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Hugo Lloris

He is nowhere near one of the best plus he hasn't got much time left at top form. At least not for a Top 6 PL club - so we need a long-term replacement irrespective
Arc, who is better in your opinion? Brad is just as good as last season, people just try to make him spacegoat for goals because Lloris is here now.
But Brad is still one of the best keepers in the league, we didnt need Lloris now

I disagree that we didn't need someone like Lloris.

Brad has been declining in areas of his game for a number of years fortunately for him as a Goalkeeper he's managed to keep his reactions and agility therefore he's been able to perform to a high enough standard, but these are likely to decline at any point due to his age if they are not already. Tottenham don't have time to bring in someone like Butland for instance and bed him in slowly over a few seasons into the PL as it's very doubtful Brad will last that long, ergo (\o/) Lloris was purchased.

Brads not finished just yet and respect must be given but Lloris won't wait until next season I'd put money on that, somethings got to give.
Arc, who is better in your opinion? Brad is just as good as last season, people just try to make him spacegoat for goals because Lloris is here now.

Brad is just as 'ok' as he was last season (I'm even willing to overlook some of his errors so far for the sake of argument) - he's always been 'ok' throughout his career and reliable enough for the basics. A lot like a Toyota Corolla in fact - what you get is what you see - no surprises.

Come one mate, a younger, more agile keeper could have gone down earlier for Aguero's shot or not punch the ball into a Wigan player for a tap-in, or, or, etc.

However - we have someone on the bench now with the ability to win points for us (most recent example of such performance was Gomes circa March-May 2010) - through exceptional performances not the just 6/10s week in and out. That's the difference for me. Brad is reliable - Lloris simply offers more than that. No shame in either one.
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For now Lloris should keep quiet and be proffesional. He is getting games and next season he will be number one for sure. But right now he cant expect to be ahead of Brad imo
For now Lloris should keep quiet and be proffesional. He is getting games and next season he will be number one for sure. But right now he cant expect to be ahead of Brad imo

Why not - based on what is Brad ahead of him?

Statistically he's much worse.
Why not - based on what is Brad ahead of him?

Statistically he's much worse.

Lloris has not shown he is better, therefore they are being rotated.

As soon as Lloris steps up and shows these mad skills everyone keeps saying he has he'll be a shoe in for the number one spot.
Why not - based on what is Brad ahead of him?

Statistically he's much worse.

Is that all you've got now? statistically?

You don't see the difference vs premier league opposition to cup games and European outings against lesser teams? i mean in your mind you really can't see the difference no?
Is that all you've got now? statistically?

You don't see the difference vs premier league opposition to cup games and European outings against lesser teams? i mean in your mind you really can't see the difference no?

Are you honestly suggesting Brad has performed so much better than Lloris in order to guarantee his place?

Back to my original question - based on what is Brad ahead of him?
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He has performed well and knows the team better.

Wich statistics? Lloris is getting the easier games, and it's not like he has been faultless at all.

Goals conceded per game, clean sheets, passing accuracy, etc.

How is Lloris meant to learn about his team-mates if he never plays?

Brad is not the future - Lloris is - so why persist with the other? There is no point in that whatsoever - it's not like Brad is pulling off worldlies either - he's the usual 6/10 as always has
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Lloris has not shown he is better, therefore they are being rotated.

As soon as Lloris steps up and shows these mad skills everyone keeps saying he has he'll be a shoe in for the number one spot.

Lloris has shown in the few fat-free meals he's been thrown that he excels Brad in number of ways

Norwich (away) was a very good performance and his best to date - only to be dropped on the weekend - clearly your logic doesn't work with Avi B
Lloris has shown in the few fat-free meals he's been thrown that he excels Brad in number of ways

Norwich (away) was a very good performance and his best to date - only to be dropped on the weekend - clearly your logic doesn't work with Avi B

My logic works fine. Lloris has had errors in him in the Europa league games, the PL is tougher and his mistakes are far more likely to be punished. So AVB goes with Brad as he is reliable.

I'm sure Lloris will sort it out. I am also highly amused by his 'i am trying to stay professional' quote in what is an unprofessional outburst.
not punch the ball into a Wigan player for a tap-in, or, or, etc.

Norwich (away) was a very good performance and his best to date - only to be dropped on the weekend - clearly your logic doesn't work with Avi B

So Brad gets the Wigan defeat - despite making a number of good saves, particularly in the first half - hung round his neck, but Hugo - who didn't cover himself in glory for their winner - gets top marks for Norwich? :ross:

Do you have to wear an eye patch for your one-eyedness, Arc? :mickey:
My logic works fine. Lloris has had errors in him in the Europa league games, the PL is tougher and his mistakes are far more likely to be punished. So AVB goes with Brad as he is reliable.

I'm sure Lloris will sort it out. I am also highly amused by his 'i am trying to stay professional' quote in what is an unprofessional outburst.

So let me get this straight - according to yourself and other vocal memebers of the anti-Lloris mob

- Lloris made one mistake in the EL (not sure what other mistakes you're referring to)

- Brad has made to date numerous mistakes in the PL

- Lloris apparently plays in the bricker competitions

- Brad plays in the superior competition

Using the above logic - Brad's mistakes are of much higher magnitude compared to Lloris's one.

Yet somehow you and others are arging Brad deserves his spot ahead of Lloris. :~

So which one is it then?
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So Brad gets the Wigan defeat - despite making a number of good saves, particularly in the first half - hung round his neck, but Hugo - who didn't cover himself in glory for their winner - gets top marks for Norwich? :ross:

Brad doesn't 'get' the Wigan defeat - please refrain from insinuating things I never said. However Brad takes considerable blame for their 'goal'. His saves were largerly shots which were aimed straight at him and simply bounced off his body - no reflexes / no diving involed - but that's another argument alltogether.

Prior to that 'winner' at Norwich, Lloris was the only reason that kept us in the game with actual saves - else we would have lost 3-4 goals down as they were ripping us open.

I also said it was his best game to date - not the greatest game ever.
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So let me get this straight - according to yourself and other vocal memebers of the anti-Lloris mob

- Lloris made one mistake in the EL (not sure what other mistakes you're referring to)

- Brad has made to date numerous mistakes in the PL

- Lloris apparently plays in the bricker competitions

- Brad plays in the superior competition

Using the above logic - Brad's mistakes are of much higher magnitude compared to Lloris's one.

Yet somehow you and others are arging Brad deserves his spot ahead of Lloris. :~

So which one is it then?

He's made more than one mistake in the europa league. He's made numerous mistakes.

They haven't all cost goals, but that doesn't stop them being mistakes.
Please point that out - games / error / type of error, etc.

Even so - do you understand / agree to the argument I put forward in terms of error 'magnitude'?
Please point that out - games / error / type of error, etc.

Even so - do you understand / agree to the argument I put forward in terms of error 'magnitude'?

No because your 'error magnitude' is a load of crap.

If you can't see the mistakes he's made then there is clearly zero point in having a 'discussion' with you.

If you make mistakes in the easier games, you are going to make a hell of a lot more mistakes in the harder games.

Making mistakes in the easier games where there is zero pressure is much more concerning, especially compared with making mistakes in much bigger pressure environments facing superior players who are more likely to force you into mistakes.

In any case, most of the 'mistakes' you have attributed to Friedel aren't even mistakes, they are just your excuse to bash him.