefit more from loan football - although the player's respective ages make it advantageous for us to keep them as they can be part of the squad without taking up one of the 25 squad positions.

So do you think there will be no outgoings?
Would anyone be interested in keeping track of what rumours appear first where over the summer?

I was thinking of setting up a Google sheets spreadsheet and give access to update it to anyone who is interested. We could then log rumours when they first appear,see where they get repeated and how many turn out to be true.
If we look at our first team squad, we have the following:
  1. Lloris
  2. (Vorm)
  3. Walker
  4. (Trippier)
  5. Alderwiereld
  6. (Carter Vickers)
  7. Vertonghen
  8. (Wimmer)
  9. Rose
  10. (Davies)
  11. Dier
  12. (Bentaleb)
  13. Dembele
  14. (Mason)
  15. Lamela
  16. (Son)
  17. Alli
  18. (Onomah)
  19. Eriksen
  20. (Chadli)
  21. Kane
  22. (Njie)
The players in brackets are the cover for the first choice player. I know it’s not as simple as that and in fact if (say) Alli was out then Eriksen would probably move into the centre and Chadli or Son come into the team, but the above shows the size of our squad (or probably more pertinently, the lack of size when you consider that we cannot realistically rest players and expect to make a reasonable fist of our Champions League group (assuming we qualify).

I would say that the three players I have highlighted are all a huge drop in quality from the player they are covering. I wouldn’t be confident in these players coming in for the first choice player and being anywhere near as effective. There is also a question mark over Bentaleb covering Dier as they seem to have very different attributes as players. The players that I have highlighted may well eventually become good enough to fight for a place in our team, but I think they are all probably a couple of years away from doing so. It is therefore these three positions that we need to be going all out to strengthen. If we can also strengthen our holding midfield cover (perhaps by signing a player who can play as both a CH and a CM) then so much the better.

We will need a bigger squad next season than we had this season. We gave up the Carling Cup early and eventually gave up the Europa League due to not having the squad to challenge on multiple fronts. Yes we can add Winks, Ball and Pritchard to the above, but I think we will need more than that to have the right sized squad for next season.

I agree to an extent and I was thinking yesterday about which positions where the covering player is a lot weaker than the first choice. We do desperately need a little more quality in the squad given that, as you point out, we could field weaker teams in the cups this year whereas in the CL we cant really. The squad is about the right size, just needs more quality cover. The fact that the first 11 almost pick itself week in, week out shows that the cover isn't great. As I see it:

GK: I don't rate Vorm that highly but cash is better spent elsewhere

FB: no changes needed; we have decent enough cover

CB: first choice pick themselves; one decent cover in Wimmer, probably need a 4th choice unless CCV develops quickly. Could do with someone else but low priority

CM: this season Dier and Dembele have been head and shoulders better than Mason, Bentaleb and Carroll. Personally I don't think Carroll will make it and I'd sell him. Ryan Mason could be for us what Nicky Butt was for SAF for all those years...home grown, never quite a first choice apart from in purple patches but reliable. Bentaleb needs to knuckle down under Poch pre-season, but I think we need a CM to put pressure on, and cover, Dier and Dembele. Ball and Winks can play in the domestic cups next year

AM ("the 3 behind Kane"): Again, Eriksen, Alli and Lamela pick themselves which shows that the cover isn't good enough. Son I think is worth persevering with, and Onomah/Pritchard have promise so I'd keep as a 6th choice (between them). I've never rated Chadli. We lack a top quality player to be able to rotate with the first choice three and we also lack someone with some really unpredictable creativity in the first 3rd. For me, this needs to be strengthened this summer

CF: desperately need another decent CF; Njie hasn't shown anything to suggest that he'll be up to the task next year

So I think we need, in order of priority:
- CF
- AM
- CM
- possibly a CB

Realistically we wont sign 4, but getting 3 would be great. Part finance but selling Fazio, Carroll and Chadli.
Agree with the whole post, but especially the extract above. I can't see any reason why we would not be able to agree a new attractive and rewarding deal for Poch. It's vital that we do. It could also be that what happens with Poch is a factor in players like Eriksen and Jan putting pen to paper.
I think the attractive deal will be backing him up on what he wants to do and not selling our star players, rather than the financial remuneration he will enjoy. That's a hard thing to guarantee and, even if Levy does, it can change any moment. So I think it's down to the personal relationship between coach and chairman which, until now, seems to be pretty strong.
Batshuayi’s “priority” is to join Tottenham

striker Michy Batshuayi wants to join Tottenham Hotspur in the summer transfer window, Squawka’s Greg Stobart has revealed in a Facebook Q & A.

The Belgium international is widely viewed as one of the most talented young forwards in world football and has been linked with several major clubs in recent weeks.

Tottenham appear to be the frontrunners to sign Batshuayi as the club look to ease the burden on the Premier League’s leading goalscorer Harry Kane.

Despite it appearing likely that they will miss out on the Premier League title, these are very exciting times for Tottenham, especially with manager Mauricio Pochettino revealing today that he plans to sign a new contract that will keep him at the club until 2021.

However, the club appear to be charging on with transfer plans for the summer and Stobart was asked in a Facebook Q&A who Tottenham will sign in the summer and he revealed that Batshuayi is keen on joining the club.

