Yeah, Star Trek 2 was decent. Nothing particularly new or groundbreaking. Your average summer blockbuster.
Smash + granny = Lt. Uhura =P~
Elephant is one of my all time favourite films... Adore Van Sant's work.
Seeing F&F6 tomorrow night. No it's not a spoiler, I heard about it months ago anyway but just wanted to double check.
Saw Star Trek 2 on Friday night at the IMAX, I enjoyed it but it was all over the place, not sure I liked some of Abrams choices for some key parts either...
Yeah, Star Trek 2 was decent. Nothing particularly new or groundbreaking. Your average summer blockbuster.
Smash + granny = Lt. Uhura =P~
based on Colombine?
is that where it ends and the boy just shoots his mate randomly..?
Is there a more chavvy film franchise than Fast and the Furious?
Thought the first one was rubbish not bothered with the rest
Elephant is one of my all time favourite films... Adore Van Sant's work.
Is there a more chavvy film franchise than Fast and the Furious?
yer that's the one man. not a fan?
not seen it, only saw that ending on YouTube. I've actually always wanted to see it but never got round. Is it good then?
Absolutely man. Must see, it's enlightening and a masterclass in cinematic technique. Non professional actors who are directed superbly.