Firstly, I don't think my hate for Levy has been anywhere near the level you have thrown over the last few months BUT I loud and clear get your love for Poch, and if something you love so greatly gets killed off then you naturally look for blame even if the accusations are debatable. Fwiw, circumstance is more to blame imo.....but it's all been done to death.
I loved Poch too, everything about him. He did so much for us in a testing time, a stadium rebuild brings so much disruption through finances, lack of a home ground, uprooted supporters but we sailed thru that because of what he served up on the pitch. We'll never know how hard it was to navigate that course because he made it look like it was easy, in his eyes the good times just meant getting the 11 on the pitch to play beautifully, the distractions.
Even when it started to go wrong, we still made top 4 and a CL final.
Looking back though it is slightly bizarre why he left (sacked, whatever) when he did?
If it was backing, squad refresh he wanted, that's what last summer was the beginning of. We were holed below the waterline but had limped into port and the new shipmates were waiting. Wasn't this what he was waiting for? It must of been the damage to the captain himself (Poch) that was less repairable? And I think it might of been less why it fell apart, but how it fell apart, that really took its toll on the man. It seams implausible but the group fell out if love with him (or at least his ways)? And Poch being the character he is, really took that badly.
And that is so annoying because WE HAD reached the other side...the land of money...the land of new shipmates...the land of the new WHL..wasnt this what we (and Poch) wanted all along. We hadn't (understandebly) wrecked ourselves on the rocks getting there, we'd effing made it.
I even more depressed now shipmates

And I've a NLD to face