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Andre Villas-Boas - Head Coach

I read this and I'm left scratching my head. One did he actually watch the game?
As for trying to settle for a point, that tells you everything you need to know about how AVB ticks.

Andre Villas-Boas felt Sergio Aguero’s equaliser gave City the impetus to go on and win Sunday’s clash at the Etihad Stadium.

Steven Caulker headed us into the lead in the first half and we led until the 65th minute, when Aguero found a yard of space in the box and curled into the corner.

City pushed us back from there but we defended doggedly until substitute Edin Dzeko volleyed home the winner in the 88th minute.

“The players showed real desire, we believed we could get something and in the end it was disappointing,” reflected Andre.

“We looked sharp in the first half and defensively we played well. We could have done a little more with the ball but we improved that in the second half and at the moment we were finding gaps and spaces, that’s when we conceded. That put us on the back foot.

“That goal was important because we were looking comfortable with the ball and it gave them the extra impetus to attack us.

“We tried to adapt and hold onto the result but we couldn’t in the end. I look back at the game and certainly making it 1-1 was key for them.”
No excuses from AVB..good. I fancied City to win the EPL but I thought both United and Chelsea would falter. I can't see both doing so now so I think we are aiming for 4th and TBH that does not thrill me and I cannot see how that would thrill our players either.
Maybe we can go on a cracking run and scare the bejasus out of the unholy trinity but realistically I just hope we can bed in our new signings and young prospects and have a tilt at a cup.
I still have faith in AVB. We were under the cosh both trips to Manchester last term but this year we were battered less and got 3 points more so to me that is improvement
Yeah there have been a few bad ones but all loans such as Saha and Nielsen and Chimbonda (all im sure brought in as numbers just to get us by incase injuries mountained up).

And nothing to do with generating agents' fees.
Decent post - still wanna kill ya though.

Alot of ifs and buts but the crux of the matter is that our football has actually been unadventurous, dull and boring not to mention unambitious. AVB does need to adapt he seems stubborn doesnt appear to be tactically astute (perfect example yesterday) and his ability to not learn from lessons (how many goals conceded in second halves and in the last 15 mins of a game?) is not very good. If in the next few games he decides to start playing to our strengths and forgets trying to sit the fudge back then he will get time because he is showing he is willing to change things about. This defensive approach has not served us any benefit whatsoever so fight fire with fire in games we may get beat but fudge me lets get beat with a fight and not with a wimper.

Having said all that however; I feel sorry for AVB as he has been handed a few players that Levy brought which is another point entirely although it has a significant impact which could impair AVBs ability to do his job properly. Whats funny is you mention we dont have the money etc which is fine but what I find incomprehensible is you then go and splash out a lot of money on players that it seems (the evidence is there although not conclusive) AVB did not want or players that do not fit in his style. So instead of using that cash to go out and fund transfers on players AVB wanted he has been left with a few players, in key positions, that are just hindering us at the moment.

To be honest I know I moan a fair bit but its borne out of frustration as im not sure who the fudge to blame - AVB? or Levy? both? Im not looking for a spacegoat. Its also frustration borne out of the fact that I really dont think there were any questions to be answered in the first instance when Harry was in charge but thats me.


let's try and look at some positives, for a change - Dembele and Sandro are two good replacements for Parker and Modric (or VdV depending on how you look at it) and play in positions which are vital to how a team sets up and plays - with these two in the side we have a great record

first time they started together was the away game v Reading, a 1-3 win and a game which we looked pretty good overall, Reading came back in to it for a brief 10-15 minute period but we fully deserved the win.
This was followed by a Europa League game against Lazio, which i attended and we were very unlucky not to come away with a win, 0-0, no goals conceeded in the final minutes and we moved the ball around well and created some good chances.
home game v Q.P.R - not a great performance by any stretch of the imagination but one where after a terrible first half we came out looked a different side and quickly turned 0-1 in to 2-1 and rode the game out. no late goals conceeded
Cup game away v Carlise, 0-3 win - lower league opposition, not too much to read in to this but a potential banana skin avoided.
Manchester United away - we start the game like a freight train and blow the opposition out of the water - AVB got the team set up perfectly and we were well worth our 2 goal lead at half time - second half Manchester United threw everything at us, as they have done in the past when we have taken the lead over them but this time rather than crumble to pieces under the pressure we put in a resolute performance and hang on for the win. party time. no late goals conceded
Aston Villa, home, comfortable 2-0 win - decent performance (though my memory of this game is some what jaded) clean sheet which means once again no late goals conceded ;)

if you look at these games in isolation as an example of when we have actually been able to field a strong midfield then things start to look A LOT better, no doubt in my mind that had Dembele been here from the start and avoided injury we would look a lot better to watch as a team as with the more games you play together the more 'in tune' the players become with each other - no Dembele means we are playing inadequate players in key positions that will effect how we perform.

