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JT - Captain. Leader. Legend. Qunt

Re: John Terry retires from England duty

Far more general than that. I am talking about the fact that everytime Redknapp dared to talk about another club or a player at a another club, for whatever reason, he was castigated by many on this board. When I put it to those people that at press conferences the press will often ask questions about other teams players they were pretty much universal in what the manager should do. Say no comment, or say I am here to talk about Spurs and Spurs players. Apparently any other response proved that Redknapp was a saggy faced ****.

You're smarter than this and I know you know it.
The two situations have the most tenuous of similarities, i.e., both were/are managers.

AVB MANAGED John Terry last season, specifically DURING THE GAME in which Terry had his verbal diarrohea. Terry was also supposedly one of the players who helped lead the 'coup' against AVB at Chelsea. Thus he's going to get asked about it. IF he ignores the question/fudges it off, he would be buried by the press. So he answered it.

Harry, when asked about Chelsea and Europe, was managing a club who could (at that time) have been potentially de-railed by a successful Chelsea Euro campaign (and didn't we just get de-railed?). He was also firmly in the running for the England job. The England team still included Terry and Lampard in it's squad, as well as Cole and Sturridge. Instead of brushing off the question with a bit of the humor and charm which Harry holds in spades (and has dealt in spades over the years) he chose to address questions about them whole-heartedly. Harry never managed Chelsea, so you have to wonder WHY he'd be asked about them, and even further, WHY he'd feel the need to say anything?

I don't want to get into this old history mate, but you keep bringing it up to try and find people guilty of some double-standard which, frankly in this case especially, is always best viewed in context.
Re: John Terry retires from England duty

You have to admit Redknapp had a reputation for being a rent-a-quote for the media. AVB has been asked about the captain of the team he previously managed.

I can understand why AVB would be asked to comment on Terry and why he would give a fairly rudimentary response. What's the link between Harry and Terry that would justify Harry commenting, apart from the fact Harry loves the sound of his own voice?

He thought he'd become England manager and that perhaps JT would be his skipper? Again, I hadn't even thought about ANY of this until it was raised, but it can't go without comment can it?
Re: John Terry retires from England duty

This thread is about John Terry and why he's a ****. It has absolutely nothing to do with Redknapp and there is no reason to bring him up here. AVB was asked a question and responded to that, it still has nothing to do with Redknapp. Comparing AVB's and Redknapp's media savviness is a complete separate topic and a rather pointless one at that. People will see what they want to see.

You're right.
Apologies. I'm not helping by perpetuating the discussion, but I did think some of the points deserved to be addressed from another POV...
Re: John Terry retires from England duty

The bottom line for me is that these people constantly have someone shoving a microphone in their face and they will all (even the clever ones) will occasionally / frequently say something that is complete gonads, they don't mean or can easily be misinterpreted. The other thing is that pretty much ALL managers do it, but a lot of fans only focus in on managers they don't like when they do it.

Now I know it's not the done thing because he is the golden boy, but last year when he was Chelsea manager (especially towards the end when he was under pressure) I thought AVB often talked absolute gonads when a microphone was stuck in front of him. A lot of it was he was on the defensive and probably fed up of answering the same questions, but he came across as an arrogant **** at best and an utter taco at worst. But you know what? Mourinho, Wenger, Fergie, Mancini etc. all come out with some of the most outrageous load of gonads on a fairly regular basis also, so it really doesn't matter a jot.