Stobart said on Facebook: “I’m told Michy Batshuayi, the Marseille striker, that is very, very close by all accounts. He’s got lots of interest. West Ham really want him. Then you’ve got Arsenal, Juventus, Borussia Dortmund all asking to be kept updated, but at the moment, his priority would be to sign for Tottenham.

“He’s very impressed by the club. There have been talks. Tottenham know they need some support for Harry Kane. You talk to some of the staff here today, and they’re giving up on the title. They think what it comes down to really is that first couple of months of the season, when they were drawing too many and Harry Kane only scored one in his first nine Premier League games. That’s probably what’s ultimately going to cost them the title.

“Batshuayi’s the big one for Tottenham. They only want to sign three players and the most important thing for Spurs is that they hold on to their best players. I think that’s one of the reasons Pochettino’s announced his new contract.

“So many of them are in contract talks themselves. You’ve got Christian Eriksen, Harry Kane, Hugo Lloris, Jan Vertongthen, Erik Lamela. That’s five key players all in contract talks, and, I guarantee you, having heard that Pochettino’s going to stay, that’s probably the news they wanted to hear before committing themselves to the club, especially someone like Eriksen or Lloris, because they are so bought into Pochettino and his project.”

Batshuayi has been hugely impressive this season, with the forward having scored 15 goals in 34 Ligue 1 appearances this season.

A player who possesses pace and power in abundance, Batshuayi would surely relish the opportunity to prove himself in English football and the lure of Champions League football- a competition Tottenham will almost certainly be competing in next season- would provide the prospect with an additional reason to make the switch to White Hart Lane.

Tottenham, who are seven points adrift of leaders Leicester City, take on Chelsea at Stamford Bridge on Monday in their next fixture.

Poch seems to actively prefer a tight 22-25 man squad. He cut his Espanyol and Southampton squads down to that size too. It's what Mourinho used to prefer too, and they managed to compete on 4 fronts successfully.

I think we'll pretty much be 1 out 1 in from here on.
Stobart reckons we only want to sign 3 players, which kind of ties in to what most of the forum are speculating.
I am sure we will continue to improve the quality on bench, just to be sure we have continuity on the pitch if we did sell one of our top players. so i would expect a number of outgoings, if poch wants to keep the team tight.

incoming: striker (The Belgian Bats would be perfect), AM (I hope someone hardworking and with trickery like Zaha), LM (maybe younger understudy to Chadli, can't think of any)

i am going to be reckless and suggest that the outgoings are going to be : bentaleb (same path as townsend), carroll (he doesn't really fit the tempo of the current succesful team), maybe pritchard (just not meant to be....)
Batshuayi’s “priority” is to join Tottenham

striker Michy Batshuayi wants to join Tottenham Hotspur in the summer transfer window, Squawka’s Greg Stobart has revealed in a Facebook Q & A.

The Belgium international is widely viewed as one of the most talented young forwards in world football and has been linked with several major clubs in recent weeks.

Tottenham appear to be the frontrunners to sign Batshuayi as the club look to ease the burden on the Premier League’s leading goalscorer Harry Kane.

Despite it appearing likely that they will miss out on the Premier League title, these are very exciting times for Tottenham, especially with manager Mauricio Pochettino revealing today that he plans to sign a new contract that will keep him at the club until 2021.

However, the club appear to be charging on with transfer plans for the summer and Stobart was asked in a Facebook Q&A who Tottenham will sign in the summer and he revealed that Batshuayi is keen on joining the club.

Stobart said on Facebook: “I’m told Michy Batshuayi, the Marseille striker, that is very, very close by all accounts. He’s got lots of interest. West Ham really want him. Then you’ve got Arsenal, Juventus, Borussia Dortmund all asking to be kept updated, but at the moment, his priority would be to sign for Tottenham.

“He’s very impressed by the club. There have been talks. Tottenham know they need some support for Harry Kane. You talk to some of the staff here today, and they’re giving up on the title. They think what it comes down to really is that first couple of months of the season, when they were drawing too many and Harry Kane only scored one in his first nine Premier League games. That’s probably what’s ultimately going to cost them the title.

“Batshuayi’s the big one for Tottenham. They only want to sign three players and the most important thing for Spurs is that they hold on to their best players. I think that’s one of the reasons Pochettino’s announced his new contract.

“So many of them are in contract talks themselves. You’ve got Christian Eriksen, Harry Kane, Hugo Lloris, Jan Vertongthen, Erik Lamela. That’s five key players all in contract talks, and, I guarantee you, having heard that Pochettino’s going to stay, that’s probably the news they wanted to hear before committing themselves to the club, especially someone like Eriksen or Lloris, because they are so bought into Pochettino and his project.”

Batshuayi has been hugely impressive this season, with the forward having scored 15 goals in 34 Ligue 1 appearances this season.

A player who possesses pace and power in abundance, Batshuayi would surely relish the opportunity to prove himself in English football and the lure of Champions League football- a competition Tottenham will almost certainly be competing in next season- would provide the prospect with an additional reason to make the switch to White Hart Lane.

Tottenham, who are seven points adrift of leaders Leicester City, take on Chelsea at Stamford Bridge on Monday in their next fixture.


Amazing news if true
Would anyone be interested in keeping track of what rumours appear first where over the summer?

I was thinking of setting up a Google sheets spreadsheet and give access to update it to anyone who is interested. We could then log rumours when they first appear,see where they get repeated and how many turn out to be true.
Good initiative and idea! Count me in!