once you start to factor in that we have been without Adebayor who was so important to our attacking play last season, Kaboul who was vital to our defensive strength then you can actually start to be a bit more confident about where we will be when we are full strength.

it will take time but i see a lot of people saying there are no positives and what not, well i disagree entirely with that sentiment - there are plenty of negatives i will agree with that, but if you are fair and look at all the problems that we have had to deal with (yes, some our own doing) then a lot of that becomes explainable
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And nothing to do with generating agents' fees.

That I dont know - Chimbomba you may have a case. The other two? not a chance - we were lacking numbers in personnel and seeing as we (mustve) failed in getting any of our targets we were lumbered with getting in a couple of loans.

Wasnt there a post on here that suggested Levy got those two in Saha and Nielsen?
That I dont know - Chimbomba you may have a case. The other two? not a chance - we were lacking numbers in personnel and seeing as we (mustve) failed in getting any of our targets we were lumbered with getting in a couple of loans.

Wasnt there a post on here that suggested Levy got those two in Saha and Nielsen?

I'd be very surprised. Those two go against everything that Levy has ever done and fit perfectly into the 'Arry signing mould.

I'm not saying it's impossible, but everything Levy and 'Arry have done in the past makes it extremely unlikely.

let's try and look at some positives, for a change - Dembele and Sandro are two good replacements for Parker and Modric (or VdV depending on how you look at it) and play in positions which are vital to how a team sets up and plays - with these two in the side we have a great record

first time they started together was the away game v Reading, a 1-3 win and a game which we looked pretty good overall, Reading came back in to it for a brief 10-15 minute period but we fully deserved the win.
This was followed by a Europa League game against Lazio, which i attended and we were very unlucky not to come away with a win, 0-0, no goals conceeded in the final minutes and we moved the ball around well and created some good chances.
home game v Q.P.R - not a great performance by any stretch of the imagination but one where after a terrible first half we came out looked a different side and quickly turned 0-1 in to 2-1 and rode the game out. no late goals conceeded
Cup game away v Carlise, 0-3 win - lower league opposition, not too much to read in to this but a potential banana skin avoided.
Manchester United away - we start the game like a freight train and blow the opposition out of the water - AVB got the team set up perfectly and we were well worth our 2 goal lead at half time - second half Manchester United threw everything at us, as they have done in the past when we have taken the lead over them but this time rather than crumble to pieces under the pressure we put in a resolute performance and hang on for the win. party time. no late goals conceded
Aston Villa, home, comfortable 2-0 win - decent performance (though my memory of this game is some what jaded) clean sheet which means once again no late goals conceded ;)

if you look at these games in isolation as an example of when we have actually been able to field a strong midfield then things start to look A LOT better, no doubt in my mind that had Dembele been here from the start and avoided injury we would look a lot better to watch as a team.

then when you start to factor in that we have been without Adebayor who was so important to our attacking play last season, Kaboul who was vital to our defensive strength then you can actually start to be a bit more confident about where we will be when we are full strength.

This season we have played well in patches of course the Manure first half takes the limelight but there was also Reading away and even Noocastle away but have you noticed the trend? away games. Home games - fudgein bang on awful. I didnt think the villa game was that great nor anything to write home about - it was a very comfortable and efficient performance against a very dull unadventurous team. We face a team a team with any ambition and we struggle - Norwich, WBA, QPR and even Wigan. horrible performance.

