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American politics

What is laughable is the arrogance of celebrities making threats if their candidates win, like Cher, I mean who would care if Cher was to leave the US if Trump won? Its laughable.

"if you all vote for Trump I am off"

Good luck Cher, this aint 1960
I do think it's particularly bad form to protest about an election result (unless there are reasonable suspicions of corruption). The whole tester of a democracy is the turnover test - whether all sides freely give up power when they lose.

When you lose an election the way to behave is with dignity. Retreat and re-strategise. Re-energise your supporters and find new solutions so you can start winning the intellectual arguments. And dedicate yourself to your opposite briefs. Like Labour under Smith/Blair and the Tories under Howard/Cameron.

Protesting the result is just very unhealthy and sets really bad precedents.

I don't think that there can be any complaints about the way that Clinton or Obama have behaved post election. I think that they have both shown enormous dignity and in Obama's case, he is going far beyond what is required of him.

With regards to the people protesting on the streets. They have a right to have their voices heard. Trump ran an incredibly decisive campaign and is not unreasonable for people to want him to be more consensual in office. I think that it is a forlorn hope but I think that they are right to try to push for it.
What is laughable is the arrogance of celebrities making threats if their candidates win, like Cher, I mean who would care if Cher was to leave the US if Trump won? Its laughable.

"if you all vote for Trump I am off"

Good luck Cher, this aint 1960

You get this at every election from all sides. I've only ever voted Labour to get Jim Davidson to leave the country but it took several elections before he was good to his word.

More importantly, Katie Hopkins said that she would move to the States if Trump won. I think that we would be getting the better end of the deal if we arranged a swap with Cher.
I'm amazed a man who acts like a c*** get elected and everyone goes crazy, yet for as long as I can remember c**** who act normally get elected and no turns a hair!
I think the world is full of total double standards though here.

I one side of the fence you have Trump saying Muslims are a problem and its Islamaphobia

Whilst the otherside take an equally stark view of Russia and thats not a problem?

Hows that work?