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Summer transfer thread, AvB window wrap up pg 1527

Which player would you like to see take over from Luka Modric?

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Hearing that Seydou Doumbia and Jan Vertonghen deals are done. And will be revealed on July 1st. #THFC #rumour -- Transferfootball (@TransfersCentre)
I really didn't see Dortmund as a selling club, but that's two of their best players gone to Utd. :-k

They will see it as a plus as they are not adding to Bayern's strength. As quite often happens in Germany the best players in the league end up at Bayern.
Who: The Journalist
When: 8th June
Where: SC

As soon as Barcelona tie up the Alba deal; Madrid will bid for Modric.
The obvious question is why would Barcelona signing Alba have any effect on Madrid signing Modric.
But it does. Even though Modric is Madrids number 1 transfer target, as ive been saying for months, they want to make sure that if bids for Gareth Bale come in then they will be in a postition to compete.
So Alba to Barcelona; Modric to Madrid; and Gareth Bale to stay at Tottenham.

Regarding the Belgium defender; told the deal is "pending"
So it will be done very very soon.

Information about Remy has dried up. Last thing i heard was HE was stalling; but there is no info coming in.
Don't sound like Tottenham are too bothered. Interest is drifting.

I just back up what i said before; Tottenham have spoken to both Luuk de Jong and Lloris.
I really didn't see Dortmund as a selling club, but that's two of their best players gone to Utd. :-k

They sold Sahin last summer and he had been their best player that season.

Despite a massive stadium and recent success I think their finances are a bit iffy, they were in massive debt 5-6 years ago, not sure if that's dealt with. Either way their wage budget has been very small compared to Bayern for example and they have seemed unwilling to extend themselves much with wages.

Kagawa only had a year left on his contract I think and was unwilling to sign a new one, so they let him go. Think it was the same with Sahin last seasons. Lewandowski is more surprising, but it might be a case that they think he over performed last season and that they want to cash in while they can. Might also be a contract issue/want away player thing, but I thought they signed him only two years ago. According to wiki they did in deed sign him in 2010 and again according to that he signed a 4 year contract so would have two years left.

Could be that they just want to cash in, they've also sold Barrios I think so I'm guessing they're planning to sign a striker. Will possibly for them mean that they can hold on to Hummels and G?Âtze who are their most exciting players imo as well as Subotic and some young German midfielder whose name escapes me at the moment.
Who: The Journalist
When: 8th June
Where: SC

As soon as Barcelona tie up the Alba deal; Madrid will bid for Modric.
The obvious question is why would Barcelona signing Alba have any effect on Madrid signing Modric.
But it does. Even though Modric is Madrids number 1 transfer target, as ive been saying for months, they want to make sure that if bids for Gareth Bale come in then they will be in a postition to compete.
So Alba to Barcelona; Modric to Madrid; and Gareth Bale to stay at Tottenham.
Total pish

Regarding the Belgium defender; told the deal is "pending"
So it will be done very very soon.
He's told us that himself you useless taco

Information about Remy has dried up. Last thing i heard was HE was stalling; but there is no info coming in.
Don't sound like Tottenham are too bothered. Interest is drifting.
Because its not been in the papers as a rumour for a few days you think its drifting ? lol

I just back up what i said before; Tottenham have spoken to both Luuk de Jong and Lloris.
and I have spoken, your're a taco.
Lewandowski is pants - don't panic

Even if true - they can't keep 4 strikers happy - Hernandez would be the obviousy choice, of course
Agent_ITK @Agent_ITK

Thinking about retiring from twitter, enjoy the Euros.

These are the transfers he's predicted for us:

Siem De Jong
Ante Vukusic
Loic Remy
Jermain Defoe to West Ham
Mario Ticinovic
Moussa Dembele
Ledley King to Reading
Brendan Rodgers
Rob Green
Marvin Martin
James Tomkins
Marouane Fellaini
Giovani Dos Santos to Liverpool
Jan Vertonghen
Niko Kranjcar to Dinamo Kiev

It'd be an interesting window, that's for sure
These are the transfers he's predicted for us:

Siem De Jong
Ante Vukusic
Loic Remy
Jermain Defoe to West Ham
Mario Ticinovic
Moussa Dembele
Ledley King to Reading
Brendan Rodgers
Rob Green
Marvin Martin
James Tomkins
Marouane Fellaini
Giovani Dos Santos to Liverpool
Jan Vertonghen
Niko Kranjcar to Dinamo Kiev

It'd be an interesting window, that's for sure

Vertonghen and Kranjcar were mentioned by him after others had said so at least he is consistent with his predictions. 0%.