We have been without key players and our squad is weak hence I have felt sorry for AVB but what you and some others seem to forget is that people arent saying AVB should be performing miracles but that AVB has to adapt. One criticism people labelled at Harry was his tactical naivety i.e. 442 and thats that his repertoire didnt extend beyond that. AVB on the other hand seems to be the same except this time the tactic isnt even performing. So he has to adapt. I am a very big believer of playing your best players and playing a formation that suits them. You miss Dembele? then adapt your formation so you can be extra creative in other areas to compensate. Those performances you stated had Dembele in the team he creative fulcrum in the middle but we dont have that now so you have to bring someone like Ade deeper (take a risk on the defensive side - which is brick anyways) and bring in another striker.

its his stubbornness that is tinkling people off and its his inability to change things mid game and when he does change it it seems to lead to goals and pressure being invited - yesterday was the worst example and I think he has taken the blame so lets see how he has learned.
To add my two penneth, I think for all AVBs failings, and whether you'd like to admit it or not there are a few, you can't underestimate the impact of not having a settled fit team.

It was no coincidence that we went on a fantastic run last season with pretty much the same team give or take a few injuries here and there, with pretty much our best side out week in week out, playing the fringe and kids in the Europa league. Eventually we ran out of steam cos the players were knackered.

AVB has not had the luxury of being able to play our best team available. And the 'style' of play AVB wants us to play won't come to the fore until we get a settled side with the best players available.

People have unrealistic expectations, we don't currently have a team able to challenge for fourth. How many of those playing on sunday would get into the top 4 teams? Bale maybe lennon maybe verts maybe Ade maybe sandro maybe. The rest- no chance.

What disappoints most is the poor subs AVB made on sunday but even then I can see what he was trying to do, bring on Daws for walker and keep the experience and leadership of gallas in the team when we were under the cosh. I'm not saying he was right but there was some thought.

I think AVB is still finding his feet in the EPL and particularly at Spurs but I believe given time he could do well for us. Football is too myopic. It wasn't that long ago Bale was soo bad fans wanted rid. So I say give him the players he needs, or at least when the current squad are fit and then judge him. But he does have a lot to prove.
DHSF - you have to ask yourself - If we are already asking the players to adapt to a new system of play, a system which does look to work when we are close to a full team (the examples above) then what would happen if we were to chop and change that every week to compensate for injuries/players dropping out of the team, in the early stages? i think it would be counter productive to the long term integration - id expect to see in the future, once we are settled and more comfortable with how we are playing, AVB be more adventurous in this sense.

but then maybe im talking gonads :lol:

also, i think people are over looking some games where things have changed at half time for the good - Norwich and West Brom for example - although we only ended up drawing both these games there were marked improvements in the second half. Aston Villa - a rather mediocre performance in the first half saw us come out in the second up our performance, create a lot more chances and grab 2 goals.

in fact 17 of our goals in all competitions have come in the second half, compared to 8 in the first - now i know it's only a simplistic way to look at it but that could suggest that we have been tweaked at half time or it could just be luck or whatever - without knowing what goes on in the dressing room we don't know what changes are made, if any
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Steff thats really selective because if my memory serves me right we played tactically in games such as AC Milan away or inter at home (even away just to even get it back to 4-3). Harrys just got this stigma of just telling players to 'run around' and whilst we do joke about it im sure he applied some tactics. Footballers are easy people to guide just dont need 1000 instructions in there heads when playing that restricts them and causing them to hesitate in their play.

The thing is im of the Harry school of thought that tactics whilst do have a place has so much emphasis placed upon it when in reality if you got good footballers, who enjoy playing in a way they are told, they will perform. Youre obviously in the tactical school of thought and thats fine but we need the players and if AVB isnt gonna be given the money and the full backing to buy the players he wants and needs then what was the bloody point?

Tactics away to Inter? Yes. Give it to Bale and let him gallop. Just as in Madrid, when we got treated harshly, early, when we lost a man, he couldn't shut the game down and keep the damage brief, perhaps trying to pick off on the break. AC away was the one time I saw a real tactical plan, and he also had Gomes to thank for some superb saves (he/we deserved that luck for the disciplined display)...

I'm NOT on one camp or the other. Why is it not possible to have a blend of both? Why can you not have both?
Can't be bothered to reply to everyone individually since I last posted in this thread, but to sum up my feelings based on the general vibe:

The way some of you are going on you'd have thought we'd just sold Messi, Iniesta and Xavi and replaced them with Rasiak, Dozzell and Acimovic. Of course it wasn't going to be easy losing Modric, Van Der Vaart and King, but FFS it's not like a) we haven't got any good attacking players left and b) we're the only team that has ever had to deal with this.

