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Politics, politics, politics (so long and thanks for all the fish)

Everything is really on hold bar a few choice words until we have a general election. Even if a referendum bill is passed first a new government can just repeal it if they win anyway

To be honest the whole thing is just getting tedious now reading the same thing day after day, I'm not a fan of 2019 Boris but I do admire that he's at least attempting to get things done and bring it to a conclusion. I'm keen to get it sorted so we can move on to in my view more pressing problems like housing, NHS, Education etc.

How anyone as any time for Johnson is beyond me, don’t think he won’t drop the ERG like a stone if it becomes too tricky or he thinks the public have changed, he doesn’t care about Brexit enough.
The issue is the lies about how easy it was going to be “we hold all the cards etc” so the expectations where too high of how quickly and easy it is.

Why is there a rush too leave? What is the benefit in leaving in an unorganised mess.

No worse than the lie saying "you're decision is final"...we are seeing that that is not how the majority of parliament really feel, hence they are being more far active on delaying aka stopping Brexit than they have been with any Tory/coalition policy such as bedroom tax, stripping of disability benefits etc that they'd rile "The demonic Tories" for.

It's been nearly 3 and a half years since the vote and we are still in the EU: does that REALLY constitute a 'rush' at this point??o_O
No worse than the lie saying "you're decision is final"...we are seeing that that is not how the majority of parliament really feel, hence they are being more far active on delaying aka stopping Brexit than they have been with any Tory/coalition policy such as bedroom tax, stripping of disability benefits etc that they'd rile "The demonic Tories" for.

It's been nearly 3 and a half years since the vote and we are still in the EU: does that REALLY constitute a 'rush' at this point??o_O

But the process hasn’t finished yet - so it is still that way.

Given we had been in for 40 years, yes.

The want to crash out just to “get it done” is ridiculous.

I want to get to the ground quicker when a plane is landing, I’m not going to jump out at 30,000 ft to get it done.
How anyone as any time for Johnson is beyond me, don’t think he won’t drop the ERG like a stone if it becomes too tricky or he thinks the public have changed, he doesn’t care about Brexit enough.

Brexit is Johnsons golden ticket, I dont think he gives a single fudge about it on principle, only on how it can serve him.

Just as he didnt give a single fudge about the consequences of campaigning for leave as he did, it was only ever a tool - a route to power - and nothing else (certainly no greater good idealism or anything like it).

That being said - he really has been something of a fox in the hen house, hasnt he? His introduction into things has actually done more in the last 3 months to resolve the issue than the last 3 years prior. He has forced things to a head, forced Corbyn to take his thumb out of his ass, and forced the EU to blink and think about what might be.

Not sure if I "have time" for him, I am under no illusion as to what an utter scumbag he is, but I certainly do appreciate what he is doing.

I want to get to the ground quicker when a plane is landing, I’m not going to jump out at 30,000 ft to get it done.

Might be fun though! Ive always wanted to skydive.
Brexit is Johnsons golden ticket, I dont think he gives a single fudge about it on principle, only on how it can serve him.

Just as he didnt give a single fudge about the consequences of campaigning for leave as he did, it was only ever a tool - a route to power - and nothing else (certainly no greater good idealism or anything like it).

That being said - he really has been something of a fox in the hen house, hasnt he? His introduction into things has actually done more in the last 3 months to resolve the issue than the last 3 years prior. He has forced things to a head, forced Corbyn to take his thumb out of his ass, and forced the EU to blink and think about what might be.

Not sure if I "have time" for him, I am under no illusion as to what an utter scumbag he is, but I certainly do appreciate what he is doing.

Might be fun though! Ive always wanted to skydive.

It’s only his golden ticket all the time it suits him

I’m honestly not sure why he sees the GE as a way out, he’s alienating a lot of people (on both sides) I’m not sure he will get what he wants out of it.

I can’t talk for them, but I get the impression hardline Brexiteers don’t trust him and would vote for the Brexit party anyway.

