Vinnie Samways
Made a demand for what? If they Demanded Halal meat they got it. If the Shop wanted to give them what they wanted then they just had to stock Halal meat. Freedom of choice. But this still has nothing to do with them not selling Bacon or pork.
I think what I am trying to get across. That is the consumers in these areas must have said something along the lines that as long as Subway sold Pork products they would not frequent the stores. So yes, if they are doing it for financial gain to get these customers in then so be it.
But why do that? does that mean shops that dont have many veggie customers should stop stocking veggie items? what happened to just giving choice over to the public?
so you would be quite happy if your local Asda, Tesco etc decided not to stock pork products due to the majority local consumer?
according to the article this is a result of subways demographic analysis not in response to any organised action
as for choice, well, its subway, there are thousands of them, just walk 4 doors up the high street to the non halal one