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Andre Villas-Boas - Head Coach

Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

AVB has had 12 months longer; irrespecitve of player changes, you should be able to see a system and way of play developing once a manager has had almost a season and a half in the job!

Thats not the point.

AVB got us our best ever points total last year and is still in contention for top four finish this year. Yet STILL gets flack
Moyes has taken over Man Utd and made them ridiculously ****. Yet, not one bit of flack.
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

AVB has had 12 months longer; irrespecitve of player changes, you should be able to see a system and way of play developing once a manager has had almost a season and a half in the job!

Why should we ignore player changes? You just said yourself that we used to have a world class player and now we don't.

If we're ignoring the facts that make our argument flawed, let's ignore the fact that there are 5 teams ahead of us in the league. \o/ We're going to win the league \o/
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

What makes you so sure of that?

Applying Occam's razor, what is the result of the following?

1) There is no system and no plans to break the opposition down, ergo AVB has decided neither of these are necessary and has just sent the team out without instruction for either
2) There is a system and a plan to break the opposition down, it just isn't working yet.

Assuming there is a system, if its not embedded in the team after a season and a half then you may as well not have one! And if its not working, then you need to change it - I dont see any evidence of AVB trying to change things to make us more potent and I think he's too stubborn to do so. Our tactics seem to be:

1) Win ball back
2) Play a few quick passes between defenders and midfielders to 'secure' possession (ie given we should have more people at the back than the opposition have attackers)
3) Possession now secure, pass the ball around the half-way line
4) [missing]
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

Assuming there is a system, if its not embedded in the team after a season and a half then you may as well not have one! And if its not working, then you need to change it - I dont see any evidence of AVB trying to change things to make us more potent and I think he's too stubborn to do so. Our tactics seem to be:

1) Win ball back
2) Play a few quick passes between defenders and midfielders to 'secure' possession (ie given we should have more people at the back than the opposition have attackers)
3) Possession now secure, pass the ball around the half-way line
4) [missing]

Regarding your first paragraph. If you're driving from Manchester to London and haven't arrived in 2 hours, why would you then change your destination to Birmingham? As for too stubborn, why do you think that in the face of all the evidence?

So in 1.5 yrs we have in place 3/4 of a system that it took Utd about 5 years to properly implement and 3 to even begin to get going with. Despite facing financial doping, a more competitive league and the sale of one of the world's best players - that Utd didn't have to face.
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

AVB has had 12 months longer; irrespecitve of player changes, you should be able to see a system and way of play developing once a manager has had almost a season and a half in the job!

What about Rodgers then?. Liverpool are pretty dire and only being kept afloat by Suarez's individual brilliance. Rodgers has been in post longer than AVB.

What about Laudrupt? Swansea are going backwards this season.

West Brom, Norwich and West Ham are all performing poorly too.

All are managers who should be under at least as much scutiny/pressure as AVB, but they aren't.
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

The flack for AVB is just mental, in my opinion

Based on what? 4 bad results?
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

What about Rodgers then?. Liverpool are pretty dire and only being kept afloat by Suarez's individual brilliance. Rodgers has been in post longer than AVB.

What about Laudrupt? Swansea are going backwards this season.

West Brom, Norwich and West Ham are all performing poorly too.

All are managers who should be under at least as much scutiny/pressure as AVB, but they aren't.

Liverpool were playing very good football lasts season (do you remember how badly they outplayed us at the Lane) but due to poor finishing they were undone. Rodgers said that they would improve when he's able to bring in a couple of players in January...they signed Coutinho and Sturridge....they instantly went on a great run playing great football. It's not comparable to the AVB situation in the slightest.

Swansea do not look as fluid this season i agree. They've lost Michu and Bony to injury so they're not playing anyone decent up top but yes i agree with that.
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

Did Liverpool outplay us last season at the lane, I don't remember the game off hand. Or did they just have lots of possession, like AVB is getting criticized for now?

