@nayimfromthehalfwayline - the Brexit situation perfectly summed up.
Now I wasn't talking about Brexit specifically, I was talking about a process of democracy.
However, to link it back to Brexit, it is clear we have been following it through for over three years and made zero progress in even agreeing a withdrawal agreement, let alone a future relationship.
All that has been achieved is an increase in anger and horrible attitudes. (Mainly born from frustration)
So a reset is definitely needed.
That is probably an election with parties setting out new strategies.
But as this discussion started by talking about opinion polls, there is a significant voice (using a measure we often use) that indicates the current paths needs a re-evaluation.
As far as how we solve the situation you described above - I don't think we can. Brexit is undeliverable (Perhaps it is with a reset and more mature politics), leaving only two options; No Deal Vs Revoke.
We have got to that point after over three years of trying. So a referendum on that basis seems the only way forward.
Personally I think No Deal would be disaster. The electorate may disagree. And if so, so beit.
None of the above mean voices should be silenced however. That is how democracy works. Democracy should be noisy.