Michael Brown
My education was paid for. My son will never go to a state school, therefore I have no need to pay (other than extortion).
We're still being taxed because of the debts run up by your side of the centre. Once the deficit is clear, I'd expect to see tax cuts. I don't believe they will ever get back to where they should be though (somewhere around a flat rate of 20%).
As for what taxes should pay for, I think we differ a little. I think taxes are for the things that cannot be split individually, although there is scope for variation.
So street lighting has to be paid for by tax - you can't opt out of using it. Same with defence. Roads need to be kept up centrally, but they could prioritise lanes and usage based on the amount of tax spent.
Schools are the perfect example of something I can opt out of and should therefore get a discount on my taxes.
Oh he goes to a private school whose tax breaks we help fund. Great.
If you think New Labour were my side of centre you are wrong,they were hand in hand with your side of the debate. Just look at Peter Mandelson.