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Politics, politics, politics (so long and thanks for all the fish)

Sturgeon distancing herself from her husband...sign he has questions to answer or the norm?

He never speaks, at all.
She will be trying to say it was nothing to do with her, didn't know anything about it.
He's jailed and she is attempting to weasel her way out of it.
Which is just so obviously gonads its laughable.
She shared a house with him, she is the leader of the party, she signed off the accounts, up to three months ago the narrative was she ruled the party with a rod of iron.
Suddenly she doesn't know anything, my arse.
No signs of the predicted reverse in inflation

The problem is it becomes compounding.
It's a compared to 12 months ago figure, that's why they thought it would start coming down. But we are now 9% ish further up than we were from the high % June 2022 figure.

The government (well, BofE) only have one tool to tackle it, but also must be scratching their head about what is driving it? The knock ons are big in many ways.

No signs of the predicted reverse in inflation

The problem is it becomes compounding.
It's a compared to 12 months ago figure, that's why they thought it would start coming down. But we are now 9% ish further up than we were from the high % June 2022 figure.

The government (well, BofE) only have one tool to tackle it, but also must be scratching their head about what is driving it? The knock ons are big in many ways.

If they don't know they should be fired. It is not wage/spending driving inflation.
Historically not high but in terms of affordability at this time, the rate increases could send millions into poverty. And the root causes of inflation in the UK economy will not be affected by this rate increase. It is the wrong tool at the wrong time IMO. The UK is in recession and will likely be for a while. The response to recession should be rate cuts (or at least not rise them much), tax cuts for the spenders (working class) and increased spending. None of this seems to be happening.
Exactly, external factors. Not solely Brexit but let's not pretend our brexit bonus isnt playing a huge part, hence why the UK has higher inflation and less impact from Rate rises when the costs to bring food etc into this country has rocketed

Who’d have thought that putting up barriers and checks would affect the cost of trade?

Yet people argued fervently that putting up these barriers wouldn’t cost us. It did. They were wrong.
PM question time is such a hard watch, I think it should be replaced with constituent questions and take the opposition out for the day. The whole basis of today has been:
K "things are terrible"
R "Yeh but would be worse under you lot"
K "That does not answer my question, what would you tell this guy who has to move to survive"
R "I would tell him he would be worse under Labour"

Well that sorted that problem then
Your answer to inflation is to give people more expendable income?

We can't cut taxes or increase spending because Boris spaffed all our money up the wall on his COVID nonsense.
That is my answer to the recession being caused by the interest rate hikes which should not have happened. The BOE fudged up by increasing the rates to dampen inflation. That was the wrong lever to pull.
That is my answer to the recession being caused by the interest rate hikes which should not have happened. The BOE fudged up by increasing the rates to dampen inflation. That was the wrong lever to pull.
The correct lever was to stop printing money to pay for unaffordable spending over the last few years. Given they don't have a time machine, it was the only one available.

The only real answer to inflation based on the price of energy is probably one you don't want to hear.
PM question time is such a hard watch, I think it should be replaced with constituent questions and take the opposition out for the day. The whole basis of today has been:
K "things are terrible"
R "Yeh but would be worse under you lot"
K "That does not answer my question, what would you tell this guy who has to move to survive"
R "I would tell him he would be worse under Labour"

Well that sorted that problem then
It's pathetic isn't it, it's like little kids bickering in the playground
They are only interested in lining their own pockets
The correct lever was to stop printing money to pay for unaffordable spending over the last few years. Given they don't have a time machine, it was the only one available.

The only real answer to inflation based on the price of energy is probably one you don't want to hear.
To a hammer everything looks like a nail. It was the wrong choice, though not unique to UK. A similar call was made by other cental banks, all wrong calls too IMHO. Inflation in the UK was caused by externalities - war, climate change, and of course brexit. Having a loads of muppets in government didn't help either.
To a hammer everything looks like a nail. It was the wrong choice, though not unique to UK. A similar call was made by other cental banks, all wrong calls too IMHO. Inflation in the UK was caused by externalities - war, climate change, and of course brexit. Having a loads of muppets in government didn't help either.
The biggest problem for the UK was reliance on gas for electricity generation. Would have been negated by not prematurely closing North Sea oil exploration, but like I said, that's not the answer you want to hear.
The biggest problem for the UK was reliance on gas for electricity generation. Would have been negated by not prematurely closing North Sea oil exploration, but like I said, that's not the answer you want to hear.

Or be Uruguay - 98% of electricity generated by wind and hydro, and lots more exported to Argentina and Brazil. And simply because their government had foresight and will 15 years ago.
Or be Uruguay - 98% of electricity generated by wind and hydro, and lots more exported to Argentina and Brazil. And simply because their government had foresight and will 15 years ago.
Yes it's a good direction to take and one we should be focussing on.

BUT c'mon Gutter... you're talking about a country with a population of 3.5m people...not hard to cover their power needs:rolleyes:.
The biggest problem for the UK was reliance on gas for electricity generation. Would have been negated by not prematurely closing North Sea oil exploration, but like I said, that's not the answer you want to hear.
The biggest issue was that the energy prices are tied to the gas prices. An ancillary issue is the UK shut their storage facilities. Energy companies made money hand over fist and this is why the EU are working on decoupling the electricity price from the gas market. The cheapest energy is renewable.

The noises are not positive however...
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The biggest issue was that the energy prices are tied to the gas prices. An ancillary issue is the UK shut their storage facilities. Energy companies made money hand over fist and this is why the EU are working on decoupling the electricity price from the gas market. The cheapest energy is renewable.

The noises are not positive however...
Agreed. I'd forgotten about dropping the storage too (although that would have been no more than a slope up rather than a spike).
PM question time is such a hard watch, I think it should be replaced with constituent questions and take the opposition out for the day. The whole basis of today has been:
K "things are terrible"
R "Yeh but would be worse under you lot"
K "That does not answer my question, what would you tell this guy who has to move to survive"
R "I would tell him he would be worse under Labour"

Well that sorted that problem then
It's just the dying embers of a long term government - it always happens in the last year here.
And usually the opposition need to ask searching questions to get that reaction (not that I'm concerned Starmer can - it's not his style of politics), but this lot just write it all themselves.
I genuinely think there are 10, maybe 20 Tories in this current lot that are actually worth anything as politicians (and I include Michael Gove in that!)