Yup, in Oz now. I didn't leave because of foreign ****s though! London was sucking the soul right out of me. I still maintain it is the greatest city in the world, and the UK as a whole is getting it so right in many aspects. Globally, we are in a delicate position.
I think one reason I hold my views is because when I grew up in Enfield there was one Indian sweet shop and the rest of the shops were run by English people. Top shops, school uniform shops etc have now been replaced by Turkish supermarkets, off licences and phone shops. Now, while there are some nice people included in there, there are a lot of them who have real chips on their shoulders. Not nice people.
It's what your used to surely? I don't like the change I've seen over the years in my local town.
One other thing. My old school had one black kid in the whole year and one in the year below. 2 in the whole school. My little boy is 18 months and we went to view it recently with a view to sending him there. There were 2 white kids in the year and the rest of the kids were black.
Now PLEASE fellas don't think I'm being funny and I know it's said so often but I really have met and have been fortunate enough to befriend many black people. Genuinely. But am I wrong to question sending my boy to a school where he is a minority? I can imagine black parents must've felt the same sending their kids to a majority white school?