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........if people on yer can tell me where are they going on holidays soo i can avoid them..........you know the type,you bump into them by the breakfast bar and moan about everything and everything,even if it rains......feck sake..........top 4 club and still going on on on on.........and on.......

I realise that the correct use of English is hardly de rigueur in your part of the world, but for the sake of the rest of us, could you at least try? We'd all be very grateful.

Thanks ;)
And everyone predicted we finish 6th this season after finishing 5th last year ,so where did we end up,a point away from third,isn't that progress,or dont league tables position mean anything now??

Top, top, toptoptoptoptoptoppity top post mate (think smashey and nicey)

I can't find a smiley orchestra playing Wagners ride of the Valkyries so this will have to do


(sorry, but as everyone else has resorted to putting out an arse kissing post if someone says what they are thinking, I wanted to get into the groove)

(err, when I say groove, I don't mean your groove)

(as in buttock cleft)

(nothing gay, you understand)

toptoptoptoptoptoppity top post
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I don't think so, because at the end of the day we still only won 1 game, and lost 6 against the "top 4." That's not good enough anymore. There are a lot of 'stats' that can back me up on that but maybe it does come down to just opinion or perspective at the end of the day.

The main point is to look to the future. We couldn't do it this year, and next year is going to be far more difficult it looks like. To me that implies that we have to look at it as a risk/reward scenario. We don't have a lot to lose, but everything to gain if we can manage to land a manager who turns out to be really great. As I said, it's a risk, but it is simply something we have to do imo, because we can't compete with worse resources as well as a worse manager, we need to attempt to balance the scales and the only way we can do that is by attempting to get someone new who we think can really bring something special to the table. Otherwise, if you don't take the initiative to change the game, the outcome won't be different either. Same thing next season folks? Or would we actually like to be a little daring and try to push forward.

100% agree with this. Remember we didnt "do it " the previous year either. In both cases the season ended on a downer. This season's collapse though was the last straw. The fact is that it didnt happen in isolation. To keep doing the same thing and expect a different result is the height of folly.

I also agree that next year it will be harder. The Mancs are way ahead, Arse and Chelsea have already strengthened, Liverpool and Saudi Sportswashing Machine can no longer be discounted. I think the silence emanating from WHL at this critical time is deafening. Something must be up behind the scenes or why else would we not be signing Harry's choices now.
100% agree with this. Remember we didnt "do it " the previous year either. In both cases the season ended on a downer. This season's collapse though was the last straw. The fact is that it didnt happen in isolation. To keep doing the same thing and expect a different result is the height of folly.

I also agree that next year it will be harder. The Mancs are way ahead, Arse and Chelsea have already strengthened, Liverpool and Saudi Sportswashing Machine can no longer be discounted. I think the silence emanating from WHL at this critical time is deafening. Something must be up behind the scenes or why else would we not be signing Harry's choices now.

No signs of hysterical hyperbole here then?

The silence from WHL is deafening?

ye gods, if he talks to the press he's a gobbrick, if he keeps himself to himself he's abandoned us

and just what - in the name of all thats holy - is CRITICAL at this time? Does the new season start tomorrow?

Take a deep breath and calm down.
No signs of hysterical hyperbole here then?

The silence from WHL is deafening?

ye gods, if he talks to the press he's a gobbrick, if he keeps himself to himself he's abandoned us

and just what - in the name of all thats holy - is CRITICAL at this time? Does the new season start tomorrow?

Take a deep breath and calm down.

No statements from WHL re players, manager, contracts, acquisitions, sales - a big fat zilch. Nada. Nothing. Nuul.

Other clubs have already signed their first choice players, others are deciding what they want to do in a proactive manner. What are we doing? Waiting for our targets prices to go up after the Euros or perhaps waiting to the last day of the transfer deadline so we can get "bargains" like Pav, Saha, Nelsen.

I just think that there is something going on at the club at the moment which is stalling any transfer activity.Just a guess. But we are in danger of being left at the starting post again and having to fish in the rejects pool.
Podolski to Arsenal and Marin to Chelsea are the only notable transfers that have been confirmed yet.

There are three clubs looking for a new manager, which will then lead to one or two more needing one.

We are very close to a deal for Vertonghen.

We are really being left behind behind.
No statements from WHL re players, manager, contracts, acquisitions, sales - a big fat zilch. Nada. Nothing. Nuul.

Other clubs have already signed their first choice players, others are deciding what they want to do in a proactive manner. What are we doing? Waiting for our targets prices to go up after the Euros or perhaps waiting to the last day of the transfer deadline so we can get "bargains" like Pav, Saha, Nelsen.

I just think that there is something going on at the club at the moment which is stalling any transfer activity.Just a guess. But we are in danger of being left at the starting post again and having to fish in the rejects pool.

Yes there is. The negotiations.
Podolski to Arsenal and Marin to Chelsea are the only notable transfers that have been confirmed yet.

There are three clubs looking for a new manager, which will then lead to one or two more needing one.

We are very close to a deal for Vertonghen.

We are really being left behind behind.

He may or may not be the best centre half in the world but he isnt our highest priority. We currently have on the books King, Kaboul, Gallas, Dawson, Caulker. Nelsen is still around at the moment and Charlie and Thudd can also play centre half in an emergency.

Who exactly do we have to play centre forward? BTW Saha has just been released!
We have Defoe and Kane. BTW, there's this thing called the transfer window and it's open for another 3 months. We could probably sign Yakubu tomorrow if we wanted to, but our top targets will take a bit longer than that.
Yes there is. The negotiations.

The decision behind the scenes must surely be whether to give HR a new contract and trust his judgement in new players.

If the answer is yes, then lets get on and do it.

If the answer is no, then lets get the agonising over and get in the manager the board (Levy) trusts.

Whichever avenue the Club chose, then we need to move quickly. To delay is in no-ones interests
It seems our main targets are pursued regardless of who will be the manager. Don't see Redknapp being granted too many of his own targets even if he stays.

We have Defoe and Kane. BTW, there's this thing called the transfer window and it's open for another 3 months. We could probably sign Yakubu tomorrow if we wanted to, but our top targets will take a bit longer than that.

Don't feed that fire, 'Arry would luv 'im!
He may or may not be the best centre half in the world but he isnt our highest priority. We currently have on the books King, Kaboul, Gallas, Dawson, Caulker. Nelsen is still around at the moment and Charlie and Thudd can also play centre half in an emergency.

Who exactly do we have to play centre forward? BTW Saha has just been released!

Havent they been marginalised, marmelised, atrophied and disinfected?

I think Modric could play centre half in an emergency, but you wouldn't, would you? Mind you, he has the same shooting boots as Kaboul