Genuine question by the way as I don't remember the game.
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

AVB really does seem like marmite to most spurs fans at the moment.....for someone who comes out and says he is immune to press criticism he seems to have cracked a little recently.

got to say its really sad to see the divisions in the spurs faithful at the moment......things like booing the lennon sub against utd on Sunday.....and just the general feeling that as a following for our club we are all full of doubts and negativity.

I wonder how most on here judge our manager from the following and what they consider are the most important from the following:
getting results
style of play
managers personality/charisma
how the manager does with the politics......ie media...fans relationship.
vision for the future...planning ahead blooding youngsters.

I think he does himself no favours with the media and needs help......I believe the style will be better with more time.

I firmly believe that we can give AVB more time and show what a special set of fans we spurs lot are. Trophies are not handed out yet........we have to stay in the mix of things through the hectic Christmas period and continue to work hard on the training pitch on our cohesiveness and attacking play. who gives a bugger how the likes of Liverpool are playing........jealousy doesn't suit a lot of spurs fans.......

truth is we have never had a more talented squad or so much potential to win major honours......peeps need to forget how quickly they can have success in football manager and be a bit more patience........
massive squad upheaval and losing star player is not an ideal pre-season.....if we can have a settled pre-season next year and we address the left back issue we are in business, but don't be surprised to see us play a lot better after Christmas anyway......for years we have started strong only to fall away.....but with the way certain players are rotated I think it will be reversed this season.......I expect us to finish the season very strong which will make a pleasant change.
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

Good Post Nigey.

but with the way certain players are rotated I think it will be reversed this season.......I expect us to finish the season very strong which will make a pleasant change.

AVB has had some stick this season that the reason we are not playing as coherently as we could is that he is rotating and he "needs to find his best 11 and stick with it" but I am of the opinion that once a 'system' is properly embedded and understood by every player in the squad then it negates the need for a 'regular' 11 as each player will absolutely know the role they are required to play.

I think this is AVB's ultimate aim which is why it will take time for this to happen.

Once the system is in place and adaptable to any player within the squad in their respective position then we will absolutely reap the rewards throughout a long season. The 'team' should never be tired and can be changed at will to ensure there is no loss of focus or energy on the pitch.

Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

Good Post Nigey.

AVB has had some stick this season that the reason we are not playing as coherently as we could is that he is rotating and he "needs to find his best 11 and stick with it" but I am of the opinion that once a 'system' is properly embedded and understood by every player in the squad then it negates the need for a 'regular' 11 as each player will absolutely know the role they are required to play.

I think this is AVB's ultimate aim which is why it will take time for this to happen.

Once the system is in place and adaptable to any player within the squad in their respective position then we will absolutely reap the rewards throughout a long season. The 'team' should never be tired and can be changed at will to ensure there is no loss of focus or energy on the pitch.


Not to mention that losing players won't set us back 4 years.
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

Regarding your first paragraph. If you're driving from Manchester to London and haven't arrived in 2 hours, why would you then change your destination to Birmingham? As for too stubborn, why do you think that in the face of all the evidence?

So in 1.5 yrs we have in place 3/4 of a system that it took Utd about 5 years to properly implement and 3 to even begin to get going with. Despite facing financial doping, a more competitive league and the sale of one of the world's best players - that Utd didn't have to face.

That's not what he's saying though. He's saying you change the system, so to use your example, if Manchester is scoring a goal and your system for getting there is driving, and you've been driving for two hours and aren't happy, you change and rent a hellicopter and fly to Manchester in ten minutes.

His point is there is no sign of AVB changing the system to make us better in front of goal. Whether it's a case that he's too stubborn to change it, or that he really thinks that it will come good remains to be seen.
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

Oh how opinions change after 2 goals.

Not sure if this is in direct reference to my post or a more general view but if it is the former I haven't changed opinion at all and whilst being dismayed at some of the performances in recent games I've not lost faith in AVB at all (or posted to that effect).
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

Did Liverpool outplay us last season at the lane, I don't remember the game off hand. Or did they just have lots of possession, like AVB is getting criticized for now?

