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Politics, politics, politics (so long and thanks for all the fish)

Yeah of course, how happy are you to wheel that out. I'm sure the are plenty that are offended by linking the holocaust to a government trying to stop dangerous channel crossings. A government that have said repeatedly they will accept asylum seekers every year going forward and are at great cost housing those already here in hotels and other accommodation, in a country with a housing shortage.

I'm offended that a government and not one that I voted for can be compared to nazi Germany when they do so much already for asylum seekers and are still pledging to help them. Don't get how they are the bad guys.

Not really, not totally tongue in cheek, but not totally serious either.
He has compared them to nazis, those nazis are influencing his employer. That's the narrative isn't it?
That to my mind is dumb
As I've already said he is entitled to his opinions, he is entitled to air them, his employer is also entitled to disagree with him airing those opinions.
He knows this is thier policy, so either follow the policy or find another job.
I just don't understand the stooshie over what everyone knows, he can't suddenly act all surprised.
I don't disagree with what he said, do have issues with how he expressed them but thats another issue, its that he is acting surprised about how it is developing.


Do you remember the National Front?
Take a look at some of their ‘manifesto points’ from 1979.
There is a chilling, unnerving similarity.
The policy issues Lineker was referring to are bang in line with the anti-immigrant (and, by proxy, ‘it’s their fault’) poison that fascist sympathizers parrot.
I cannot be sure exactly what Lineker specifically meant by his Germany in the ‘30’s comment (besides the very obvious singling out of a specific ‘people’) but there is the added weighty punch of showing that the government’s policy on this reflects that era in history when Britain, the US, and others turned their backs on tens of thousands of German-Jewish refugees, refusing to give them passage. I think he is bang-on personally, and if the Beeb can have in their employee people who made contributions to the Tories, and if they can entertain other high profile freelancers such as Sir Alan Sugar (who told people to vote Tory) then Lineker has every right.
I won't get too involved in this convo, have purposely avoided this section within reason despite spamming other secions haha, mainly because its been a hotbed that led to me being called a right winger etc, but on this, as much as it pains as I am no fan, I do see Linekers side on this.

The laungauge used by the government does feed into that idea that there are one type and there are another type and that other type have lesser claim that others, its not too far detached from the language used by pre WW2 Germany and if either of us like it, it certainly feeds into the new NF types who then use it as a victory march (only have to spend 10 mins on twitter and listen to the cnuts like Tommy Robinson to know that)

I do get the matter of fact stance on his job and his contract, but alot of it is also subjective, would saying "I stand with Ukraine" be seen as political? Would be pretty petty to think so but could be deemed to be if you wanted to get rid of someone. His comments on migration I found more human than political, the Tories are obviously guilty be association but then thats just as much guilt complex at play than anything, The "Good heavens this is beyond awful" shows more compassion than it does anything else. Its also impossible to prove political bias as its an act under one government not another, you would have to wait for the others to get in to prove bias.

I get the rules of the company argument anyway, I just agree that its a pretty grim society that any company "state run" or otherwise could stop you having a humane POV. You are right about him walking if he don't like it and likely he will and I am sure he will

Did he actually use the word Nazi? Genuine question because I have seen him refer to Germany but not the word "Nazi", maybe missed a tweet somewhere but if its not, its interesting that every headline now contains "Nazi comparison" off their own back and not because he said it...again not seen the tweet so it could exist

Seems abit of sanitising of human nature, what is interesting is that human nature over the rules and contracts have come to to fore with his colleagues all jacking in their jobs or at least the options to continue currently. Tells a huge story there, you may be able to tell people what to say or not say, you can't tell them how to feel...Thats what happens when you deal with humans not robots

Anyway thats my 10pence worth

Great post IMO…and no, he referred to Germany in the 30s.

Do you remember the National Front?
Take a look at some of their ‘manifesto points’ from 1979.
There is a chilling, unnerving similarity.
The policy issues Lineker was referring to are bang in line with the anti-immigrant (and, by proxy, ‘it’s their fault’) poison that fascist sympathizers parrot.
I cannot be sure exactly what Lineker specifically meant by his Germany in the ‘30’s comment (besides the very obvious singling out of a specific ‘people’) but there is the added weighty punch of showing that the government’s policy on this reflects that era in history when Britain, the US, and others turned their backs on tens of thousands of German-Jewish refugees, refusing to give them passage. I think he is bang-on personally, and if the Beeb can have in their employee people who made contributions to the Tories, and if they can entertain other high profile freelancers such as Sir Alan Sugar (who told people to vote Tory) then Linker has every right.

