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JT - Captain. Leader. Legend. Qunt

Re: John Terry retires from England duty

AVB saying it's a massive loss for England - http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/19748131

MK sits back to see if the same posters who were hyper critical of a certain previous manager for saying similar things are hyper critical of the new man too. Consistancy in judgement or double standards? We shall see.....

I don't understand what you're saying here.
I would imagine the only reason AVB was even asked is because he managed him last season and the press are trying to dig up more brick. When did Harry say anything about Terry, and why did he? I genuinely don't remember (remind me if I'm forgetting)...of course, now that you mention it, the cynic in me "could" say that Harry was fluffing the pillows for what he saw as a situation he would be directly dealing with as a manager in the-then near future?
Re: John Terry retires from England duty

AVB saying it's a massive loss for England - http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/19748131

MK sits back to see if the same posters who were hyper critical of a certain previous manager for saying similar things are hyper critical of the new man too. Consistancy in judgement or double standards? We shall see.....

I must admit, I did think that when I heard the quotes and then saw the press conference.
Re: John Terry retires from England duty

Flashback to four months ago...


Wait what?
Re: John Terry retires from England duty

Perhaps I'm not normal. I would have reacted in exactly the same way JT claims he reacted, I've discussed this elsewhere on the board with someone who while he wouldn't have acted in the same way accepted that I would, I had no agenda apart from just commenting on how I'd have reacted. We all can be fiery characters and in a highly charged situation in front of 20000+ plus fans none of us can be truly sure as to how level headed we'd have remained.

I have several problems with the verdict;

If we accept JT's reason for using the words he used then A) Anton Ferdinand used the same language on the pitch and should have been fined too B) Whoever invented the false allegation and relayed it to AF was mischevious and calculating.

On the other hand, if we don't accept JT's version then he shouldn't have been fined. A life ban pure and simple would have sent out a far stronger message. Fining anybody whether it be a speeding fine or in this particular instance merely undermines your message, when you introduce fines rather than penalties it turns from a punishment to a revenue raising exercise.

My own take on this is that the FA saw an excuse to make money rather than draw a line in the sand to define what kind of behaviour is acceptable and what isn't.

From my understanding, Ferdinand was not aware of what Terry said until after the game when Ferdinand's girlfriend showed him a clip from YouTube/another form of social media. Terry even went into the QPR dressing after the game and tried to keep a lid on it and Ferdinand was unaware and basically took Terry's word for it and had no reason to doubt him, until he saw the footage.
Re: John Terry retires from England duty

I'm torn. Terry is a **** but The combined IQs of anyone with the surname Ferdinand fail to reach 3 digits.
Re: John Terry retires from England duty

Redknapp did make some positive comments about Terry during the Euros, but I don't remember any backlash on here. Most of the backlash was Redknapps support for Chelsea in the Champs League final.
Re: John Terry retires from England duty

Redknapp did make some positive comments about Terry during the Euros, but I don't remember any backlash on here. Most of the backlash was Redknapps support for Chelsea in the Champs League final.

I think what is possibly being reffered to is.....

......Sol Campbell.8-[
Re: John Terry retires from England duty

I must admit, I did think that when I heard the quotes and then saw the press conference.

since i am on his ignore list perhaps you could tell me what 'double standards' this press conference might bring out in the posters on here?
Re: John Terry retires from England duty

Anyone else notice what was written in the telegraph?


John Terry banned: FA are right to punish Chelsea and England defender for his use of toxic language

'Chelsea too, will be without his foresquare presence and mental steel for the next four domestic matches. Though this being John Terry, despite the ban, you suspect he’ll find a way to get himself in the picture.'

Re: John Terry retires from England duty

since i am on his ignore list perhaps you could tell me what 'double standards' this press conference might bring out in the posters on here?

When Redknapp said positive things about Chelsea/other teams last season, he got coated, in fact, pretty much everything he said was greeted with "why doesn't Harry shut the fudge up!!." AVB says positive things about John Terry, no fuss is made. That would be my guess as to what MK refers to as a double standard.
Re: John Terry retires from England duty

I think what is possibly being reffered to is.....

