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JT - Captain. Leader. Legend. Qunt

Re: John Terry retires from England duty

'22x Chelsea Training Ground tours available for charity. 10grand each. Please contact JT Captain Leader Legend. Ps no darkies allowed'
Re: John Terry retires from England duty

Somebody already mentioned Sol Campbell.

I think when Redknapp said he wanted Chelsea to beat Barca, it was a boneheaded comment and he was clearly just thinking with his Billy England hat on. He realised as soon as they got to the final that Chelsea winning the CL would cost us CL and him his job more than likely.

and you think these situations are similar enough to what AvB has said, with regards to Terry & England, that people would be contradicting themselves by looking at them differently ? :~

these situations are nothing alike - other than that they involve our manager. i don't see where the double standards or contradictions would be coming from

if AVB came out and talked up Sol Campbell as a potential signing and that we should get over it or whatever, you think he wouldn't get the same treatment as Harry ?

if he came out and said he wants our rivals to win a game which has a negative impact on us as a club that we wouldn't slag him off the same way as at the end of last season ?

just another example of MK trying to stir the brick without having to respond because he's hiding behind 'ignore' function
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Re: John Terry retires from England duty

Somebody already mentioned Sol Campbell.

I think when Redknapp said he wanted Chelsea to beat Barca, it was a boneheaded comment and he was clearly just thinking with his Billy England hat on. He realised as soon as they got to the final that Chelsea winning the CL would cost us CL and him his job more than likely.

The bottom line for me is that these people constantly have someone shoving a microphone in their face and they will all (even the clever ones) will occasionally / frequently say something that is complete gonads, they don't mean or can easily be misinterpreted. The other thing is that pretty much ALL managers do it, but a lot of fans only focus in on managers they don't like when they do it.

Now I know it's not the done thing because he is the golden boy, but last year when he was Chelsea manager (especially towards the end when he was under pressure) I thought AVB often talked absolute gonads when a microphone was stuck in front of him. A lot of it was he was on the defensive and probably fed up of answering the same questions, but he came across as an arrogant **** at best and an utter taco at worst. But you know what? Mourinho, Wenger, Fergie, Mancini etc. all come out with some of the most outrageous load of gonads on a fairly regular basis also, so it really doesn't matter a jot.
Re: John Terry retires from England duty

The bottom line for me is that these people constantly have someone shoving a microphone in their face and they will all (even the clever ones) will occasionally / frequently say something that is complete gonads, they don't mean or can easily be misinterpreted. The other thing is that pretty much ALL managers do it, but a lot of fans only focus in on managers they don't like when they do it.

Now I know it's not the done thing because he is the golden boy, but last year when he was Chelsea manager (especially towards the end when he was under pressure) I thought AVB often talked absolute gonads when a microphone was stuck in front of him. A lot of it was he was on the defensive and probably fed up of answering the same questions, but he came across as an arrogant **** at best and an utter taco at worst. But you know what? Mourinho, Wenger, Fergie, Mancini etc. all come out with some of the most outrageous load of gonads on a fairly regular basis also, so it really doesn't matter a jot.

Completely agree. Never understood why people got so annoyed with what a manager, any manager says. Surely it's the results that matter the most?
Re: John Terry retires from England duty

i'm disappointed AVB didn't take the opportunity to teach us all the Portuguese word for cnut

and Barton has a massive point, racist abuse being 1/3rd as serious as a bit of fisticuffs makes me angry
Re: John Terry retires from England duty

and you think these situations are similar enough to what AvB has said, with regards to Terry & England, that people would be contradicting themselves by looking at them differently ? :~

these situations are nothing alike - other than that they involve our manager. i don't see where the double standards or contradictions would be coming from

if AVB came out and talked up Sol Campbell as a potential signing and that we should get over it or whatever, you think he wouldn't get the same treatment as Harry ?

if he came out and said he wants our rivals to win a game which has a negative impact on us as a club that we wouldn't slag him off the same way as at the end of last season ?

just another example of MK trying to stir the brick without having to respond because he's hiding behind 'ignore' function

Waiting for the response to this...eagerly....<<munches popcorn>>
Re: John Terry retires from England duty

For the record I don't think AVB did anything wrong (although on this case I disagree with him). For the record I also think AVB talks a LOT to the media and I don't think there is anything wrong with that either. The difference is I wasn't bothered by Redknapp's ramblings either. What bugs me is if Redknapp had been asked the same question as AVB (and was still Spurs Manager) and gave EXACTLY the same response AVB did? He'd be slaughtered by certain posters on this board and yet AVB says it and silence or indignition by some of those posters that they can't see any similarity. So I guess double standards it is then!!