"Unfortunately you're taking my posts way too seriously" - That is the gaslighting response you can come to expect if he bothers, but he "doesn't really care" about it all anyway, like @Lilbaz , @glasgowspur ,it's above their level of intellect despite posting despicable views on the subject. They don't care about it but post about it.

Remember, it's your fault if you find idiocy / ignorance offensive. You are in the wrong for caring about Human Rights, haven't you heard about the drag queen invasion of our Schools!?!?

Is this what your going to do, someone says something you don't agree with, call them a troll. That is your way of having debate,much like Lineker comparing the government to nazis, because he does not agree with one of their policies. How about actually debating the topic.

You guys are so sanctimonious, I am suggesting the government are nothing like the nazis. They are housing at great cost refugees. They ate still pledging to look after refugees. They are trying to stop disasters like the one where a boat load of people drowned.

Those are facts, it seems to me only certain people are getting worked up over it. Saying someone is a troll because they have a different opinion to you is pretty pathetic. You guys want an echo chamber and are not prepared to listen to other sides of the argument.
Yeah of course, how happy are you to wheel that out. I'm sure the are plenty that are offended by linking the holocaust to a government trying to stop dangerous channel crossings. A government that have said repeatedly they will accept asylum seekers every year going forward and are at great cost housing those already here in hotels and other accommodation, in a country with a housing shortage.

I'm offended that a government and not one that I voted for can be compared to nazi Germany when they do so much already for asylum seekers and are still pledging to help them. Don't get how they are the bad guys.

A government that has reduced the applications processed within 6 months from 90% to 4%. They have activately reduced numbers at times of increased need.

Very few people with any sense of rationality or compassion are in favour of the boats - it's death roulette.
This is a government that has actively demonised "the other", to the point where people seeking asylum have become politically criminalised.
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Boohoo you're offended. Now the right-wing nutjobs are offended and suddenly cancel culture is a good thing looool

Not only has a disabled jew backed Linekar but now a "woofter" has too. Like I agreed to not call you precious it'd be nice if you could not use that term thanks hun.

Let's pretend the tweet was offensive for a minute, in this parallel universe you openly stated you'd only be offended only if you were a "Jew / disabled/ woofter" - So it'd only bother you if it affected you? What a character you are*

*Actually a clam for the "how happy you are to wheel that out" line

Being called precious when you're being precious shouldn't be offensive unless you're a bitch, but terms like woofter are, you total bellend.

Woofter has always been a term of endearment. Both my gay friends self identify as that.

You have a pattern of storming into several different threads on here and causing problems. I only saw your post because I was not logged in on the train on the way home. Your on ignore, you clearly have anger issues.

You want to have moral superiority and you call people right wing, which is odd as I identify as working class old labour. You call people bell ends and nut jobs.

Someone on here as a different opinion to you, you guys should welcome it and engage. But like so much in today's society you don't want to understand a different perspective.

I stand by that the government trying tostopprople drowning and continuing to offer support to refugees is a good thing and absolutely nothing like gassing people and taking their properties or forcing them into slave labour.

As for the offence you took to woofter, I use it with my gay friends. Also people who have been in here a few years will remember my frequently forays into cross dressing and swinging clubs. I can tell you as someone who lived in Brighton for many years, the only people offended by the term woofter are politically motivated loners trying to win an argument on the Internet.
Woofter has always been a term of endearment. Both my gay friends self identify as that.

You have a pattern of storming into several different threads on here and causing problems. I only saw your post because I was not logged in on the train on the way home. Your on ignore, you clearly have anger issues.

You want to have moral superiority and you call people right wing, which is odd as I identify as working class old labour. You call people bell ends and nut jobs.

Someone on here as a different opinion to you, you guys should welcome it and engage. But like so much in today's society you don't want to understand a different perspective.

I stand by that the government trying tostopprople drowning and continuing to offer support to refugees is a good thing and absolutely nothing like gassing people and taking their properties or forcing them into slave labour.

As for the offence you took to woofter, I use it with my gay friends. Also people who have been in here a few years will remember my frequently forays into cross dressing and swinging clubs. I can tell you as someone who lived in Brighton for many years, the only people offended by the term woofter are politically motivated loners trying to win an argument on the Internet.

One day I hope you encounter logic. But in case we ever meet, call me a woofter / bender / fag to my face and you'll encounter something different entirely you absolute rat. I 've heard some rappers that use the N word, that doesn't mean I can suddenly use it.

