I get the Chinese thing but vegan? WTF? Vegans are clams and you know it. I have no respect whatsoever for anyone who doesn't eat bacon - their tastes are so weird they're probably into abusing kids and stuff.
That goes for people who cycle too. Not the poor ones who can't afford a car, the ones who do it voluntarily or worse, as a sport.
The vegan thing is a new pet passion of mine, the wife says it will pass but then she said that about the cross dressing.
No in all seriousness I support British farmers and will still eat meat, but after the first month of being on a complete plant based diet I will then drop it to being vegan 80% of the time. Can you imagine going out and not eating meat, you would have no friends left.
There are clear health benefits to eating a better and balanced diet, now I probably have more reasons then most to be interested in Health matters. But with an overstretched NHS whatever you think of the NHS surely we should be helping it by getting rid of health problems that can be avoided.
I forget the actual numbers but when smoking was banned in public the savings for the NHS were estimated to be huge. I think an enforced tax on sugar and moving the country towards a plant based diet with the occasional meat and fish would be great, peoples health would improve, school children would have higher concentration levels.
I have just brought some Limes, they of course do not come from this country but with the progress in vertical farming and improved efficiency of greenhouses we could be growing them here. Each city could with vertical skyscraper farms be looking to feed itself or as near as damn it. The dutch are leading the way on this.
Mandarin will with English be the language of this century and is more useful to children, all children should be made to do a 10 minute work out before a 40 minute lesson followed by a 20 minute break followed by a 40 minute lesson followed by a 20 minute work out and so on. It is proven that children are to restless a lot of the time to study and understand, saw a study in Scotland where they did this and the childrens educational standards rose sharply. Also 6 weeks school holidays should be banned.
They should have 1 week off every 7 weeks and any teacher training days should be in one of those weeks off. It would mean less homework and allow more time for children to be free, children should not be allowed to take mobile phones into school, we managed to do without them in my day.
When I come back on the train from Tottenham I am not glued to my phone I sit and think it is why I am a creative genius, to many children are glued to screens to sit and think and come up with new ideas.
I would have a tax for the NHS does not have to be an extra tax, but just on peoples wage slips they should see how much of their wage goes to keeping the NHS afloat and then maybe they would take more care and think about being Vegan some of the time.
This is the future as I have set out, I expect it to be followed.