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Team Baldini vs Team Timmeh - power struggle

So I take it you think this story in the media as posted by the OP is complete BS? If so, where do you think it came from?

I don't really know or care TBH. Tim has said in every IV he is only interested in players immediately better than the ones he has got. I think that puts the ball firmly in Baldini's court.

There may well be a battle going on between the 2 of them. Tim has laid down the battle lines.

Or maybe there is no battle.
It is exceedingly likely that Baldini and Tim don't particularly care for one another. That's understandable given the circumstances at the club, and as long as neither of them lets said animosity affect their own performances there isn't much to worry about.

What is deeply worrying, however, is the likelihood that Baldini has been effectively sidelined by Levy when it comes to the future of the club. First, his mate is sacked. Then, Levy appoints his own 'favoured' man Tim in his place. And now, we hear reports that Louis Van Gaal ( whose desire for full control at his previous clubs seems incompatible with the presence of Baldini) has had private discussions with Levy over a full-time role come the summer should Full-time Tim fail to impress.

It smacks of Baldini being sidelined, all that. Which, if true, is absolutely horrifying in its implications: we give him 120 million to spend and then seek to remove him just a few months later to return to either Tim's 'Harry lite' approach or a setup without a DoF, all of which indicates stupidity, short-sightedness and utterly idiotic thinking permeating the very top brass of this football club. In other words, massive problems at the top, which likely cannot be solved without ENIC selling up. A troubling possibility indeed.
It is exceedingly likely that Baldini and Tim don't particularly care for one another. That's understandable given the circumstances at the club, and as long as neither of them lets said animosity affect their own performances there isn't much to worry about.

What is deeply worrying, however, is the likelihood that Baldini has been effectively sidelined by Levy when it comes to the future of the club. First, his mate is sacked. Then, Levy appoints his own 'favoured' man Tim in his place. And now, we hear reports that Louis Van Gaal ( whose desire for full control at his previous clubs seems incompatible with the presence of Baldini) has had private discussions with Levy over a full-time role come the summer should Full-time Tim fail to impress.

It smacks of Baldini being sidelined, all that. Which, if true, is absolutely horrifying in its implications: we give him 120 million to spend and then seek to remove him just a few months later to return to either Tim's 'Harry lite' approach or a setup without a DoF, all of which indicates stupidity, short-sightedness and utterly idiotic thinking permeating the very top brass of this football club. In other words, massive problems at the top, which likely cannot be solved without ENIC selling up. A troubling possibility indeed.

that makes grim reading
It is exceedingly likely that Baldini and Tim don't particularly care for one another. That's understandable given the circumstances at the club, and as long as neither of them lets said animosity affect their own performances there isn't much to worry about.

What is deeply worrying, however, is the likelihood that Baldini has been effectively sidelined by Levy when it comes to the future of the club. First, his mate is sacked. Then, Levy appoints his own 'favoured' man Tim in his place. And now, we hear reports that Louis Van Gaal ( whose desire for full control at his previous clubs seems incompatible with the presence of Baldini) has had private discussions with Levy over a full-time role come the summer should Full-time Tim fail to impress.

It smacks of Baldini being sidelined, all that. Which, if true, is absolutely horrifying in its implications: we give him 120 million to spend and then seek to remove him just a few months later to return to either Tim's 'Harry lite' approach or a setup without a DoF, all of which indicates stupidity, short-sightedness and utterly idiotic thinking permeating the very top brass of this football club. In other words, massive problems at the top, which likely cannot be solved without ENIC selling up. A troubling possibility indeed.

I think this is just TS and his media chums ****-stirring. I don't think Baldini is being sidelined by the top brass at all, but just TS trying to use PR to make his life difficult and perhaps force his resignation again (remember it was reported that Levy rejected Baldini's resignation a few weeks back?).

I think TS is trying to create a 'back me or sack me' atmosphere at the club. I also think it's significant that this story comes out after our limp loss yesterday...
I think this is just TS and his media chums ****-stirring. I don't think Baldini is being sidelined by the top brass at all, but just TS trying to use PR to make his life difficult and perhaps force his resignation again (remember it was reported that Levy rejected Baldini's resignation a few weeks back?).

I think TS is trying to create a 'back me or sack me' atmosphere at the club. I also think it's significant that this story comes out after our limp loss yesterday...

In that case Levy needs to simply pull Sherwood into his office and say "Timothy, I have given you the team, not the club. Now go out there and try and choose the right players to win the next game, there's a good chap".
Baldini has come in and done a great job at making transfers happen, I think we all could say that most of what happened last summer would not have gone through if Levy was running the show as it's likely he would've haggled the deals to death. We need Baldini, because he's the negotiator that every club needs. For those that list Wenger, he always had David Dein in his corner and the two together worked wonders. From what someone posted back in 2013, Baldini had a big say in AVB being pushed out having watched AVBs coaching techniques and been extemely unimpressed (I can't remember where I read that, but it was on here).

