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Pierre-Emile Højbjerg

Talk of interest from abroad and PEH keen.

I’ve been a critic of PEH but we need to be careful. He’s a very solid CM who says/does the right things. Not a natural CDM and a bit blunt as an 8 and maybe Ange is happy for a clean break.
He's been good for us.
Would get a very warm welcome if he comes back in a game.
Good luck to him if he stays or goes

I'd put him in the same basket as say Palacios or Michael Brown or Sean Davis. A useful player, but if they were our standout player, that was a sign of how bad we were. Better teams have/need more technical players.
One of those I am on the fence with. If someone is willing to pay decent money - fine. If he stays - fine. Players whose game is all about chasing and harrying can sometimes decline earlier, they might suffer burnout of sorts. Sandro for example. And with his contract waning, you can see why we would cash in.

But if he stays he is absolutely an asset.
I would be encouraged if we sold him this summer as it's the smart/right time to be doing so and it would show we are potentially learning from mistakes of the past wrt squad management - 28 years old & 2 years left on his deal so last chance to get decent money for him and hasn't really shown himself to be a player worth giving a new contract to.

Time to stop rewarding mediocrity
I wasn’t that impressed against West Ham. Distribution was just ok. Wasn’t overly dynamic either. Maybe a long season.
You seen him play for Morocco?
Fiorentina are a poor side IMO
Put him playing with decent players and IMO and can dictate the game
The system Conte played asked too much of him, many times he got passes from our centre backs when he had his back to play virtually 5 yards outside our box.
I’d put him in the same bracket as Sissoko.

Crucial yet under-appreciated.

Sissoko wasn’t under appreciated on here, the amount of times a few of us dare mention anything negative about him and hordes of posters would descend upon like an angry swarm of scribes.