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A few thoughts/answers

- Paratici would have expected to outlast Conte regardless of how well it went, one is a guy who did 11 years at one club, the other guy rarely makes a 3rd season
- Poch's time came to an end, and while people may disagree on timing/backing/whatever, a manager leaving after 5 years isn't some bad omen.
- Jose and Conte just seem to be bad fits (longer discussion)
- Poch and Tuchel are available, suspect Potter will be on the market soon as well, so different environment. I do think Poch would be a cheap way of getting good PR.

I'm not sold on Conte, not this version anyway, not sure we would be much worse off.

Gallardo too
There was an almost handing over of all football operations to him that Levy pipped up about when it happened. I would suggest its more than the standard DOF role as we know it historically.
Maybe at this club, but in Europe that is what the role of Director of Football entails.

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Maybe at this club, but in Europe that is what the role of Director of Football entails.

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That said, Levy rules ey, I don't think it really matters as he will probably wield if he wants to haha
Maybe at this club, but in Europe that is what the role of Director of Football entails.

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Not really. I read a recent article about how juve was run (due to the criminal investigation). Paratici could sign any player under €25m. Under €50m nedved had to sign it off. Under €75m agnelli also had to sign off. Over €75m the whole board had to sign off. Belive that was whole package not just transfer fee.
Not really. I read a recent article about how juve was run (due to the criminal investigation). Paratici could sign any player under €25m. Under €50m nedved had to sign it off. Under €75m agnelli also had to sign off. Over €75m the whole board had to sign off. Belive that was whole package not just transfer fee.
I should have put "usually" but I'm sure if Paratici decided to buy a single player for 150m our board would also want sign off on the deal.

The main gist though is in Spain, the likes of Monchi etc are employed in the way described. It's really only in England where the DoF is still relatively new that things have been done a bit more piecemeal.

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Maybe at this club, but in Europe that is what the role of Director of Football entails.

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His title is managing director of football
He has other directors beneath him
Not sure if that makes any difference to his role
I should have put "usually" but I'm sure if Paratici decided to buy a single player for 150m our board would also want sign off on the deal.

The main gist though is in Spain, the likes of Monchi etc are employed in the way described. It's really only in England where the DoF is still relatively new that things have been done a bit more piecemeal.

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Tbh i don't know exactly how it works here, the club hasn't really been that forthcoming on what exactly paratici can and can't do. We know conte has a veto on signings he doesn't want, also it's paratici and those under hims role to identify targets for what the coach needs. How the rest of it works is a bit clouded in mystery. I really doubt that levy is throwing names in off his own back though. He was possibly the first to introduce the dof model in this country, because he knew he wasn't an expert.
@Grays_1890 probably knows more.
Tbh i don't know exactly how it works here, the club hasn't really been that forthcoming on what exactly paratici can and can't do. We know conte has a veto on signings he doesn't want, also it's paratici and those under hims role to identify targets for what the coach needs. How the rest of it works is a bit clouded in mystery. I really doubt that levy is throwing names in off his own back though. He was possibly the first to introduce the dof model in this country, because he knew he wasn't an expert.
@Grays_1890 probably knows more.

I don't know that much just that Fab has total control of all footballing operations and that he has freedom within the market as long as it remains within a framework of the clubs P&L. If it does Levy doesn't get involved apparently
I don't know that much just that Fab has total control of all footballing operations and that he has freedom within the market as long as it remains within a framework of the clubs P&L. If it does Levy doesn't get involved apparently
I'm not entirely sure where I stand regarding such a DoF, and don't know enough about how it really works. As long as he's responsible for premlinary dealings and bringing in coach targets, I'm all for it. But if it's a separate entity bringing in talents just because they're available and have sell-on value, I'm more reserved. Like when we were stacking up on midfielders leaving more important positions unattended. Bringing in players that you know are not good enough for what you aim to achieve is worse than buying players you don't know in my book. Take Gil, I'm pretty sure his technical abilities are up there with the best, how that translates to or is even useful on the pitch is another matter though. If we cannot make use of what he's good at or adapting him into what we need, he's never going to make it for us just because he's a tricky little bugger. I also think that with a few exceptions, a player is pretty much a player, coaching, training, experience, attitude and confidence is what makes a young player good or bad. I think Spurs has a job to do in creating such a (winning) environment, a state-of-the-art training facility with the newest dumbells and so on is not enough.