You aren't even capable of trolling, you are just genuinely deranged if you believe what you are posting. Let's hope for your sake we don't get sectioned again at the same time in the same facility :eek::D

I call you a right-wing nutjob because that's exactly what you are. And as you choose not to offer the kindness I offered you, I'll retract my previous kind offering and state things as they are, you precious little clam.

Edit - Also think about having me on block yet still responding to me - It speaks volumes of your character.
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"Unfortunately you're taking my posts way too seriously" - That is the gaslighting response you can come to expect if he bothers, but he "doesn't really care" about it all anyway, like @Lilbaz , @glasgowspur ,it's above their level of intellect despite posting despicable views on the subject. They don't care about it but post about it.

Remember, it's your fault if you find idiocy / ignorance offensive. You are in the wrong for caring about Human Rights, haven't you heard about the drag queen invasion of our Schools!?!?

What views of mine are despicable?
For worldwide journalism they’re revered. I agree domestically with your post. That doesn’t make it unfit for purpose and in need of defunding.

I suspect that's more to do with a low bar elsewhere than the high bar of there standards tbh.
If it wasn't a public funded corporation it would have more freedom to do its/the proper thing.
Of course the problem is it would just be funded/controlled by the murdochs and mawells of the world, which is infinitely worse.
I don't need to ask myself anything thank you very much.
I'm definitely not concerned.

You seemed concerned as you posted on a matter that apparently doesn't bother you but you chose to post about. Free speech enables you to keep on making yourself look ridiculous and I am all here for it :D
Thing is though, there is precedent and has been since 2016, when Lineker first made political comments specifically about refugees on his twitter account. There are loads of BBC contractors who have said far edgier. Lineker is certainly cheeky in general, but I think given the history of such comments over the years from many Beeb employees and contractors, he was simply voicing his opinion. When you drill into BBC policy, it actually leaves him outside the strict parameters set for their full-time employees. IF the Beeb had always held a strong line, fine. They simply haven’t, and the only reason they’ve questioned this is because of direct government criticism. For me, that is something which cannot be allowed to happen. Equally, we cannot allow the Beeb to crumble, otherwise the extremists get their way anyway, which would be disastrous.

His previous comments and the comments of others i think are not really the issue.
The tories have taken a sustained hiding on thier handling of immigration, lurching from one disastrous ill thought out "policy" to next.
Did Lineker really think that his comments were not going to cause a reaction?
they are desperate now, thier flagship policy is in tatters, they are being pilloried from all sided, they were always going come out swinging.
He's an easy target, and the strength of his language has painted an even bigger target on his back.
I think its escalated way beyond what anyone would ever have expected and there's no way to bring it back.

Do you remember the National Front?
Take a look at some of their ‘manifesto points’ from 1979.
There is a chilling, unnerving similarity.
The policy issues Lineker was referring to are bang in line with the anti-immigrant (and, by proxy, ‘it’s their fault’) poison that fascist sympathizers parrot.
I cannot be sure exactly what Lineker specifically meant by his Germany in the ‘30’s comment (besides the very obvious singling out of a specific ‘people’) but there is the added weighty punch of showing that the government’s policy on this reflects that era in history when Britain, the US, and others turned their backs on tens of thousands of German-Jewish refugees, refusing to give them passage. I think he is bang-on personally, and if the Beeb can have in their employee people who made contributions to the Tories, and if they can entertain other high profile freelancers such as Sir Alan Sugar (who told people to vote Tory) then Lineker has every right.

I vaguely remember the NF, i was 10 in 79, but I'm aware enough of them, their history and reputation to know that that is not a place we want to return to.
I don't have an issue with anyone at the bbc being openly for or against any of the mainstream parties as long as they are open about it and prepared to be questioned on it.
Whether that's a tory on immigration, a labour supporter on the war in iraq or a Liberal on Cyril smith.
However, Lineker is well aware of the bbcs policy on what thier representives are expected to say and not to say, to act surprised i find odd.
Whether he is right or not, I don't see how he couldn't forsee some reaction.
You seemed concerned as you posted on a matter that apparently doesn't bother you but you chose to post about. Free speech enables you to keep on making yourself look ridiculous and I am all here for it :D

Not concerned, curious.
Always looking to see how i can hone my people skills.
glasgowspur post: 1665500 said:
Not concerned, curious.
Always looking to see how i can hone my people skills.

You're not curious, you're ignorant. Do I have to explain adjectives to you as well? Well above my pay grade I'm afraid :)