There are a lot of parallels of us now and Arsenal last season...both teams had been in the title race the year before but slumped massively at the end of February and slipped down to 4th (us on 69 points, them on 68 points). We had had great success with Modric, Van Der Vaart and Parker in central midfield the previous season, but now we'd sold the first two and the latter has been injured. They had had Fabregas, Nasri and Wheelchair in the previous season, now the first two had been sold and the latter injured. They started badly last season, but at no point were they anywhere near as bad at creating chances as we have been at times this season. By this point in the season, they had more points than we have now as well as more goals.

They're also not the only team that has coped with losing players too. Look at Fulham under Martin Jol. Dembele, Dempsey, Murphy, Johnson and Pogrebnyak all gone from last season, yet they're still the league's second top goalscorers and are only 4 points off Champions League. How exactly has he had it any easier than AVB has? How has he managed to cope with the loss of all his best players and yet still put together a balanced side playing attractive, attacking football? It's not like we've lost all our good players - a team with Bale, Lennon, Adebayor, Defoe, Sigurdsson and Huddlestone should be able to create chances, it really is that simple.

The "run around a bit" quote that Harry said about Pavlyuchenko was a stick people used to beat him with as being a poor tactician. Sometimes, being a good tactician means keeping it simple. It means giving good players the licence to express themselves and enjoy their football. In the first half of the 09/10 season, before we'd signed Van Der Vaart and Parker, when Bale was the reserve left-back and when Modric had broken his leg, was our squad any better than it is now? Any genuinely better attacking players? Yet we still managed to stick 9 past Wigan, 5 past Burnley and thrashed Emirates Marketing Project who were supposed to beat us into 4th place that year 3-0. He achieved this because he (almost) always looked at the best set of players he had available to him and picked a balanced team to get the job done, a balanced team of players who were allowed to be creative and unpredictable in their play. He sometimes didn't use his substitutions well, but generally they would made sense, even if I didn't always agree with the decision. With AVB? Most of the time I sit there wondering what he's been smoking when he makes his substitutions.

Those of you saying I should have more patience, did you show the same faith in Pleat and Gross after their bad starts? Were you saying "Oh leave poor Christian alone, we sold Sheringham in the summer and his fitness coach couldn't get a work permit. I know we just lost 6-1 at home to Chelsea, I know the players all hate him, I know he's signed Moussa Saib, but come on, give him time". Were you saying "Leave poor David alone, he's trying to get the team used to playing 4-4-2 again after getting used to 3-5-2 under Hoddle, it's not his fault that we don't have a defensive midfielder, and I know that he keeps starting Poyet and Anderton who have a combined age of about 70 in central midfield and ends games we are losing with seven defenders on the pitch, but come on, give him time." Because that's certainly not the way I remember people thinking. There's always going to be excuses that a manager has, it's up to you to see what are genuine mitigating circumstances and give him the benefit of the doubt, and what is just a get-out clause when things go wrong.

Liverpool are behind us in the league. But at least you can see the effect Rodgers has had on them, they are playing attractive, attacking football for the first time in fudge knows how long, they just lack the cutting edge required because they didn't sign a striker in the summer. I am absolutely baffled as to what effect AVB has supposedly had on our team. Results are worse, we are creating less chances, we are letting in more goals and White Hart Lane is no longer the fortress that it used to be. Ok, we started quickly against Man Utd and he gave a good half-time team talk against Chelsea. What else has he done that Gross, Pleat, Graham, Francis, Santini or any of the other mugs who managed our club wouldn't have also been able to do given the same resources?

