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Andre Villas-Boas - Head Coach

Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

i thought we had a good record last season in games we fell behind in?
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

i thought we had a good record last season in games we fell behind in?

We did you are correct but the point is people are saying AVB's gameplan is only attack in key moments in the game, last 15 minutes of the game when the other team is tired for example.
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

We did you are correct but the point is people are saying AVB's gameplan is only attack in key moments in the game, last 15 minutes of the game when the other team is tired for example.

If that's the best time to attack the opposition, yes.

If the opposition have a habit of starting slowly and not being switched on then we'll attack most at the start of the match.

Very few teams will start against us switched off though because we're a big game for most teams.
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

AVB tonight

We all could see a starting midfield containing Capoue and Sandro was gonna lack creativity but he went for it.
Lennon plays badly on the left so why start him there?

Switched Lamela and Lennon around 20 minutes in or so and we instantly got on the front foot.
Took Capoue off and got Holtby on whilst moving Paulinho deeper.
Made aggressive changes, sacrificing Sandro for Chadli when we needed the goal.

All in all a good night for him. He made the changes that were needed and we dug in and turned the game around. On the downside our frontline is still not scoring and this is a worry. I won't count the counter attack that Paulinho spurned because I want to focus on the chances we create from our build up play. So far it has been the same old story with teams sitting deep but there were times today when we had our back 4 and two midfielders all behind the ball. This meant that all they had to aim for were the wingers and guys up front, it's horrendous really. I know they hoped to draw players out but all it did was negate our attacking impetus. You want to see the fullbacks occupying their wingers and our midfielders moving about trying to make an option. Same **** different game. Things need to change still and AVB needs to address it
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

If that's the best time to attack the opposition, yes.

If the opposition have a habit of starting slowly and not being switched on then we'll attack most at the start of the match.

Very few teams will start against us switched off though because we're a big game for most teams.

So you're saying don't attack early if teams aren't switched off?
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

We did you are correct but the point is people are saying AVB's gameplan is only attack in key moments in the game, last 15 minutes of the game when the other team is tired for example.

the plan, which BoL is talking about and i assume the one which you refer to, isn't to only attack in certain moments it's to attack with different levels of intensity at different moments. conceding goals/falling behind doesn't really effect that.

do you think we continually attacked with the same level of intensity for 90 minutes under Redknapp? i think that it rarely happens at the highest level of football as it isn't sustainable over long periods - unless you're playing against a team several levels below you then the opponents will always have periods where they gain the upper hand - this system which BoL is proposing, if i understand correctly means that you have more chance of controlling the game for it's entirety as even when you aren't attacking at 100% you are still looking to control the game, at a lower intensity in the in between periods, rather than letting the other team get a foothold as you naturally drop off (as 100% for 90 minutes isn't realistic)
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

But you asked about those 53 games :?

I asked about the way in which we play in those games.

EDIT: do you realise we could actually finish with a worse record points wise than we did last year or two seasons ago? If the points total secures us top 4 (even if it's a lower one) then I would take that.
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Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

i thought we had a good record last season in games we fell behind in?

We have a very good record of coming back into its. I'm sure Statto will have data

We are far from flying but were still up on pints from last season both in games and like for like and that's whilst bedding in so many key players. I personally think the negativity around our playing style is fair but not around the results.

We now have 4 goals in 2 games and all are from outside the box. It's not perfect but it's a great way of dealing with teams that sit back (not something we have suffered from in those games). We also changed the system in the second half which was brave as it's was 0 0 at the time so give AVB some credit for that or was that not his call?!?!?

As some sensible arsenal fans said to me the other day.... The league isn't won after 13 games so don't judge the team then!!!!
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

So you're saying don't attack early if teams aren't switched off?

No, I'm saying save the all out throwing people at them, using up large amounts of our stamina for when it's most likely to have a beneficial effect.

When it won't, keep the ball, play it to feet and keep probing for someone to lose their defensive discipline.
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

the plan, which BoL is talking about and i assume the one which you refer to, isn't to only attack in certain moments it's to attack with different levels of intensity at different moments. conceding goals/falling behind doesn't really effect that

That makes more sense.
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

Last year I found some games really crushingly boring, to the extent where Bale would score his standard 93rd minute screamer and I wouldn't react, I'd just think pffft, lucky... we were crap today and that 2 seconds of class doesn't change anything.

I really hoped we would improve a lot this year but I'm still struggling to stay awake during games. Today was a lot more end-to-end with chances for both teams, but it didn't look like a well drilled cunning attack, it just looked like a generally fractured setup with moments of good play
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

That makes more sense.

i actually think it's an ambitious way of playing - with the end result being that we play the game on our terms for it's entirety, as opposed to giving our opponents the opportunity to control the periods in which you tire (by trying to keep the intensity up). it's the type of tactic that i could understand taking a long time to implement - the pitfalls with that being that it could take a long time for you to come to the conclusion that we aren't going to get it right. i don't think the tactic itself is any way negative
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

i actually think it's an ambitious way of playing - with the end result being that we play the game on our terms for it's entirety, as opposed to giving your opponents the opportunity to control the periods in which you tire (by trying to keep the intensity up). it's the type of tactic that i could understand taking a long time to implement - the pitfalls with that being that it could take a long time for you to come to the conclusion that we aren't going to get it right. i don't think the tactic itself is any way negative

I don't disagree with any of that tbh. I think we still need to work on creating more chances, sounded like we did that tonight.
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

Well in the end for all their high intensity pressing, the Fulham players tired and they had to make subs. Karaghounis (sp) was their best player whilst on and with him off the park we got a little more joy
Re: ***The Official AVB Discussion Thread***

That makes more sense.

Really? Why do we need a system so complicated that we end up in many games having no /or limited attacking intensity? Who else plays this system successfully? Why is it that we can only score from long range efforts? Watching Arsenal, Emirates Marketing Project and to a certain extent Liverpool they attack teams throughout games hence they hammer them.