A lot of middle of the road Tories won’t vote for him either.

I have no idea how I would vote at the moment

Don’t agree with Lib Dem’s
Can’t for for Jezza and his cult
Can’t vote for the Tories all the time he is in power
It’s only his golden ticket all the time it suits him

I’m honestly not sure why he sees the GE as a way out, he’s alienating a lot of people (on both sides) I’m not sure he will get what he wants out of it.

I can’t talk for them, but I get the impression hardline Brexiteers don’t trust him and would vote for the Brexit party anyway.

A lot of middle of the road Tories won’t vote for him either.

I have no idea how I would vote at the moment

Don’t agree with Lib Dem’s
Can’t for for Jezza and his cult
Can’t vote for the Tories all the time he is in power

Plus my local MP is a turd hound.
It’s only his golden ticket all the time it suits him

I’m honestly not sure why he sees the GE as a way out, he’s alienating a lot of people (on both sides) I’m not sure he will get what he wants out of it.

I can’t talk for them, but I get the impression hardline Brexiteers don’t trust him and would vote for the Brexit party anyway.

A lot of middle of the road Tories won’t vote for him either.

I have no idea how I would vote at the moment

Don’t agree with Lib Dem’s
Can’t for for Jezza and his cult
Can’t vote for the Tories all the time he is in power

I think when it comes down to it, if the parties draw proper lines in the sand, Remainers will swing to Labour and Leavers to Conversvative.

That is a big "if", mind, considering Corbyn does his absolute level best to avoid standing for any particular thing.

However, "if" that were to happen, Lib Dem and Brexit Party voters would know that they are tinkling their vote in protest - and that going Labour/Conservative might actually count for something when voting effectively leave/remain.

I agree its Boris' golden ticket all the while it suits him, but I think it would suit him just fine for the purposes of a GE. He is angling things to split on Leave/Remain, doing a good job of trying to show those pesky politicians conspiring against the people, and also doing a good job of calling Corbyn out on his flimflam. So far, and so far as the other side of a GE, I do believe Brexit suits him just fine.

Thereafter, who knows?
I think when it comes down to it, if the parties draw proper lines in the sand, Remainers will swing to Labour and Leavers to Conversvative.

That is a big "if", mind, considering Corbyn does his absolute level best to avoid standing for any particular thing.

However, "if" that were to happen, Lib Dem and Brexit Party voters would know that they are tinkling their vote in protest - and that going Labour/Conservative might actually count for something when voting effectively leave/remain.

I agree its Boris' golden ticket all the while it suits him, but I think it would suit him just fine for the purposes of a GE. He is angling things to split on Leave/Remain, doing a good job of trying to show those pesky politicians conspiring against the people, and also doing a good job of calling Corbyn out on his flimflam. So far, and so far as the other side of a GE, I do believe Brexit suits him just fine.

Thereafter, who knows?

I don’t think Lib Dem’s/Brexit party voters think it would be a protest vote - both sets are hard nosed and believe they have more backing than they do and a vote for them will make a massive difference - it might do but only allowing another party in by splitting the vote - unless they do deals.

Then we are back to the issue why a GE is not the answer, you can’t have an election based on one issue.

I’m no labour fan under this leadership, but the calling out of the cults spending plan whilst the Tories spending would be as high is a weird one.
I don’t think Lib Dem’s/Brexit party voters think it would be a protest vote - both sets are hard nosed and believe they have more backing than they do and a vote for them will make a massive difference - it might do but only allowing another party in by splitting the vote - unless they do deals.

Then we are back to the issue why a GE is not the answer, you can’t have an election based on one issue.

I’m no labour fan under this leadership, but the calling out of the cults spending plan whilst the Tories spending would be as high is a weird one.

People arent that stupid are they? I voted UKIP once, knowing full well it was a vote tinkled into the wind. I just couldnt bring myself to go Lab/Con at the time and wanted that to be heard.

Anecdotal, of course, but Ive never met or heard of someone thinking either Lib Dems or Brexit/UKIP can get any real power at all.