This isn't a knee-jerk reaction. Read through my posts after every game we've dropped points in this season, I've highlighted clear and obvious things that AVB has got wrong in every game that we haven't won bar Saudi Sportswashing Machine away. Like I've said before, I don't mind the manager making the odd mistake, I don't even mind them making a huge mistake if they learn from it. What I can't accept is a manager who makes huge mistakes week in week out and doesn't learn. So those of you who think I'm fickle, lacking patience, or just plain stupid for wanting him out, please explain to me:

1. Why the fudge he thought it would be a good idea to play Gallas at RB on the weekend
2. Especially considering he had a proper RB on the bench
3. Why he continues to start Gallas in the first place despite being brick week in week out
4. Why Dempsey played 90 minutes on the weekend despite playing like Jason Dozzell, and when we had Sigurdsson on the bench
5. Why Dempsey keeps starting despite doing fudge all every game
6. Why we didn't have any wingers on the bench on Sunday despite having Towsend and Falque available
7. Why he always takes too long to make substitutions
8. Why he continually substitutes attacking players, hands the momentum to the opposition and prays they won't score, despite them doing so over and over again
9. Why he thinks our players won't get tired in the league games if he doesn't rotate the squad for European games
10. Why he thinks anyone outside of Portugal gives a flying fudge about the Europa League anyway
11. Why he substitutes Adebayor when the players are hoofing long balls upfield the whole time
12. Why he so adamantly sticks to his "system" instead of the formation that provides us with the best chance of winning the game
13. Why he substituted Defoe against Wigan
14. Why he won't play Sigurdsson in the hole behind a big CF like Ade, clearly his best position
15. Why he has played two defensive midfielders with a midget striker on his own up front, at home, against teams defending deep
16. Why he creates this persona as a tactical mastermind who prepares his players tactically for every individual game, yet when Bale's missus went into labour moments before the game he put Dempsey on the wing instead of the like-for-like switch in Townsend
17. Why he watched Falque actually look like the sort of player we've been crying out for this season in his only appearance and then never use him again
18. Why he made the decision to sign Dempsey instead of a proper striker

I'm sure there's more but I can't be bothered to think of more things now as it's late and I want to go to bed and this is depressing me. My point remains the same, he lets me down every week with diabolical tactical decisions that lead to brick football and dropped points - as a result, I want him gone. No further justification necessary.
Tactics away to Inter? Yes. Give it to Bale and let him gallop. Just as in Madrid, when we got treated harshly, early, when we lost a man, he couldn't shut the game down and keep the damage brief, perhaps trying to pick off on the break. AC away was the one time I saw a real tactical plan, and he also had Gomes to thank for some superb saves (he/we deserved that luck for the disciplined display)...

I'm NOT on one camp or the other. Why is it not possible to have a blend of both? Why can you not have both?

Now I might be reading that out of context as I've just looked at the last few posts. But if I've not, give it a rest. We know which camp you are in, its ridiculously obvious.

Anyone that doesnt want to be in one camp or the other, would not pick on the most irrelevant incidents and make them into big issues with Harry but the DEFEND this brick that is currently happening. Im all for picking out Harrys mistakes, but I would expect to see people who were unhappy with Harry really ripping into what AVB is doing right now if you want to appear neutral.

Everyone told me that AVB would be a tactical manager. I was expecting Jose Mourinho, but so far all AVB has done is show himself to be tactically inept. He may put a lot of emphasis on tactics, but its the wrong tactics. And to make it worse he is clearly not a motivator.
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Tactics away to Inter? Yes. Give it to Bale and let him gallop. Just as in Madrid, when we got treated harshly, early, when we lost a man, he couldn't shut the game down and keep the damage brief, perhaps trying to pick off on the break. AC away was the one time I saw a real tactical plan, and he also had Gomes to thank for some superb saves (he/we deserved that luck for the disciplined display)...

I'm NOT on one camp or the other. Why is it not possible to have a blend of both? Why can you not have both?

You can have both certainly but I think Harry was both - good football, giving the players who have the ability to create to 'run around' yet having a midfield enforcer in Parker and allowing modric to dictate play. I am sure AVB wants that too but needs the players - step up Mr Levy...

Tactics can only go so far you dont expect the opposition not to have a shot or two otherwise why the need for Keepers? but there is a difference between being competitive and taking it up the rectum. Emirates Marketing Project second half just was pathetic - we stood there expecting them to score but it seemed like we just stood there 'waiting it out'.

Golf - Steff was talking about the run around camp and the tactical camp (run around being Harry)
You can have both certainly but I think Harry was both - good football, giving the players who have the ability to create to 'run around' yet having a midfield enforcer in Parker and allowing modric to dictate play. I am sure AVB wants that too but needs the players - step up Mr Levy...