Yes, but those men have never ever done so to the detriment of their clubs! Further, they are all men who would walk on broken glass for their clubs. When Ferguson and Wenger manipulate the media, they do it for their clubs and to get preferrential treatment for their clubs! Please. Don't get me started! Do you remember Harry EVER going to the papers and giving, say, Foy a right coating in the back pages? What about post-Emirates Marketing Project and the stamp on Parker? At least three of the four managers you named have taken a fine for comments to the papers, and even a touchline ban for showing that they were prepared to stand at the forefront of their club and defend them/speak out for them. IF an AVB Spurs gets a massive shafting, I would absolutely expect him to give the refs a coating/take a fine, and show the rest of the club and players that he is prepared to stick up for them. Yes, AVB looks like he could have a dash of aspergers at times, no doubt, but he is unafraid to say something unpopular to the press (his handling a Lloris question yesterday was excellent, ditto his comment about not caring what people outside the club say). In short, he didn't mind his own PR value first!
Re: John Terry retires from England duty

He's a massive ****, but he's kind of got a point!

Except that he got his ban for a combination of incidents, including his twitter comments immediately afterwards. From a technical perspective he was always going to get an excessive ban, so the incidents aren't comparable.

When the full report comes out it will be more interesting to see how this verdict is differentiated from the Suarez case.
Re: John Terry retires from England duty

From my understanding, Ferdinand was not aware of what Terry said until after the game when Ferdinand's girlfriend showed him a clip from YouTube/another form of social media. Terry even went into the QPR dressing after the game and tried to keep a lid on it and Ferdinand was unaware and basically took Terry's word for it and had no reason to doubt him, until he saw the footage.
This could be where our understanding of the situation differs. My understanding was that AF asked the question "John, did you call me a black ****?" to which JT replied "No, I did not call you a black ****". That's how it was reported at the time in the version I read. Maybe I am being a little niaive for accepting something I read in the paper at face value. IF the version I read is true then my original point stands.
Re: John Terry retires from England duty

This could be where our understanding of the situation differs. My understanding was that AF asked the question "John, did you call me a black ****?" to which JT replied "No, I did not call you a black ****". That's how it was reported at the time in the version I read. Maybe I am being a little niaive for accepting something I read in the paper at face value. IF the version I read is true then my original point stands.

That is Terry's version of the events. The one the judge in the criminal trial considered unlikely and the FA panel presumably agreed.

Ferdinand says he wasn't aware until afterwards. The judge in the criminal trial considered him a reliable witness and was consistent with this story in post-match comments, comments to the investigation, and during the trial.
Re: John Terry retires from England duty

Real or Fake!?

Re: John Terry retires from England duty

John Terry was found guilty of using racist language towards Anton Ferdinand by an FA panel. Telegraph Sport runs the rule over the five key men at the hearing.


Craig Moore (Chairman)

A Leeds-based barrister who chaired a 2011 panel which fined Sir Alex Ferguson £30,000 and banned him from the touchline for five games for "undermining the FA's respect campaign" with criticism of referee Martin Atkinson.

Maurice Armstrong

Head of the Huntingdonshire FA who sits on the FA's judicial and referees committees, as well as being a vice-president of the FA Council. Chaired the panel which banned Joey Barton for 12 games.

Stuart Ripley

Former Blackburn and England winger who qualified as a sports lawyer in 2010 and advises players and clubs on disciplinary matters. Based in Manchester.


Matthew Johnson

The case against Terry was put by the FA's Head of Regulatory Legal Advice, an Everton fan who angered the club's fans in 2009 when he emailed FA colleagues asking to buy their FA Cup Final tickets, having already been given two comlimentary seats of his own.


George Carter-Stephenson

The QC who successfully defended Terry at Westminster Magistrates Court in July. A specialist defence advocate whose website lists his experience in murder, terrorism and all areas of commercial, corporate and financial crime.

Re: John Terry retires from England duty

John Terry is a racist, he wears a Nazi hat. His dad will sell you charlie, his mum will rob your flat!
Re: JT - Captain. Leader. Legend. Racist.

so he will miss the Tottenham game. Nice work, the runt always clears one or two off the line
Re: JT - Captain. Leader. Legend. Racist.

so he will miss the Tottenham game. Nice work, the runt always clears one or two off the line

Nah, Chelski will appeal the decision, and because it is such a complicated matter, the appeal case needs a lot of preparation and will be held in 2015. Until then, he is free to play. And a week before the appeal case verdict is ready, Terry will conveniently retire from all football.

