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So, what happened today?

Or how about they have adverts and we don't have to pay anything

Wealthier households might have to pay more for the BBC, former chairman Richard Sharp has suggested.

The licence fee system is "regressive", he said, and could instead be replaced by a tax on broadband bills or a household levy based on property value.

The BBC said the fee was the "agreed method of funding until at least 2027" and helped it remain independent.
Or how about they have adverts and we don't have to pay anything

Wealthier households might have to pay more for the BBC, former chairman Richard Sharp has suggested.

The licence fee system is "regressive", he said, and could instead be replaced by a tax on broadband bills or a household levy based on property value.

The BBC said the fee was the "agreed method of funding until at least 2027" and helped it remain independent.
How about not! I'm so happy we also have a tv-license funded national broadcaster! Actually they moved it from a separate license fee and over to tax a few years ago. I'm more than happy to pay it, to not having to view fudging ads!! Ads are a fudging pain in the ass.
Also, it keeps the broadcaster neutral, which is very important! Imagine the scenario where one of the biggest buyers of ads is involved in some scandal. How will the broadcaster, that is heavily funded by that company, report on it? Very difficult to be impartial in such situations.
How about not! I'm so happy we also have a tv-license funded national broadcaster! Actually they moved it from a separate license fee and over to tax a few years ago. I'm more than happy to pay it, to not having to view fudging ads!! Ads are a fudging pain in the ass.
Also, it keeps the broadcaster neutral, which is very important! Imagine the scenario where one of the biggest buyers of ads is involved in some scandal. How will the broadcaster, that is heavily funded by that company, report on it? Very difficult to be impartial in such situations.
You're talking about the BBC here, the same BBC that covered over years of child abuse and other such heinous crimes
Yes onto extreme wokeness

Being anti discrimination on an extreme level is a good thing no? As explained by Karl Popper back in the 40s in the tolerance paradox, one must be intolerant of intolerance.

Or are you going on the vague gammon definition where anyone different is the enemy and any level of inclusivity is just being rammed down your throat, boo hoo not everyone is exactly like me!

It's funny on the beeb, most right wing people think it's a lefty propaganda machine and the lefties think the same but going the other way. It's like how most fans think the media has done kind of agenda against their club and all other rivals are media darlings...
Or how about they have adverts and we don't have to pay anything

Wealthier households might have to pay more for the BBC, former chairman Richard Sharp has suggested.

The licence fee system is "regressive", he said, and could instead be replaced by a tax on broadband bills or a household levy based on property value.

The BBC said the fee was the "agreed method of funding until at least 2027" and helped it remain independent.
Over here there is a bit of a furore around the finances of our own broadcaster, which is largely license fee/state funded but also with commerical revenue. Without delving too far into it, adding commerical sources of revenue introduces conflicts of interest. How could it not?
It is bad enough that political appointees already influence BBC programming and content, but adding outside money from jeebus knows where into the mix would kill off any notion of impartiaity. The BBC needs to depoliticise it's leadership and get back to the bland neutral ground it used to occupy.
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Great week for critters at our cottage, a humble wood-frame, 800 sq. ft. structure built back in the mid-1950s. We've got 3 acres of wooded land with 200 feet of shoreline, about 250 km north of Toronto.

Weather was gorgeous all week so we slept with both bedroom windows wide open, looking out toward the forest behind our cottage. Woke up at 6:28 am on Thursday and there was a young adult female deer grazing on juniper berries not 20 feet away. Heard us trying to quietly grab shots on our phones. Huge ears swivelled toward us like a pair of satellite dishes. Just calmly taking it all in before strolling away to munch at another nearby juniper bush.

Day before, we watched a dragonfly slowly emerge from it's larval body on a rock behind our shoreline dock. Amazing spectacle as the larval body split open down the back and the adult dragonfly emerged, vertically at first, then leaning forward to get it's abdomen and wings out. We revere them as they hoover up pests like mosquitoes and deerflies.

Prior to that, an early morning walk offered great views of a family of loons fishing in a shallow bed of reeds. The adults would dive down and emerge with minnows in their beaks for the little ones to devour. Then, the chicks would take turns diving below the water to try catching fish for themselves.

A pair of wood ducks came flapping round the point and as they neared the loons - the aggressively dominant water bird on Canadian lakes - they let loose with big wet bowel movements. I thought it might be deliberate but they blithely flew past and splashed down beside a bed of reeds to continue their foraging.

Pics to follow.
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Being anti discrimination on an extreme level is a good thing no? As explained by Karl Popper back in the 40s in the tolerance paradox, one must be intolerant of intolerance.

Or are you going on the vague gammon definition where anyone different is the enemy and any level of inclusivity is just being rammed down your throat, boo hoo not everyone is exactly like me!

It's funny on the beeb, most right wing people think it's a lefty propaganda machine and the lefties think the same but going the other way. It's like how most fans think the media has done kind of agenda against their club and all other rivals are media darlings...

I’ve always thought the BBC try and play it down the middle. There are always going to be individuals who have their biases and political leanings. Channel 4 IMO is by far the most liberal-leaning, lefty channel on British tv. Not saying that is a good or a bad thing, just an observation.
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