So you don't believe there are 900,000 vacancies in the UK economy at this moment in time?
Good luck to your wife.
She is the type of person who struggles.........employers think she'll leave at the first opportunity, which is probbly right.
People will less education do have better prospects than her at this moment in time.
I saw the link you posted with 900K but that is like saying there are 1M houses available because that is what estate agents are listing, the thing is, maybe 10-20% are already filled and left as CV enticers. 10-20% are probably already shoe ins for those already working for those companies (whose current posts will, as often as not, not be backfilled), and 10-20% are probably so specialised that they will only be filled by a miniscule percentage or filled by overseas applicants, or are indeed adverts for overseas posts where they would consider english/british applicants.
I'd be very surprised if the actual figure was much about half the 900K and when factoring in the rate of job loss against it, it might only be 1/3 in real terms.