So no, he will not miss any more games against us. Fact.
Re: John Terry retires from England duty

That is Terry's version of the events. The one the judge in the criminal trial considered unlikely and the FA panel presumably agreed.

Ferdinand says he wasn't aware until afterwards. The judge in the criminal trial considered him a reliable witness and was consistent with this story in post-match comments, comments to the investigation, and during the trial.

Fair enough, I'm not disputing what you say but if Anton categorically did not ask Terry the question at the time of the incident then surely Terry blatantly perjured himself in court? I can't believe his lawyer would allow him to tell such a lie which is easy to disprove. Surely it only takes AF to stand in the box and say that?

Even if I've got the evidence arse about face my point about the fine still stands, if you're serious about something you don't fine them, you ban them. £220000 fine is as outrageous as a miserly four game ban. Fine him 1p and ban him for life.
Re: John Terry retires from England duty

Fair enough, I'm not disputing what you say but if Anton categorically did not ask Terry the question at the time of the incident then surely Terry blatantly perjured himself in court? I can't believe his lawyer would allow him to tell such a lie which is easy to disprove. Surely it only takes AF to stand in the box and say that?

Even if I've got the evidence arse about face my point about the fine still stands, if you're serious about something you don't fine them, you ban them. £220000 fine is as outrageous as a miserly four game ban. Fine him 1p and ban him for life.

Spot on really.

£220k to him is probably 10 days wages. Pathetic
Re: John Terry retires from England duty

Fair enough, I'm not disputing what you say but if Anton categorically did not ask Terry the question at the time of the incident then surely Terry blatantly perjured himself in court? I can't believe his lawyer would allow him to tell such a lie which is easy to disprove. Surely it only takes AF to stand in the box and say that?

Even if I've got the evidence arse about face my point about the fine still stands, if you're serious about something you don't fine them, you ban them. £220000 fine is as outrageous as a miserly four game ban. Fine him 1p and ban him for life.

Anton says he didn't hear it and didn't find out until after the game. It was someone in the crowd (an off-duty policeman?) who reported it to the police and then they had to take action.

Terry's story is what got him acquitted in the criminal court. He could deny he uttered the words, so he needed an explanation that couldn't be disproved. It obviously worked as the judge said the evidence wasn't clear so he could rile out Terry's explanation. Terry's lawyer probably made sure he didn't directly ask him if it was true. The irony is that if Terry followed the demands he apologise then he risks proving that he perjured himself.

The fines and ban are set out in the rule book and the two charges are very specific. The FA can't just make up some fine and penalty. The FA penalty is a lot stiffer than the legal one would have been. If Terry had been found guilty in the criminal case he would have had a maximum fine of £2500.
Re: JT - Captain. Leader. Legend. Racist.

he does tend to get sent off against us as well though

I've asked this before but don't remember gettingf an answer -

didn't Terry get sent off against us for racially abusing Ledley? I know it did the internet rounds at the time due to the players reactions including (I think) Drogba not getting involved in the protest to the ref but I've not seen this mentioned at all in relation to this case at all that Terry has (possibly) previous in this matter. Presumably the ref didn't include it in his report or some other kop out but even so ...
Re: JT - Captain. Leader. Legend. Racist.

I've asked this before but don't remember gettingf an answer -

didn't Terry get sent off against us for racially abusing Ledley? I know it did the internet rounds at the time due to the players reactions including (I think) Drogba not getting involved in the protest to the ref but I've not seen this mentioned at all in relation to this case at all that Terry has (possibly) previous in this matter. Presumably the ref didn't include it in his report or some other kop out but even so ...

he got sent off, not sure what the official reason was but right before he was carded he said something to King and it looked like it was about to kick off, my bias against the scumbag may have addled my memory but it looked to me like a couple of Chelsea players were about to go for Terry as well