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*** Official Film Thread ***

Thought Star Wars was pretty well acted throughout to be honest. John Boyega was a bit over the top at times but I enjoyed his performance, and Daisy Ridley was excellent.

Plot wise, it's freaking Star Wars.
I liked the nostalgic feel to the plot, sure it was a tad overkill and they're even aware of it in the film. it's been 30 years since a "good" Star Wars film, so it's not surprising they would play it a bit safe with some plot points to get the older fans back on side (not hard to do...) and gain the new ones. The next film needs to go it's own way.

Minus Fisher and Ford being wooden at times can't see any issues with the acting.
some plot points to get the older fans back on side
"some" plot points? It was the same plot as far as I could tell. Spoilers:

A dusty planet outpost. A droid crash lands with a secret message. A teen rebel finds it by chance. Pursued by the empire. Hasty escape. Falcon. Chewy and Han smugglers. Death Star. Rebel base in the woods. Same characters. Droids. C3PO. R2. Going onto the base to run around a bit. Disable shields. X wings. Blow up core. Seconds to go. Baddy is half robot. Black outfit. Helmet. Related to goodies. Big fight sequence 1 on 1 on a metal gantry suspended above a big drop. Am I on about episode 4 or 7? Etc etc by the way, cba to type it out
Went last night.vso many plot holes it's untrue. I wonder if it were not Star Wars how the film would be reviewed. It was almost scene for scene A New Hope.

I still really enjoyed it though. Kept me entertained and a worthy addition to the original trilogy.
"some" plot points? It was the same plot as far as I could tell. Spoilers:

A dusty planet outpost. A droid crash lands with a secret message. A teen rebel finds it by chance. Pursued by the empire. Hasty escape. Falcon. Chewy and Han smugglers. Death Star. Rebel base in the woods. Same characters. Droids. C3PO. R2. Going onto the base to run around a bit. Disable shields. X wings. Blow up core. Seconds to go. Baddy is half robot. Black outfit. Helmet. Related to goodies. Big fight sequence 1 on 1 on a metal gantry suspended above a big drop. Am I on about episode 4 or 7? Etc etc by the way, cba to type it out

Yeah, I don't disagree and as I said, the next film needs to go it's own way. They played it safe, very safe, I for one enjoyed it.
Thought Star Wars was pretty well acted throughout to be honest. John Boyega was a bit over the top at times but I enjoyed his performance, and Daisy Ridley was excellent.

Plot wise, it's freaking Star Wars.

I thought Daisy Ridley was pretty wooden, didn't really grow into the role and seemed a bit awkward, didn't feel very natural. Maybe it was just me. Few too many cheesy one liners but to be expected I guess. Overall a decent watch, nothing wrong with the original trio so more of the same works though wold hope for a more exciting plot in the next one. Was quite pleased that there weren't many fill in scenes where you get bored, seemed quite to the point.

Did anyone else see it in 3D, some of the characters/landscapes in the foreground were blurry in some scenes which seemed odd and they definitely weren't meant to be based on their positioning in the screen. I watched it at the imax so maybe some of it was upscaled to fit their screen.
"some" plot points? It was the same plot as far as I could tell. Spoilers:

A dusty planet outpost. A droid crash lands with a secret message. A teen rebel finds it by chance. Pursued by the empire. Hasty escape. Falcon. Chewy and Han smugglers. Death Star. Rebel base in the woods. Same characters. Droids. C3PO. R2. Going onto the base to run around a bit. Disable shields. X wings. Blow up core. Seconds to go. Baddy is half robot. Black outfit. Helmet. Related to goodies. Big fight sequence 1 on 1 on a metal gantry suspended above a big drop. Am I on about episode 4 or 7? Etc etc by the way, cba to type it out

I think you're stretching with a lot of that. Some of the things you've included aren't actually accurate (droid crash-landing, half robot baddy, fight sequence on gantry). Others are things you would have to expect from a Star Wars film.