With regards to Sherwood's promotion there is only speculation. We all know he is from Redknapp's school of management and it wouldn't suprise me if the bloke felt he should be number one in all respects, including staff appointments. It seems Sherwood wants to be a MANAGER and not a COACH. Baldini on the other hand was told he was the Director of Football and from doing the job at other clubs has assumed he is responsible for appointing scouts etc. If Levy gives in to Sherwood then Baldini's position is undermined, if however he sided with Baldini then Sherwood's ego will have taken a bump.

Speaking personally, Levy should leave the decision with Baldini. The man likely has way more contacts across the globe than Sherwood has in this country. I don't say this with an aim to be derogatory to Sherwood, but in his brief time in the management scene he couldn't have buillt up the same amount of contacts as Baldini. I get that Sherwood is ambitious and likely does want to make this job his and drive the club onwards, but maybe at this early stage of his fledgling career, he should focus on the coaching side for a bit.
I think this is just TS and his media chums ****-stirring. I don't think Baldini is being sidelined by the top brass at all, but just TS trying to use PR to make his life difficult and perhaps force his resignation again (remember it was reported that Levy rejected Baldini's resignation a few weeks back?).

I think TS is trying to create a 'back me or sack me' atmosphere at the club. I also think it's significant that this story comes out after our limp loss yesterday...

It is an eminently stupid thing to do, which is why I don't think he's doing it at the moment. Come what may, he's got the job until the end of the season. After that, the summer will arrive, bringing with it a whole host of famous names with glittering CVs just waiting for a good offer. We have already established that Levy holds grudges for a long, long time: I still don't think he's forgiven United for their pursuit of Berbatov in 2008, for example. What is the point, then, of antagonizing Levy (who isn't a man I'd imagine is swayed by impetuous demands by his manager: see Redknapp's 'new contract' for details)? All a call of 'back me or sack me' will do is make Levy bear a grudge that will only make it harder for Tim to stay on come May, even if he's done a good job, and given his lack of experience I don't think a club of our size would take him on should we decide to let him go. It's career damaging to demand anything of the chairman at this point, especially when he's already given you the job temporarily despite a public outcry and the fans' wariness over your suitability for the role.

Tim has nothing to gain from making a 'back me or sack me' claim, imo. He's already got the job till May, and it's not like he's beloved by the squad or adored by the fans: in fact, the person who most ardently believes in him is probably Levy, judging by the way he's kept Tim on the same 'transfer committee' that big names like AVB and Baldini have been on. So no one will unduly miss him should he decide to leave: he hasn't built up enough leverage yet. Ergo, it's a stupid move, and I don't think Tim is dumb enough to make said move.

No, this seems legitimate enough, which is worrying. My worry is that Tim is undermining Baldini via his close links to Levy, and my hope is that Levy has the balls and the brains to stand firm in his decision to appoint a DoF again: otherwise, we will have wasted the biggest windfall in our history and taken several large steps backwards, all while becoming the same old laughing stock we were pre-2010.
There's a lot of speculation there with nothing to back it up. My understanding is that Baldini was part of the committee along with Levy, Sherwood and AVB. I'd be interested in reading or listening to anything that backs up your theory of two transfer committee's working in isolation. Also how do you know which coaches Baldini recommended?

This would make sense... Chairman, DoF, manager and technical director would all have a valid input to transfers of all types. People just like a good conspiracy. Especially when its back up with unsubstantiated media drivel.
It is an eminently stupid thing to do, which is why I don't think he's doing it at the moment. Come what may, he's got the job until the end of the season. After that, the summer will arrive, bringing with it a whole host of famous names with glittering CVs just waiting for a good offer. We have already established that Levy holds grudges for a long, long time: I still don't think he's forgiven United for their pursuit of Berbatov in 2008, for example. What is the point, then, of antagonizing Levy (who isn't a man I'd imagine is swayed by impetuous demands by his manager: see Redknapp's 'new contract' for details)? All a call of 'back me or sack me' will do is make Levy bear a grudge that will only make it harder for Tim to stay on come May, even if he's done a good job, and given his lack of experience I don't think a club of our size would take him on should we decide to let him go. It's career damaging to demand anything of the chairman at this point, especially when he's already given you the job temporarily despite a public outcry and the fans' wariness over your suitability for the role.

Tim has nothing to gain from making a 'back me or sack me' claim, imo. He's already got the job till May, and it's not like he's beloved by the squad or adored by the fans: in fact, the person who most ardently believes in him is probably Levy, judging by the way he's kept Tim on the same 'transfer committee' that big names like AVB and Baldini have been on. So no one will unduly miss him should he decide to leave: he hasn't built up enough leverage yet. Ergo, it's a stupid move, and I don't think Tim is dumb enough to make said move.

No, this seems legitimate enough, which is worrying. My worry is that Tim is undermining Baldini via his close links to Levy, and my hope is that Levy has the balls and the brains to stand firm in his decision to appoint a DoF again: otherwise, we will have wasted the biggest windfall in our history and taken several large steps backwards, all while becoming the same old laughing stock we were pre-2010.