......Sol Campbell.8-[

Far more general than that. I am talking about the fact that everytime Redknapp dared to talk about another club or a player at a another club, for whatever reason, he was castigated by many on this board. When I put it to those people that at press conferences the press will often ask questions about other teams players they were pretty much universal in what the manager should do. Say no comment, or say I am here to talk about Spurs and Spurs players. Apparently any other response proved that Redknapp was a saggy faced ****.
Re: John Terry retires from England duty

When Redknapp said positive things about Chelsea/other teams last season, he got coated, in fact, pretty much everything he said was greeted with "why doesn't Harry shut the fudge up!!." AVB says positive things about John Terry, no fuss is made. That would be my guess as to what MK refers to as a double standard.

Spot on basically!
Re: John Terry retires from England duty

When Redknapp said positive things about Chelsea/other teams last season, he got coated, in fact, pretty much everything he said was greeted with "why doesn't Harry shut the fudge up!!." AVB says positive things about John Terry, no fuss is made. That would be my guess as to what MK refers to as a double standard.

can you offer up some examples with Redknapp that are comparable to AvB talking about a player from his ex club (ex player AND captain, no less), because Im struggling to think of any
Re: John Terry retires from England duty

You have to admit Redknapp had a reputation for being a rent-a-quote for the media. AVB has been asked about the captain of the team he previously managed.

I can understand why AVB would be asked to comment on Terry and why he would give a fairly rudimentary response. What's the link between Harry and Terry that would justify Harry commenting, apart from the fact Harry loves the sound of his own voice?
Re: John Terry retires from England duty

Spot on basically!

just as i thought then - you are drawing similarities in situations that are completely different to one another

well done you

quite how someone is meant to show double standards over AvB saying his ex captain is a great player and a loss for the national team when Redknapp was never criticized for anything remotely similar i do not know - but then i got put on you ignore list for pointing out where you had contradicted yourself (several times) so who knows how your mind works
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Re: John Terry retires from England duty

You have to admit Redknapp had a reputation for being a rent-a-quote for the media. AVB has been asked about the captain of the team he previously managed.

I can understand why AVB would be asked to comment on Terry and why he would give a fairly rudimentary response. What's the link between Harry and Terry that would justify Harry commenting, apart from the fact Harry loves the sound of his own voice?

For the record I don't think AVB did anything wrong (although on this case I disagree with him). For the record I also think AVB talks a LOT to the media and I don't think there is anything wrong with that either. The difference is I wasn't bothered by Redknapp's ramblings either. What bugs me is if Redknapp had been asked the same question as AVB (and was still Spurs Manager) and gave EXACTLY the same response AVB did? He'd be slaughtered by certain posters on this board and yet AVB says it and silence or indignition by some of those posters that they can't see any similarity. So I guess double standards it is then!!
Re: John Terry retires from England duty

can you offer up some examples with Redknapp that are comparable to AvB talking about a player from his ex club (ex player AND captain, no less), because Im struggling to think of any

Somebody already mentioned Sol Campbell.

I think when Redknapp said he wanted Chelsea to beat Barca, it was a boneheaded comment and he was clearly just thinking with his Billy England hat on. He realised as soon as they got to the final that Chelsea winning the CL would cost us CL and him his job more than likely.
Re: John Terry retires from England duty

Joey Barton, who was given a 12-match ban after he was found guilty of two charges of violent conduct following his dismissal at Emirates Marketing Project on the final day of last season, poured scorn on the punishment handed out to Terry. The Marseille midfielder tweeted: "4 games? A years worth of investigation, a four day FA hearing and only a 4 game ban? Suarez got 8 didn't he? WTF's going on... Well I think that proves a lot. What an absolute farce. 12 games for violent conduct and only 4 for that. FA should be embarrassed. By the FA's perverse reckoning, I'd have got less of a ban for racially abusing the Emirates Marketing Project players than tickling them as I did."
Re: John Terry retires from England duty

Joey Barton, who was given a 12-match ban after he was found guilty of two charges of violent conduct following his dismissal at Emirates Marketing Project on the final day of last season, poured scorn on the punishment handed out to Terry. The Marseille midfielder tweeted: "4 games? A years worth of investigation, a four day FA hearing and only a 4 game ban? Suarez got 8 didn't he? WTF's going on... Well I think that proves a lot. What an absolute farce. 12 games for violent conduct and only 4 for that. FA should be embarrassed. By the FA's perverse reckoning, I'd have got less of a ban for racially abusing the Emirates Marketing Project players than tickling them as I did."

He's a massive ****, but he's kind of got a point!