I didn't care much for the star killer base, that was kind of lazy - but really it was completely secondary to the plot. The main focus was establishing these new characters which I thought they did really well.
"some" plot points? It was the same plot as far as I could tell. Spoilers:

A dusty planet outpost. A droid crash lands with a secret message. A teen rebel finds it by chance. Pursued by the empire. Hasty escape. Falcon. Chewy and Han smugglers. Death Star. Rebel base in the woods. Same characters. Droids. C3PO. R2. Going onto the base to run around a bit. Disable shields. X wings. Blow up core. Seconds to go. Baddy is half robot. Black outfit. Helmet. Related to goodies. Big fight sequence 1 on 1 on a metal gantry suspended above a big drop. Am I on about episode 4 or 7? Etc etc by the way, cba to type it out

I agree with this as well. I really like the film, I like the characters. I can handle that the plot is pretty much the same as "a new hope" up to a certain point. But having yet another spherical base that needs destroying seconds before it kills some planets was a but much. Still I give it 8 out of 10 purely as it ticks so many fan boy boxes.

Even some shots were original trilogy rip offs. The Gantry shot is so luke and Darth from Empire. Also I knew one of them was going to die as soon as I saw that shot. he starts off walking out and there are Safety Hand Rails, and then in the middle. At the most dangerous part. There are none. So it was odds on someone was going over the side. And I could guess who as well. Also when the X-wings flew in to destroy the but they needed, it was a carbon copy of the trench run as well.

I loved BB-8. I hated that R2-D2 just comes on at the right time. I loved Finn's characters but hated that the small part of the map that BB-8 was carrying was not enough. I mean with stellar cartography surely you can work that point in the galaxy out. hated also that after 10 mins Rey can beat Ren in a 1v1 Lightsabre battle.
Now Concussion and Bridge of Spies too

Mate tell me how bridge of spies was, I was meant to watch it tonight with the missus in Brighton. But due to the fact that I shall be working tomorrow from 6am to 7pm I thought better of having a late night as I am now an old man and I think tomorrow might kill me anyway. Looking like Christmas eve is going to be a particularly busy one in haulage which I did not predict.
I ought to add marky that Mark Rylance is the greatest living actor I have seen him on the stage countless times going back to see him in Jerusalem 4 times. Watching anything with him in is a must have.
I ought to add marky that Mark Rylance is the greatest living actor I have seen him on the stage countless times going back to see him in Jerusalem 4 times. Watching anything with him in is a must have.

He plays a Scotish person in the Bridge of Spies but the true story is the man was from Saudi Sportswashing Machine, typical Speilberg changes things for his own artistic licence......
Just watched this and thought it was brilliant.

A lot of classic Tarantino dialogue scenes - I see some reviews say it's boring but I loved the back-and-forth between the characters.

Classic mix of Tarantino humour, pathos and violence. I liked it a lot. An intelligent film and the ensemble cast are very good.
Anyone excited for the hateful 8??
Mighty tempted to pay a visit to the Roadshow at Leicester Square Odeon to see this in glorious Ultra Panavision.


I ought to add marky that Mark Rylance is the greatest living actor I have seen him on the stage countless times going back to see him in Jerusalem 4 times. Watching anything with him in is a must have.
I'm not familiar with his stage work but Rylance stole every scene he was involved with in Bridge of Spies.
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Mighty tempted to pay a visit to the Roadshow at Leicester Square Odeon to see this in glorious Ultra Panavision.


I'm not familiar with his stage work but Rylance stole every scene he was involved with in Bridge of Spies.
I am a fan boy of his, greatest living actor in the world, Al Pacino said of Rylance that it is almost as if a poet writes scripts for him he has such an elegant way of talking.

He was also in Wolf hall on the BBC earlier in the year. But it is his stage work, if you get the chance you should see.
Don't be so naughty. Have another mince pie and explain

Haha. Well a droid didn't crash land anywhere, Kylo Ren wore a mask - but I'm not sure that makes him half robotic and I wouldn't call that a fight scene (on the gantry)