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Spurs v Stoke - Official match thread

Think Eriksen would have plenty of takers - would be an ideal squad player for a number of top teams. Lloris, he seems to have one rooster up every 10 games or so which I guess is not too bad.
Poch has to shoulder some of the blame for the malaise:

Mason and Bentaleb hasn't been working for ages. Stambouli or Dembele still nowhere in sight.
Chiriches should never be anywhere near the team.
Tried to rotate through a heavy fixture list and we came out with nothing and no momentum.
Odd attitude when discussing the remaining fixtures and the EL. Kinda looked like his was on holiday himself.
Persisting with the absolutely dreadful Townsend.
Pressing game evaporated - not sure what our style is at the moment.

Having said all that I think we are decently positioned going into the summer. Hopefully we'll finally buy players in positions that we actually need and shift all the poison deadwood and dreck.

Like the core of the side and its very young. Poch's reputation seems to be someone who gets buy from young players and develops them.

As for today? Forgeet about it. This is fudging awful. Count down the games and get it over and done with as quickly as possible. Hoefully we won'T have to suffer chiriches in a spurs shirt again.
Think Eriksen would have plenty of takers - would be an ideal squad player for a number of top teams. Lloris, he seems to have one rooster up every 10 games or so which I guess is not too bad.

Exactly. How many midfielders in the league have scored 10 league goals?
And then people want to hang on to Lloris and Eriksen after displays like that.

Isn't bloody fair to them, staying around in an utterly unambitious side content with huge profits and off-pitch projects while the playing side goes to hell.

Let 'em go, bring in Josh Onomah and Jordan Archer. Let's stop pretending. :(
Poch has to shoulder some of the blame for the malaise:

Ultimately, I think its that he hasn't managed to make this team hard to beat. You'll get time and space to break against us, always.

As a team we're not disciplined, we don't stop the other team from playing. So much for the press. It either does not work, or is not being implemented.
No don't let Lloris and Eriksen go ! We won't get the money back, and they'll just player in another EPL side.

Unless they go to a different league of course.
We've been gifting goals at the back for a few years now, someone could put together quite the Youtube clip of Spurs defending rooster-ups.

I'm at a loss as to why we seem to be indecisive or show bad decision making when defending.