Tactics can only go so far you dont expect the opposition not to have a shot or two otherwise why the need for Keepers? but there is a difference between being competitive and taking it up the rectum. Emirates Marketing Project second half just was pathetic - we stood there expecting them to score but it seemed like we just stood there 'waiting it out'.

Golf - Steff was talking about the run around camp and the tactical camp (run around being Harry)

Well, comparing performances from Harry's Spurs v AVBs Spurs. Its fairly obvious which manager set the team up correctly and had a system that allowed us to attack effectively while also work hard as a unit to make sure we were solid at the back. One manager dominated possession while one relies on us soaking up pressure and then counter attacking - but the obvious issue being we are so tired from chasing the other team we are consistently brick in the 2nd half. I dont see any evidence that Harry is not a tactical manager while AVB is.

Im sure AVB has some good ideas, but he doesnt have the complete picture as Harry did. Im sure AVB will get to the end of the season with us, whether he keeps his job will be down to how much he has learnt from his early mistakes and changes them. Can we loan out AVB to a lower league team and get him back in 5 years time ?

And I dont know how any of the AVB camp can bring up 5-2 away to Arsenal when we just got done 4-2 at home to Chelsea. Once in 4 years we conceded 4 at home in the league, AVB did it in 4 games. Again not something i'd have mentioned until the anti harry lot start bringing out 'few and far between' incidents as if they were normal.
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Not trying to do an AVB vs Redknapp thing, but it's the most obvious for some of these. Not getting into Dempsey/Sigurdsson, but unless I'm mistaken this was Ade's first start in the league this season. Difficult to tell what will or won't work until you've tried.

1. Why the fudge he thought it would be a good idea to play Gallas at RB on the weekend

Because we have done so before under Redknapp? Gallas has a lot of experience playing as a fullback.

2. Especially considering he had a proper RB on the bench

Personally I would rather we start Naughton ahead of Walker, but maybe he wanted Dawson in there to combat Dzeko?

3. Why he continues to start Gallas in the first place despite being brick week in week out

Just like our previous manager did last season. Gallas usually started when fit or almost fit.

4. Why Dempsey played 90 minutes on the weekend despite playing like Jason Dozzell, and when we had Sigurdsson on the bench
5. Why Dempsey keeps starting despite doing fudge all every game
6. Why we didn't have any wingers on the bench on Sunday despite having Towsend and Falque available
7. Why he always takes too long to make substitutions

Just like our previous manager, or the one before that, or the.... It's a valid point, but it's something almost every manager in the world is guilty of.

8. Why he continually substitutes attacking players, hands the momentum to the opposition and prays they won't score, despite them doing so over and over again

Again something that is very common in the world of football, we just seem to be a lot worse at trying to see out games than other teams. No matter how much we want them to, I don't think we have any attacking players to put on that will make a difference.

9. Why he thinks our players won't get tired in the league games if he doesn't rotate the squad for European games

Just like we did when we were in the CL. We sacrificed a few league games that season to have a day out.

10. Why he thinks anyone outside of Portugal gives a flying fudge about the Europa League anyway

Every other country in Europe besides England? Sure, you'll find some that complain, but they generally seem to take it pretty seriously.

11. Why he substitutes Adebayor when the players are hoofing long balls upfield the whole time
12. Why he so adamantly sticks to his "system" instead of the formation that provides us with the best chance of winning the game

It's basically the same formation we've played for the last two seasons. I'm guessing you want to see us playing 442, meaning we have to play the same two strikers all the time and leave ourselves wide open in midfield.

13. Why he substituted Defoe against Wigan

Why did we leave Defoe on the bench for the entire match against Villa last season?

14. Why he won't play Sigurdsson in the hole behind a big CF like Ade, clearly his best position
15. Why he has played two defensive midfielders with a midget striker on his own up front, at home, against teams defending deep
16. Why he creates this persona as a tactical mastermind who prepares his players tactically for every individual game, yet when Bale's missus went into labour moments before the game he put Dempsey on the wing instead of the like-for-like switch in Townsend

Those square pegs in round holes that we NEVER EVER complained about under previous managers.