Genuine question by the way as I don't remember the game.

They genuinely outplayed us.
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

That's not what he's saying though. He's saying you change the system, so to use your example, if Manchester is scoring a goal and your system for getting there is driving, and you've been driving for two hours and aren't happy, you change and rent a hellicopter and fly to Manchester in ten minutes.

His point is there is no sign of AVB changing the system to make us better in front of goal. Whether it's a case that he's too stubborn to change it, or that he really thinks that it will come good remains to be seen.

Try reading his post again:

"Assuming there is a system, if its not embedded in the team after a season and a half then you may as well not have one! "

So, taking that into individual parts;

1) Come up with a system to achieve your objectives
2) Wait an arbitrary amount of time to see if the system is working. Said amount of time requires no relevance to the actual time required to achieve objectives.
3) Give up on system

My analogy fits pretty well I'd say.
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

They genuinely outplayed us.

Liverpool kept hold of a player who is every bit as good as Bale and I am sure some people would say better than bale.

I don't know what people's fascinations are about Liverpool.....If I was jealous of any club for playing good football and being consistent then it would be those buggers up the road I am afraid to say.

sometimes we are going to be outplayed and get a result other times we will dominate games and not end up with three points....that's football.....

the most important thing is our vision...our squad depth...our potential....I don't want us to play like pool or everton or stoke or whoever really............I want us to find our own identity (something which I think is in progress atm) and continue to grow from there.

Holtby, Sig, Walker, Lamela, Eriksen, Townsend, Rose, Kane, Vlad.... all fantastic young talent with decent potential add that to seasoned pro's like Lloris and Verts, Paulie and Sandro and it all looks good if we can keep our squad settled in the future.

we just need to sort out the top end which is a bit of my favourite buttplug at the moment. Defoe and ade should probably move on so we can reinvest in that area....

lets not keep harping on about pool.......the full season is the test of time and how good a team is.....they have an incredible talent that will probably itch for a move and rock the boat again soon and they have run gerrard and sturridge, coutinho into the ground already.....I expect them to falter at the business end I really do and last time I checked there only 3 points ahead of us.......we play them soon and I would kevin keegan style 'love it' if we beat them just to remind some on here that the future is lilywhite not anfield red.
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

Vlad wasn't the only one to embrace AVB like this last night - so did Lloris with a big smile on his face, Walker and several others. It most certainly did not look like a manger who'd lost the players.
isnt that what normally happens when the manager loses the dressing room? or players confidence gets lost ? there always seem to be an over elaborate gesture of solidarity

at least thats what i find on some occasions
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

Liverpool kept hold of a player who is every bit as good as Bale and I am sure some people would say better than bale.

I don't know what people's fascinations are about Liverpool.....If I was jealous of any club for playing good football and being consistent then it would be those buggers up the road I am afraid to say.

sometimes we are going to be outplayed and get a result other times we will dominate games and not end up with three points....that's football.....

the most important thing is our vision...our squad depth...our potential....I don't want us to play like pool or everton or stoke or whoever really............I want us to find our own identity (something which I think is in progress atm) and continue to grow from there.

Holtby, Sig, Walker, Lamela, Eriksen, Townsend, Rose, Kane, Vlad.... all fantastic young talent with decent potential add that to seasoned pro's like Lloris and Verts, Paulie and Sandro and it all looks good if we can keep our squad settled in the future.

we just need to sort out the top end which is a bit of my favourite buttplug at the moment. Defoe and ade should probably move on so we can reinvest in that area....

lets not keep harping on about pool.......the full season is the test of time and how good a team is.....they have an incredible talent that will probably itch for a move and rock the boat again soon and they have run gerrard and sturridge, coutinho into the ground already.....I expect them to falter at the business end I really do and last time I checked there only 3 points ahead of us.......we play them soon and I would kevin keegan style 'love it' if we beat them just to remind some on here that the future is lilywhite not anfield red.

why defoe and ade?