I also think we have bought and fielded too many ready-made 4th-8th position players, and unless you have a coach with exceptional tactical abilities, that's what you're going to get. If we need an Eriksen, we need to look for a player an with Eriksen skillset and potential, not someone we know is never going to be anything like him just because he's good at something and is available. If we cannot buy the finished articles, City-style, we need to buy and use young talent, forming them into what we need. Like Gareth Bale. WE made him and built upon what he had, when he left he was absolutely nothing like when he arrived. I'm going out on a limb here, but I think buying players like Perisic, albeit being short-term, is kind of like an answer without a question. I get that we're not set up like a Poch/Klopp team or even aim to be like it, but still we need to decide whether we are contenders or in transition. Djed Spence for example, may or may not be good enough to be part of a multiple honours-winning team or the next Kyle Walker (if that's what we want), we don't know, but we know that Royal and Doherty aren't.
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I'm not entirely sure where I stand regarding such a DoF, and don't know enough about how it really works. As long as he's responsible for premlinary dealings and bringing in coach targets, I'm all for it. But if it's a separate entity bringing in talents just because they're available and have sell-on value, I'm more reserved. Like when we were stacking up on midfielders leaving more important positions unattended. Bringing in players that you know are not good enough for what you aim to achieve is worse than buying players you don't know in my book. Take Gil, I'm pretty sure his technical abilities are up there with the best, how that translates to or is even useful on the pitch is another matter though. If we cannot make use of what he's good at or adapting him into what we need, he's never going to make it for us just because he's a tricky little bugger. I also think that with a few exceptions, a player is pretty much a player, coaching, training, experience, attitude and confidence is what makes a young player good or bad. I think Spurs has a job to do in creating such a (winning) environment, a state-of-the-art training facility with the newest dumbells and so on is not enough.

I also think we have bought and fielded too many ready-made 4th-8th position players, and unless you have a coach with exceptional tactical abilities, that's what you're going to get. If we need an Eriksen, we need to look for a player an with Eriksen skillset and potential, not someone we know is never going to be anything like him just because he's good at something and is available. If we cannot buy the finished articles, City-style, we need to buy and use young talent, forming them into what we need. Like Gareth Bale. WE made him and built upon what he had, when he left he was absolutely nothing like when he arrived. I'm going out on a limb here, but I think buying players like Perisic, albeit being short-term, is kind of like an answer without a question. I get that we're not set up like a Poch/Klopp team or even aim to be like it, but still we need to decide whether we are contenders or in transition. Djed Spence for example, may or may not be good enough to be part of a multiple honours-winning team or the next Kyle Walker (if that's what we want), we don't know, but we know that Royal and Doherty aren't.

I think the youth signings are seen as an investment in the future and if some could be integrated now great, but equally Fab and Levy are fans of the old Chelsea model of loading up youth and making additional revenue on loan fees which I think we will see alot more with in the future.

I think where we are looking at ready made talent there will be also an expectation on clearing money and space from the like for likes, aka, Regie, Emerson, Ndombele which TBH I understand as we have upwards of 300m of players who don't cut it

Like I said on the other thread, I fully expect the likes of Spence and Sarr to outlive Conte and be assets for Spurs longer term
I think the youth signings are seen as an investment in the future and if some could be integrated now great, but equally Fab and Levy are fans of the old Chelsea model of loading up youth and making additional revenue on loan fees which I think we will see alot more with in the future.