17. Why he watched Falque actually look like the sort of player we've been crying out for this season in his only appearance and then never use him again
18. Why he made the decision to sign Dempsey instead of a proper striker

I'm sure there's more but I can't be bothered to think of more things now as it's late and I want to go to bed and this is depressing me. My point remains the same, he lets me down every week with diabolical tactical decisions that lead to brick football and dropped points - as a result, I want him gone. No further justification necessary.

All in all, we've been pretty lucky to never have had a manager before that makes poor decisions that cost us points.
Golf - Steff was talking about the run around camp and the tactical camp (run around being Harry)

Thanks mate, I'm glad you got it and knew you would...but please don't ruin other people's dreams or visions of what I meant! It could upset them...
Well, comparing performances from Harry's Spurs v AVBs Spurs. Its fairly obvious which manager set the team up correctly and had a system that allowed us to attack effectively while also work hard as a unit to make sure we were solid at the back. One manager dominated possession while one relies on us soaking up pressure and then counter attacking - but the obvious issue being we are so tired from chasing the other team we are consistently brick in the 2nd half. I dont see any evidence that Harry is not a tactical manager while AVB is.

Im sure AVB has some good ideas, but he doesnt have the complete picture as Harry did. Im sure AVB will get to the end of the season with us, whether he keeps his job will be down to how much he has learnt from his early mistakes and changes them. Can we loan out AVB to a lower league team and get him back in 5 years time ?

And I dont know how any of the AVB camp can bring up 5-2 away to Arsenal when we just got done 4-2 at home to Chelsea. Once in 4 years we conceded 4 at home in the league, AVB did it in 4 games. Again not something i'd have mentioned until the anti harry lot start bringing out 'few and far between' incidents as if they were normal.

I agree that Harry was tactical and peoples perception of him not being tactical are far way off. I disagree though that AVB isnt tactical I just think he is TOO tactical and he is stubborn which means not only does he give the players too many instructions (rigidity) but also he is too stubborn to change his tactics alas Man bricky. Im generalising here and i am assuming a bit here but none of us know what truly is going on so we are all basing it on assumptions (although calculated)
You can have both certainly but I think Harry was both - good football, giving the players who have the ability to create to 'run around' yet having a midfield enforcer in Parker and allowing modric to dictate play. I am sure AVB wants that too but needs the players - step up Mr Levy...

Tactics can only go so far you dont expect the opposition not to have a shot or two otherwise why the need for Keepers? but there is a difference between being competitive and taking it up the rectum. Emirates Marketing Project second half just was pathetic - we stood there expecting them to score but it seemed like we just stood there 'waiting it out'.

Golf - Steff was talking about the run around camp and the tactical camp (run around being Harry)

The worst bit about Sunday was that had AVB shown a little more adventure I think we could have taken the game (3 at the back should've seen Defoe come on for Dempsey IMHO) but there is also the fact we had lost our last two games, he does seem to still be cagey at times and i'd imagine he saw a potential 'hang on' for 3 points or even a draw as being better than going it for it, getting tacoted by 4 and dealing with that aftermath.

As I have said numerous times in the old days about Harry, he could've won the title with us but he stopped working for whatever reasons two januarys in a row...I actually wouldn't argue with what you said, and he was a good manager...he was just always looking out for himself primarily, and as such he was short-term in thought, from targets to (apparently) focus.

Funnily enough, we had two excellent chances second half, one of which saw Hart pull off an excellent save, but your point is noted, especially given the fact there was space to attack and a bit more bravery might've done it. Shame about Lennon getting a knock, ditto shame that Ade was tired and on the verge of getting sent off...
Now I might be reading that out of context as I've just looked at the last few posts. But if I've not, give it a rest. We know which camp you are in, its ridiculously obvious.

Anyone that doesnt want to be in one camp or the other, would not pick on the most irrelevant incidents and make them into big issues with Harry but the DEFEND this brick that is currently happening. Im all for picking out Harrys mistakes, but I would expect to see people who were unhappy with Harry really ripping into what AVB is doing right now if you want to appear neutral.

Everyone told me that AVB would be a tactical manager. I was expecting Jose Mourinho, but so far all AVB has done is show himself to be tactically inept. He may put a lot of emphasis on tactics, but its the wrong tactics. And to make it worse he is clearly not a motivator.

Please don't tell me to give anything a rest. It only wakes me up more.