Even Swinson doesnt, thats why she is promising unicorns bricking rainbows - its just PR.

I do agree, if for example Labour fail to actually make a stance on Brexit, it is quite possible the Lib Dems will split their vote. But I do genuinely think the second Labour actually commit that Lib Dem vote will move across.

Ive not called out anyones spending, was more pointing to Boris calling out Corbyns aversion to actually doing something (anything) and his cowardice in opposition.

Given the area we live in (Crawley) has a large gay community and Brighton isn’t a great distance you would think he would be more clued up

Amazing really, isnt it?
The issue is the lies about how easy it was going to be “we hold all the cards etc” so the expectations where too high of how quickly and easy it is.

Why is there a rush too leave? What is the benefit in leaving in an unorganised mess.

I think the answer to both of these points lies in the refusal of activist remainers to accept the result. If they'd done so, and there consequently wasn't such fervant manoeuvring going on to frustrate the referendum result, I don't think either of these factors would be as big as they are.
Don't you just love good old democracy, eh...? :D

The arseholes in the house would not know what democracy was even if they fell over it. The majority voted out 3 years ago and some in the house are now asking for another vote, and they are backed by arseholes in the public who want to turn their back on democracy as well.
People arent that stupid are they? I voted UKIP once, knowing full well it was a vote tinkled into the wind. I just couldnt bring myself to go Lab/Con at the time and wanted that to be heard.

Anecdotal, of course, but Ive never met or heard of someone thinking either Lib Dems or Brexit/UKIP can get any real power at all.

Even Swinson doesnt, thats why she is promising unicorns bricking rainbows - its just PR.

I do agree, if for example Labour fail to actually make a stance on Brexit, it is quite possible the Lib Dems will split their vote. But I do genuinely think the second Labour actually commit that Lib Dem vote will move across.

Ive not called out anyones spending, was more pointing to Boris calling out Corbyns aversion to actually doing something (anything) and his cowardice in opposition.

Amazing really, isnt it?
People arent that stupid are they? I voted UKIP once, knowing full well it was a vote tinkled into the wind. I just couldnt bring myself to go Lab/Con at the time and wanted that to be heard.

Anecdotal, of course, but Ive never met or heard of someone thinking either Lib Dems or Brexit/UKIP can get any real power at all.

Even Swinson doesnt, thats why she is promising unicorns bricking rainbows - its just PR.

I do agree, if for example Labour fail to actually make a stance on Brexit, it is quite possible the Lib Dems will split their vote. But I do genuinely think the second Labour actually commit that Lib Dem vote will move across.

Ive not called out anyones spending, was more pointing to Boris calling out Corbyns aversion to actually doing something (anything) and his cowardice in opposition.

Amazing really, isnt it?

People are that stupid, for a start they believe a man beaten by a dolphin in an election.

People think the Brexit party will sweep into power - I think they could possibly get a couple of seats.

Have a look at Twitter - it’s amusing if it wasn’t such a poor indictment of our educational system.

I can’t stand Swinson, I can’t stand the Lib Dem’s for the “gonads to Brexit” t shirts (however much I agree) as it adds to the hate filled country we have, as bad as the Bp MEPs turning the back on the anthem of the EU
I think the answer to both of these points lies in the refusal of activist remainers to accept the result. If they'd done so, and there consequently wasn't such fervant manoeuvring going on to frustrate the referendum result, I don't think either of these factors would be as big as they are.

We never held all the cards.

Do you not think a deal exit is the best way to honor the result?

The complete lack of compromise on both sides has been the issue.

I agree with the rest
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We never held all the cards.

Do you not think a deal exit is the best way to honor the result?

The complete lack of compromise on both sides has been the issue.

I agree with the rest

No, we never held all the cards. But our hand was significantly damaged by the remainer games. That's my point.

I'd prefer a deal, yes. But again, in my view the chances of getting an acceptable one are slim - and again I'd suggest remainer manoeuvrings are a significant factor in that.