I think where we are looking at ready made talent there will be also an expectation on clearing money and space from the like for likes, aka, Regie, Emerson, Ndombele which TBH I understand as we have upwards of 300m of players who don't cut it

Like I said on the other thread, I fully expect the likes of Spence and Sarr to outlive Conte and be assets for Spurs longer term
I agree. If you're running our model, you can guage (roughly) how much you're likely to turnover from stadium, TV, sponsors, PL EL or CL. The last one being the biggest variable. So player trading has to come into it. I don't think we are even looking to do it ala Chelsea (ie on steroids) but it definitely makes sense to get academy talent in and scout the best 18-22 year olds worldwide. We may turn a profit on them but we are 109% hoping they can make a difference on the field as well.
I agree. If you're running our model, you can guage (roughly) how much you're likely to turnover from stadium, TV, sponsors, PL EL or CL. The last one being the biggest variable. So player trading has to come into it. I don't think we are even looking to do it ala Chelsea (ie on steroids) but it definitely makes sense to get academy talent in and scout the best 18-22 year olds worldwide. We may turn a profit on them but we are 109% hoping they can make a difference on the field as well.

Yeh of course but that model also has the benefit of almost paying the wages itself at the very least. Loan a player out for 5m fee, happy days, development and revenue.
I agree. If you're running our model, you can guage (roughly) how much you're likely to turnover from stadium, TV, sponsors, PL EL or CL. The last one being the biggest variable. So player trading has to come into it. I don't think we are even looking to do it ala Chelsea (ie on steroids) but it definitely makes sense to get academy talent in and scout the best 18-22 year olds worldwide. We may turn a profit on them but we are 109% hoping they can make a difference on the field as well.
For them to be able to do so, it's so important to have a strong center. I think we need to go all in for a reliable midfield general/playmaker for the future, someone to build the team around and open up the opportunity to experiment. We have seen how much of a difference the right midfielder can make, and how good they can make even average players around them appear.
There’s some truth in this. Depends on a couple of things, though, imo.

Firstly, what are Paratici’s views? If he feels the same as Conte - should he leave - then he perhaps goes too. He was supposedly instrumental in getting Conte to come and they obviously have a close relationship. Will he want to stick around for another manager? We have a history of ploughing through people in these types of positions too (e.g. Paul Mitchell). For both to go would seem a huge backward step.

Secondly, Pochettino, Mourinho and Conte all walking away dissatisfied (and trophy-less) from the club within just over three years is not a good look generally - or to other prospective managers. We seemed to struggle to fill the position last time (hence the Nuno debacle), let’s remember.

My biggest worry should Conte go is that Levy’s desperation to appease the fans will see him reappoint Pochettino. Much as I love the bloke I don’t think him coming back will be a receipe for success unfortunately - certainly not so soon after him leaving previously.

My hope is that Conte stays and the board give him what he needs: a couple of established wing-backs, alongside at least one CB and a creative midfielder.

I don't think we've ever been in a stronger position with regards to appointing managers.

Mourinho was on a downwards trajectory, but still a bigger name and more established manager than we've ever hired. Conte surpassed that by being almost as big name, but not on a downwards trajectory.

We couldn't have signed those managers 10-15 years ago.

Nuno situation was a mess. We had targets that went elsewhere, we had a target in Pochettino who decided to stay. Paratici new to the job, the Gatusso thing. It was a difficult summer to appoint top level managers.

We ended up with Nuno, definitely felt like a backup option. But I don't think it's a sign of where we are as a club.

I also hope that we get Conte what he wants, whatever that is. It won't all happen this January, but I hope Conte is happy enough and we get him enough for him to be happy to stay for the time he himself has said this will take.
I think the youth signings are seen as an investment in the future and if some could be integrated now great, but equally Fab and Levy are fans of the old Chelsea model of loading up youth and making additional revenue on loan fees which I think we will see alot more with in the future.

I think where we are looking at ready made talent there will be also an expectation on clearing money and space from the like for likes, aka, Regie, Emerson, Ndombele which TBH I understand as we have upwards of 300m of players who don't cut it

Like I said on the other thread, I fully expect the likes of Spence and Sarr to outlive Conte and be assets for Spurs longer term

Very much this.

That approach is also a viable path to getting players that can be better than we can afford to sign and attract.

It was a key part of our success going back quite a while. Players like Walker, Bale, Modric, but also players that didn't end up being world class. We couldn't possibly sign them at their peak. But we can sign them while younger and develop them.

Our failure to get those signings, get those signings right, for a number of years remains the most glaring issue and cause of our recent struggles. At least the most fixable issue.

Conte can develop younger players. But Paratici and Conte have to identify those young players that Conte can trust soon enough to take part in that development.