So you think Tim is not dumb enough to make said move and create a 'back me or sack me' situation, but you think Levy is dumb enough to listen to Tim whilst Tim tries to undermine Baldini??
Message to Levy, if you have an idea please back your guy and stick to it rather than flip flopping like an idiot. I can't argue with the progress we've made over the past decade but for crying out loud get your house in order.

No wonder he refused to talk to THST when they asked. I'd love to think there was a plan here but it honestly feels like we have brought in a bunch of mavericks all wanting to stamp their own authority on the club.

I'll know it's gone terribly wrong when we bring in Fletcher or Long and Baldini leaves. It will mean Levys master plan lasted just 6 months, he trusted two guys to spend over £100m then let them leave.

The situation is far from bleak, we're still in an incredibly promising position but these last few months have threatened to derail our climb and is looking like possibly plunging us back to the dreary days of the noughties.

Did he now.. lol The boat is sinking Mr Levy.. the boat is sinking. Watch how overnight Mr Levy turns into Cyril Sneer.
Having read this thread I am pleased that people seem to be realising that Mr Levy really is a dumbass on the football side of things. Tick Tock

Guys.. Baldini is still only there to provide Daniel Levy yet another shield before the shovel of **** lands on his doorstep.
The evidence speaks for itself regarding Levy. Without him we wouldn't have progressed as far as we have but with him we have missed out on some great signings and gained a reputation. I hoped Baldini was the man to alleviate all those troubles.
No atm I still think Levy is playing a careful game to see who the really skilful people are and who the sly snakes are. Perhaps AVB was really untenable in the end, but the situation now might be being used by different factions to further their own selfish interests.
If TS did leak this story to the press, like I suspect he did, Levy will sit back and leave him with enough rope to hang himself with imo.

Him not talking to the THST at this time may more be a chess-game move to keep his cards close to his chest and see how things work out for now.
I very much doubt he is wanting to appoint 'a scout for Timmie'
The evidence speaks for itself regarding Levy. Without him we wouldn't have progressed as far as we have but with him we have missed out on some great signings and gained a reputation. I hoped Baldini was the man to alleviate all those troubles.

How do you know this?. Someone could have done a better job, someone could have done worse.. you don't know without switching parallel universes on a Monday.
No atm I still think Levy is playing a careful game to see who the really skilful people are and who the sly snakes are. Perhaps AVB was really untenable in the end, but the situation now might be being used by different factions to further their own selfish interests.
If TS did leak this story to the press, like I suspect he did, Levy will sit back and leave him with enough rope to hang himself with imo.

Him not talking to the THST at this time may more be a chess-game move to keep his cards close to his chest and see how things work out for now.
I very much doubt he is wanting to appoint 'a scout for Timmie'

He is keeping the distance because he knows, once we start crossing that line of judgement.. he will have too.... bring out those new stadium plans.

And they are not ready yet. \o/

Daniel Levy and Timmeh meet to discuss Baldini.
This story really doesn't make much sense.

1. TS is two weeks into the job and is already trying to overturn the club's entire sporting structure, which itself is the baby of the man who'll be appointing the next head coach? Hardly sounds like a great job application.

2. How can people on the one hand argue that TS is a bit of a bumpkin - tawkin' like 'Arry, 4-4-2, run around a bit - but on the other hand say that he is running political circles around AVB, Baldini and Levy (in that order)? People can't make up their minds whether he's Dave Bassett or Gordon Gekko.

3. If Baldini is leaving the club in the summer - I don't think we have any evidence that's true btw - then all talk of a power struggle is moot, because Baldini would have no power in that situation anyway. Levy wouldn't sanction any of his major appointments if he knows he's out the door, and especially not if the head coach has his own ideas.

4. It's possible there is disagreement without it being a major issue.

5. There is some slippery language in that piece that makes it hard to tell exactly what job or jobs are being referred to. It's not clear the two men are disagreeing over a specific name for a specific job (if they are disagreeing at all.)
I'm still on the fence about Baldini. I was happy that spurs had stopped being the laughing stock of thy prem on deadline day but the man has been known to spend some serious wonga. Not his fault I suppose its levy who has the final say after all.
The thing is, to make the DoF-coach thing work, the DoF really needs to appoint the coach (or even the other way round like AVB did pushing Levy to get Baldini in).

Levy seems to almost foster these factions - power hungry underlings who'll fight each other for his favour, all this transfer committee vs DoF vs coach nonsense.

They say conflict creates creativity, but for us it just magnifies the shambles we are.

So why didn't it work then?
It smacks of Baldini being sidelined, all that. Which, if true, is absolutely horrifying in its implications: we give him 120 million to spend and then seek to remove him just a few months later to return to either Tim's 'Harry lite' approach or a setup without a DoF, all of which indicates stupidity, short-sightedness and utterly idiotic thinking permeating the very top brass of this football club. In other words, massive problems at the top, which likely cannot be solved without ENIC selling up. A troubling possibility indeed.

gotta wonder why baldini offered to resign after AVB...could he have been in agreement with AVB on the need for more signings (that weren't coming)? could he have tried to veto sherwoods appointment?

whatever it is, levy has messed up again.