yeah maybe if Redknapp used to manage John Terry at Chelsea before he came to Spurs and was asked the same question as AvB today and was then given a load of abuse on here THEN maybe you would have a point, but as it stands that hasn't happened and nothing remotely like it happened with Redknapp, so your point, as usual, is total straw man flimflam
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Re: John Terry retires from England duty

CNN Exclusive: Jose Mourinho tells us that John Terry is not racist but should be punished
Re: John Terry retires from England duty

tomorrows Independent (apparently)

Re: John Terry retires from England duty

Waiting for the response to this...eagerly....<<munches popcorn>>

He is on my block list so I have no idea why he keeps trying to communicate with me to be honest. I have no response save the one I already gave. I don't get upset by what managers say publically. It just doesn't bother me that much (with the exception of some of the brick Wenger used to come out with). My point has nothing to do with AVB or Redknapp. My point is how certain posters have one rule for one, and another for another. It's evident in the Lloris thread too.
Re: John Terry retires from England duty

He is on my block list so I have no idea why he keeps trying to communicate with me to be honest. I have no response save the one I already gave. I don't get upset by what managers say publically. It just doesn't bother me that much (with the exception of some of the brick Wenger used to come out with). My point has nothing to do with AVB or Redknapp. My point is how certain posters have one rule for one, and another for another. It's evident in the Lloris thread too.

Billyyiddo makes some very good points though:

"if AVB came out and talked up Sol Campbell as a potential signing and that we should get over it or whatever, you think he wouldn't get the same treatment as Harry ?

if he came out and said he wants our rivals to win a game which has a negative impact on us as a club that we wouldn't slag him off the same way as at the end of last season ?"

To be fair it's hard to argue against these really
Re: John Terry retires from England duty

Billyyiddo makes some very good points though:

"if AVB came out and talked up Sol Campbell as a potential signing and that we should get over it or whatever, you think he wouldn't get the same treatment as Harry ?

if he came out and said he wants our rivals to win a game which has a negative impact on us as a club that we wouldn't slag him off the same way as at the end of last season ?"

To be fair it's hard to argue against these really

Redknapp was a clown in front of the camera (although no more than other managers) but that is not the point. The point is if Redknapp had given exactly the same Terry responses that AVB did certain posters on here would be a lot more upset than they are at AVB making those comments. I already know the excuse lined up is that AVB has a connection to Terry because he used to manage him and that justifies AVB showing sympathy for a hated rival's Captain (not to mention a hated player for Spurs fans!), but again I wonder if people saying that think the same about the fact that Redknapp managed Campbell so also knew him on a human level?
Re: John Terry retires from England duty

Redknapp was a clown in front of the camera (although no more than other managers) but that is not the point. The point is if Redknapp had given exactly the same Terry responses that AVB did certain posters on here would be a lot more upset than they are at AVB making those comments. I already know the excuse lined up is that AVB has a connection to Terry because he used to manage him and that justifies AVB showing sympathy for a hated rival's Captain (not to mention a hated player for Spurs fans!), but again I wonder if people saying that think the same about the fact that Redknapp managed Campbell so also knew him on a human level?

Defending Campbell against vile changts is one thing. Adding to the misconception that that they were racist is another. Then saying that he wanted to sign a known hated ex-player-judas, well what can one say to defend that?? Even for football reason there seemed little benefit.

Now where does the 'I want Chelsea to win the CL' fit in with this?
Re: John Terry retires from England duty

This thread is about John Terry and why he's a ****. It has absolutely nothing to do with Redknapp and there is no reason to bring him up here. AVB was asked a question and responded to that, it still has nothing to do with Redknapp. Comparing AVB's and Redknapp's media savviness is a complete separate topic and a rather pointless one at that. People will see what they want to see.
Re: John Terry retires from England duty

mourinho makes an interesting point though.
goading and verbally assaulting other players is something common in sport.

can one say racist things on the pitch but not be racist?
then what about the diver on the pitch ... is that cheating/lying an action to detest, or is the character of the man flawed? I suppose there are laws that take care of deceit for profit.
Re: John Terry retires from England duty

Presumably, there's still scope for Ferdinand to initiate some sort of civil action, which could make things interesting in terms of Terry's spin on his "not proven" verdict.