I guess it's wrong, although kids don't ask to be born. When they are here, it's probably better that their parents raise them. If their parents are skint, it's probably beter they get given some help. You can blame me for having a kid, but f*ck it -- we get one life and if you want to have kids, you just gotta do it and make the best of it. If that means playign the game, so be it.
The government could perhaps legislate that the minimum wage is higher. Instead, they decide that they want business to have a subsidy, whereby any low wage employers who want children will have their incomes topped up by the state. Perhaps sterilise everyone who earns below a certain amount, but then where will the low wage bods of the future come from?
The thing that will really boil your p1ss is that I'd probably be financially better off if we had another kid -- we'd get a bigger house too. A couple of years ago, me and the mrs were living with my parents -- when we moved out, I made sure we moved into a 1 bedroom place, because I knew we'd want to have a child at some point, and that if we only had a 1 bedroom place when she was born, the council would get us a 2 bedroom place. Now we live in a 2 bed bungalow in the countryside for a cheaper rent than the private rental of the 1 bed house we were previously in, with a more secure tennancy to boot. Annnnd, if we were to have another kid, because the 2nd bedroom is small, we'd be eligable for a 3 bedroom house ( I know this because that's what happened with the previous tennants here).
To further anger you, I am pretty sure that if I cut down my hours of work from the current 40+ to a 30 hour week, my benefits would rise to make up the shortfall - I'd get the same money overall each month for working less hours per week. This is something that I'm going to do in the future, because it'd be a bit stupid not to.
If you are gonna be a skint, low wage worker, then you just have to play the game and life can be ok. Probably not ok by your standards (I gather you earn a few quid Scara) but not too bad. I'm not going on loads of foreign holidays or driving round in a new car made from plasma tellies, but life is alright.
As for whether it's right, well from your point of view then no. I'm a feckless, irresponsible waster who should never have decided to have children. I should have worked in my low wage job until I either bettered myself, or dropped dead childless. The government is taking money from your pockets and putting it into mine, so my wife can stay at home while I work. Your tax money allows my business to keep their wages low for the drones that work in the warehouse.
It's the single blokes I feel sorry for. They will get the same sh1tty wage, but no help whatsoever. The government, it seems, wants to encourage people to have children at all costs.
Your wife has the choice to work though doesn't she?
I suspect that most of us here with kids had to both work in order to give them the lifestyle we want to. So the question really is why should the state encourage your wife not to work? It just seems ridiculous.
All of that aside, it's not what the government gives you that I find offensive, it's your pride in having twisted the system to take more of our money.