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Harry Redknapp: The Aftermath

Would you keep Arry after the Season?

  • Yes - He's done well and should be given at least one more season to consolidate our team

    Votes: 25 53.2%
  • No - he's peaked and would hold us back.

    Votes: 22 46.8%

  • Total voters
That's not what I am saying. I am saying that I am not fazed by short term results. And short term CAN equate to one season, let alone half a dozen games. I prefer to take a longer term view. I don't focus on the last half a season to form my judgement on Redknapp. I focus on his entire tenure.

One season, ok not the conference but you would settle for the championship.
Hoddle in? 3-5-2 is perfect for us?

It's like the glory days of Glory Glory all over again.

:lol: I wonder if he'd cheekily bring the formation back if he did came back. I doubt it though because he pretty much abandoned the formation from 2002/03 on and didn't really utilise it after us either.
Exactly. Lasagnegate was just unfortunate really, it was a freak error that made us miss out on 4th.

I beg to differ... it was a corrupt attempt by another club in direct opposition to what we could do to them, to disrupt our season to their own ends... say it an't so... food poisoning simply DOESN'T HAPPEN on the eve of such an important game... it's never happened before, and has never happened since... yet on this occasion, it was deemed as 'just one of those things'...

gonad*s it was... David Dein* paid someone to do his dirty work to ensure his beloved ArseAnal reached the Holy Grail of Sky's Champions League... if he didn't, I'm prepared to hold my hands up and say I was wrong... but EVERY Spurs fan knows what they feel deep within... this game is corrupt to the core, and has been ever since the moment the filthy amounts of Sky cash were pumped into the gash of football, raping it into submission, and convincing itself this is the future...and that she 'wanted it' all along!

It makes me fudging sick!

*ALRIGHT... ALLEGEDLY!! happy now?
I beg to differ... it was a corrupt attempt by another club in direct opposition to what we could do to them, to disrupt our season to their own ends... say it an't so... food poisoning simply DOESN'T HAPPEN on the eve of such an important game... it's never happened before, and has never happened since... yet on this occasion, it was deemed as 'just one of those things' gonad*s it was... David Dein paid someone to do his dirty work to ensure his beloved ArseAnal reached the Holy Grail of Sky's Champions League... if he didn't, I'm prepared to hold my hands up and say I was wrong... but EVERY Spurs fan knows what they feel deep within... this game is corrupt to the core, and has been ever since the moment the filthy amounts of Sky cash were pumped into the gash of football, raping it into submission, and convincing itself this is the future...and that she 'wanted it' all along!

It makes me fudging sick!

This jabroni's been watching Dream Team reruns again.
Yeah that's right, because Harry has had us teetering on the verge of relegation ever since he got here....

I was quoting what you said which was one season of poor results, if we finish fourth it will be because the players have turned it around, who is going to score the goals we need is another matter, injuries are going to cost us now the defense is in shreds.
Come off it much as we love Hoddle it wouldn't be right to bring him back. As for totman being a **** leedspur he isn't. Just like your not just two very opinionated posters which is great for the forum.

lol you jump from thread to thread defending that guy. do you have some 'personal' relationship?
I was quoting what you said which was one season of poor results, if we finish fourth it will be because the players have turned it around, who is going to score the goals we need is another matter, injuries are going to cost us now the defense is in shreds.

If we finish 4th it's because all parties concerned got us into the position in the run in to be able to finish 4th. Your point could easily be turned on its head and it could be said that Harry has shown a lot of faith in certain players who have let him down over the last few weeks. The truth lies somewhere inbetween I'm sure. Our recent form is not ALL down to Redknapp.
The changing of formation, letting Bale roam all over the place, not playing lennon, playing Carlo in the semi, all this is not down to Redknap then, when you see him interviewed he projects his self as being blameless, not saying that he will think about the England job if offered at the end of the season and not before, sorry mate I think our problems are 80% down to Redknap.
A lot of people aren't so much defending Redknapp as despairing at the bottle-jobbing and knee-jerking on this site. That's the boat I'm in. My despair at our current plight is overtaken by gratitude that many posters here are not in the dressing room. If they were, the season would be over already.

I'm not YET ready to accept that 3rd is gone, or that 4th is gone or that a squad and manager who ripped into the CL QF 12 months ago and were challenging for the title until well after Christmas - for the first time in 30 years - are suddenly brick.

Yes. We are brick. Next
By forcefully you mean acting like a prick?

Psychologically, there is a clear difference between finishing 4th and 5th, you see how much it meant to the Spurs fans and players when we finally broke into the top 4 two seasons ago. We would have all been devastated if we had gone to Eastlands and lost 4th place that same season.

Emirates Marketing Project have a superior squad to United, but if they don't win the league this season, then it will be because of a lack of belief and because their mentality is not quite the same as United's.

If you actually read some of the threads in this part of the forum instead of spending all your time whinging about Labour in the politics threads, you'd see that I have criticised Redknapp many times recently for his tinkle poor team selections, negative tactics, loaning out valuable squad players and saying he wanted Chelsea to beat Barca. I don't think the sun shines out of his arse, but I also don't believe that he hates Tottenham and is on a mission to destroy the club, bankrupt us and essentially turn us into the new Leeds United because he is a gooner/used to manage West Ham/insert irrational reason here.

Come off it much as we love Hoddle it wouldn't be right to bring him back. As for totman being a **** leedspur he isn't. Just like your not just two very opinionated posters which is great for the forum.

Well I know the line an he didn't. That the difference.
Since being 0-2 up against Arse, this is what's happened in the League:

> Undeserved loss v. Manyoo
> Battling loss against a good Everton team away
> A draw against a fortunate Stoke after the difficult Muamba week
> Very good draw against CL finalists away. Should have won.
> A good win against Swansea
> A meh draw against Sunderland away
> A bad loss against Norwich
> A bad loss against QPR

There are only 2 unacceptably bad performances in those 8 games. There are 3 downright good performances. The other three - Sunderland, Stoke and Everton - are somewhere in between.

Those 8 games are what have turned feelings on this board from exultation to lynch-mob. The loss of perspective on this board is absolute at this point.

I have to say that I disagree with all of that. There was nothing unlucky about the stoke result, chelski were not cl finalists at that time and of the 4 away games we have played since the end of feb we have scored no goals. In the rest of the games we've only notched up more than a goal a game vs Swansea and picked up 6 points from 24. Not good enough.

Add to this that we were 10 points and 15 points ahead of current 3rd and 4th placed teams and your optimistic view of things looks very generous.

Spurs' collapse is England's gain - Shilton

"Maybe they (the FA) think they can announce it a bit earlier if Spurs are not going to qualify for the Champions League. But the sooner the better."

Perhaps I'm paranoid but I honestly think we're being stitched up again just like lasagne-gate.

Levy will make the FA bleed for this, if they do take Redknap they will have to pay a lot of money for the pleasure.
lol you jump from thread to thread defending that guy. do you have some 'personal' relationship?

Not at all. Just I can relate to strong minded people as I perceive him to be whereas some take offence to what he said which I don't understand. But not the time or place just saying.