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Harry Redknapp: The Aftermath

Would you keep Arry after the Season?

  • Yes - He's done well and should be given at least one more season to consolidate our team

    Votes: 25 53.2%
  • No - he's peaked and would hold us back.

    Votes: 22 46.8%

  • Total voters
Since being 0-2 up against Arse, this is what's happened in the League:

> Undeserved loss v. Manyoo
> Battling loss against a good Everton team away
> A draw against a fortunate Stoke after the difficult Muamba week
> Very good draw against CL finalists away. Should have won.
> A good win against Swansea
> A meh draw against Sunderland away
> A bad loss against Norwich
> A bad loss against QPR

There are only 2 unacceptably bad performances in those 8 games. There are 3 downright good performances. The other three - Sunderland, Stoke and Everton - are somewhere in between.

Those 8 games are what have turned feelings on this board from exultation to lynch-mob. The loss of perspective on this board is absolute at this point.

Thank you.
i hate to have to agree with you, but you right

problem is Arry is his verbal diarrhea - they asked him if he was happy chelsea had won and he answered yes before the question was finished. the question went on the say was the happy "as it now makes it harder for spurs to make CL" so he had t osebsequently circumanvigate what he said and get round to saying he was "happy chelsea had won but didnt want them to win the final"

Why would you hate to agree with me? if i'm right agree and if i'm wrong disagree but don't hate doing neither.
Fortunately football often surprises us, but right now I wonder if we will win another game this season....maybe Fulham at home once it is completely irrelevant!

My worry too. It would be a bitter pill if Martin Jol denied us CL on the last day of the season. Whatever he says publicly, I bet he would love to do that after the way he was treated by Spurs at the end.
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My worry too. It would be a bitter pill if Martin Jol denied us CL on the last day of the season. Whatever he says publicly, I bet he would love to do that after the way he was treated by Spurs at the end.

if we blow it on the 13th, it will be Harry's fault all the way as seriously, this should've been a victory game regardless celebrating a solid 3rd place finish...
I seriously feel a warning coming on.

Maybe two.

I've yet to fully use the infraction system on anyone yet. Might change shortly.

And if anyone is in any doubt, it is this type of petulant arguing that destroys this board, and which we have re-written the rules for.

Here's an opportunity.

LeedsSpur is ruining this board, he's an obnoxious useless waste of space whose opinions are worthless, every thread is hijacked by his attempts to impose his opinion on others, an internet warrior who drives people away from this board, any thread he contributes to is spoiled. This board is brick now and most of it is down to LeedsSpur's boorish presence in every thread.
weren't leeds spur and markysimmo the biggest redknapp advocates on this board at one point in time? blindly defending him at every turn? hilarious to see the change of stripes.
weren't leeds spur and markysimmo the biggest redknapp advocates on this board at one point in time? blindly defending him at every turn? hilarious to see the change of stripes.

and out of everybody doing the same you choose us two to call out, what a shocker

im just fed up like everybody else is of the stupid things he has said lately, he has his own agenda which is very clearly coming through to all now
Never liked him. I respect the good things he did for us, but think that he is tacticly inept and a money-driven media fluffy bunnies cuddling...He can take a club to a certain level, but his tactical shortcomings start showing when expectations get high. He would be perfect for England though:lol:
just because everybody's doing it, does that make it ok? pretty high-school reasoning there mate.

It's called changing your opinion, and not just blindly following what you used to think when overwhelming evidence suggests you were wrong.
Am not subscriding to this thing that in the last few months we have been playing the same as we always have been and the recent run of results and on field antics has just been about 'luck'

I thinks that categorically wrong. iof that were the case then man united and Emirates Marketing Project must have gathered up all the luck on earth through voodoo.

The way we have been playing is clearly the reflection of a team thats low on confidence and form...second guessing themselves..not taking risks....etc

there is no way we have been playing well or the same as we were when we were flying with the same verve and confidence.

and more to the point..as far as being out of luck is concerened...our chances that have been created have not been good quality chances recently. taking shots from silly locations and laboured efforts....those arent the kind of chances you associate with the top three teams.

i suppose newcatsle only doing well now due to luck? no way...they are flying on form and multiplied their abiliies because thier confidence is sooo high
Here's an opportunity.

LeedsSpur is ruining this board, he's an obnoxious useless waste of space whose opinions are worthless, every thread is hijacked by his attempts to impose his opinion on others, an internet warrior who drives people away from this board, any thread he contributes to is spoiled. This board is brick now and most of it is down to LeedsSpur's boorish presence in every thread.

It's also enhanced by your absence.

The classic sign of someone who cannot argue their own corner, trying to silence those they disagree with.

p.s. stop taking the thread off topic. =;
just because everybody's doing it, does that make it ok? pretty high-school reasoning there mate.

I have not changed my mind at all, but to point out the obvious fault in your statement I will quote a famous,left wing, Economist:

'When the facts change, I change my mind -- what do you Sir'

John Maynard Keynes

You are trying to pick fault with people whose opnions have changed. Is that worse than dogmantically sticking to your beliefs regardless of the evidence that presents itself?
steff is turning on redknapp.LOL...

The funny thing is that you're suggesting I always loved him!!!! Cast your mind back to Jan last season when I tried in vain to say he had bottled a big money signing, cast your mind back to this summer when I was critical of his behaviour during the Modric saga and cast your mind back to Feb when i expressed enormous bewilderment at his team selection for the death star...I've always been alive to his faults, and in fairness to myself, I have repeatedly, without fail, said that Harry thinks about Harry...where I will admit to being overwhelmed with surprise is how huge those faults have proven to be.