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Quacks & Pseudoscience

Except he was not positive for measles. His bloods were negative. The only indication was a rash.

He had seen a doctor the day before he died who had look at the rash and said it was an allergic reaction to his meds (odd as there are no adverse effects to any med). Despite being in the middle of the worst measles epidemic of all time and the measles rash being one of the most recognisable, the doctor failed to diagnosis measles. Either he was incompetent or Colfer-Williams did not have measles. Which way are you going on this. (neither route ends well for the pro vaxxers)

Do you have a link to where you read that? The link I posted was from a report of the inquest into his death. It doesn't appear to support your account.
@JPBB: The WHO are saying that statistically 314 people will die from measles today. I'm waiting for 314 apologies for the involvement of the anti-vaccine movement in those deaths. I'm not seeing any at all.

I think this guy might be a scientist. (yeah I know. he does not count because his statement is not supporting your view)

"A former Government medical officer responsible for deciding whether medicines are safe has accused the Government of "utterly inexplicable complacency" over the MMR triple vaccine for children. Dr Peter Fletcher, who was Chief Scientific Officer at the Department of Health, said if it is proven that the jab causes autism, "the refusal by governments to evaluate the risks properly will make this one of the greatest scandals in medical history". He added that after agreeing to be an expert witness on drug-safety trials for parents' lawyers, he had received and studied thousands of documents relating to the case which he believed the public had a right to see. He said he has seen a "steady accumulation of evidence" from scientists worldwide that the measles, mumps and rubella jab is causing brain damage in certain children. But he added: "There are very powerful people in positions of great authority in Britain and elsewhere who have staked their reputations and careers on the safety of MMR and they are willing to do almost anything to protect themselves."


I also find it strange how you insist that no one in the scientific or medical community can question the scientific consensus. Yet you yourself keep quoting people that vocally disagree with the scientific consensus.

I'm not rejecting his claim because his statement doesn't support my view. I reject his statement based on the consensus opinion of the majority of experts in relevant fields. Just like one or two biologists claiming that evolution didn't happen doesn't change my mind. Just like one or two climate scientists claiming that climate change is a hoax doesn't change my mind. Just like one or two architects claiming that planes couldn't have brought down the world trade center doesn't change my mind.

You see. That's my standard, objective approach. I trust the overwhelming scientific consensus of experts in areas I'm not myself an expert in. That for me is the rational approach.

Except he was not positive for measles. His bloods were negative. The only indication was a rash.

He had seen a doctor the day before he died who had look at the rash and said it was an allergic reaction to his meds (odd as there are no adverse effects to any med). Despite being in the middle of the worst measles epidemic of all time and the measles rash being one of the most recognisable, the doctor failed to diagnosis measles. Either he was incompetent or Colfer-Williams did not have measles. Which way are you going on this. (neither route ends well for the pro vaxxers)

You just have to post a source for this.

I'm sorry for you if you think a single alleged medical error "doesn't end well for the pro vaxxers" by the way. That's just an outrageous claim.

I really wish you would stop making childish jabs like "odd as there are no adverse effects to any med". It's needlessly polarizing and just flat out a misrepresentation of what people on this side are saying. I'm sure in anti-vaccine circles that's seen as smart and funny, but if you're trying to take part in a serious conversation it just makes you look childish.
I really wish you would stop making childish jabs like "odd as there are no adverse effects to any med". It's needlessly polarizing and just flat out a misrepresentation of what people on this side are saying. I'm sure in anti-vaccine circles that's seen as smart and funny, but if you're trying to take part in a serious conversation it just makes you look childish.

Yes, i agree. Unhelpful. Sorry.
I'm sorry for you if you think a single alleged medical error "doesn't end well for the pro vaxxers" by the way. That's just an outrageous claim.

You see I am not saying it was a medical error. You are saying that. I am saying he did not have measles.

Was it also a medical error that his bloods were negative too?

I guess it just one of "coincidences" so loved by the pro vaxxers. Never mind we'll just say it's measles anyway.

Your kids dies straight after a vaccine. It's a coincidence. Your kid develops autism immediately after a vaccine. It's a coincidence.

I talked to a mother last night who was told by a doctor when her kid was having a seizure after a vaccine that it was just the baby's brain "reprogramming" itself. And the autism that developed afterward was just , yes you guessed it, a "coincidence'.!!!!

And you wonder why we don't trust you.
Yes. Very serious. Many people with ASD suffer from gut issues and overwhelming tiredness. Many autistic people are bullied at school.
No wonder you think vaccines cause autism if your diagnosis for autism is a bellyache, tiredness and bullying.
You see I am not saying it was a medical error. You are saying that. I am saying he did not have measles.

Was it also a medical error that his bloods were negative too?

I guess it just one of "coincidences" so loved by the pro vaxxers. Never mind we'll just say it's measles anyway.

Your kids dies straight after a vaccine. It's a coincidence. Your kid develops autism immediately after a vaccine. It's a coincidence.

I talked to a mother last night who was told by a doctor when her kid was having a seizure after a vaccine that it was just the baby's brain "reprogramming" itself. And the autism that developed afterward was just , yes you guessed it, a "coincidence'.!!!!

And you wonder why we don't trust you.

You said an error by the doctor was a possibility, I have made no claim of knoweldge about the situation.

Have you posted your source yet?
You see I am not saying it was a medical error. You are saying that. I am saying he did not have measles.

And for the third time of asking, what is your source for this? I have posted a link to an account of his inquest where they said that he did have measles and died of pneumonia as a result of that.
I talked to a mother last night who was told by a doctor when her kid was having a seizure after a vaccine that it was just the baby's brain "reprogramming" itself. And the autism that developed afterward was just , yes you guessed it, a "coincidence'.!!!!

Out of interest, how old was the child?
No wonder you think vaccines cause autism if your diagnosis for autism is a bellyache, tiredness and bullying.

It is very possible all those things would be present. You can mock vaccine damaged kids as much as you like but it just makes us more determined to ensure those responsible for damaging these kids are punished.
It is very possible all those things would be present. You can mock vaccine damaged kids as much as you like but it just makes us more determined to ensure those responsible for damaging these kids are punished.

And a hell of a lot less willing to post your sources of information by the looks of things... This is bordering on the ridiculous.
And for the third time of asking, what is your source for this? I have posted a link to an account of his inquest where they said that he did have measles and died of pneumonia as a result of that.

The BBC were rightly criticised for their sensationalist reporting of this. And much of their content was removed after that criticism.
DTaP so less than one year.

Let me guess. You are going to tell me it was a coincidence?

I'm not qualified to give a diagnosis and even if I was I would not dream of doing it remotely.

I am surprised that a diagnosis of autism has been given that early though because many of the symptoms are not normally noticeable until about the age of two.

I'm also a bit surprised that a doctor would say that the brain is reprogramming itself.