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American politics

so I am exiled in california and everyone I know here is distraught about the election ( i voted libertarian as a "protest vote"). Trump has been almost diplomatic since the vote in his acceptance speech and his meeting with Obama which is worth noting, what concerns me more is his mates who will form part of his "cabinet". Newt Gingrich, Mike Huckabee, Jeff Sessions, even VP Pence, all old school republicans who will set this country back years with outdated views and ideas,
maybe this will create more of a backlash than mere protesting on the streets, shocks create change in many ways, I'm ready whatever happens

Don't forget Sarah Palin :eek:
People are going OTT with trump, so what if he builds a wall at the border, thats what the border is there for. As for moving 2m illegals, thats why they are illegals.
People are going OTT with trump, so what if he builds a wall at the border, thats what the border is there for. As for moving 2m illegals, thats why they are illegals.

He's obviously bad. But I don't think he's particularly any worse than Reagan or Bush, so I don't really see what the fuss is about.

Democracy tends to swing between incompetent but well-meaning (Democrats/Labour) and evil but competent (Republicans/Conservative) and things balance themselves out over a decade of so. That's just politics, not exactly the end of civilisation
And whats the big deal about climate change could do with it being warmer. No one actually needs an abortion

evolution is just a theory too, no point teaching it in school science classes anymore when creationism so neatly explains everything
People are going OTT with trump, so what if he builds a wall at the border, thats what the border is there for. As for moving 2m illegals, thats why they are illegals.
I assume the threat of deporting illegals is how he plans to get Mexico to pay. I'd be surprised if he actually plans to (in his eyes) rid his mates of their gardeners.
I assume the threat of deporting illegals is how he plans to get Mexico to pay. I'd be surprised if he actually plans to (in his eyes) rid his mates of their gardeners.

I thought his threat was to stop the entire diaspora wiring any money home or something
He's obviously bad. But I don't think he's particularly any worse than Reagan or Bush, so I don't really see what the fuss is about.

Democracy tends to swing between incompetent but well-meaning (Democrats/Labour) and evil but competent (Republicans/Conservative) and things balance themselves out over a decade of so. That's just politics, not exactly the end of civilisation

Exactly what I have said about this country to, I would put money on the Lib Dems making a comeback over the next 5 years.
That's very interesting. There's no way Sanders would've gotten even close to winning with Trump having that material to work with.

Shows that perhaps Sanders wasn't the messiah after all, with all that baggage.

Also shows how difficult it must be to live a life so free from mistakes and stupid decisions that you can survive a smear campaign from your political opponents.
More than anything, it shows that there's no place for student politics in the real world.

Him and Corbyn are of the same breed, they would do very well running a student union or leading protests but the general public would think most of what they believe to be a bit silly at best.
More than anything, it shows that there's no place for student politics in the real world.

Him and Corbyn are of the same breed, they would do very well running a student union or leading protests but the general public would think most of what they believe to be a bit silly at best.

Wish I had said that ..........Oh wait!;)

"student politics" bit unfair on students.
More teenage angst!
Or the early onset of alzheimer's amongst the over 50's.....you take your pick
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As been stated before, whats been proven with Brexit and US elections is you don't win voters by vocally putting everyone into a certain category. Clinton and her "basket of deplorable s" is the casing example, you win voters by engagement not abuse. Clinton slipped into the dirt fight with Trump and she created an environment in which he thrives in, that was the end of it for her.

The same with Brexit, too much "if you vote for Brexit you are X,Y,Z" and not enough engagement.

Also the arrogance of rolling out Kanye West and in our case David Beckham like that was going to be enough, like they are people the public relate to or have the political history/nouse to even comment?

As Jonathan Pie said, Clinton believed being Clinton was enough, it wasnt
People aren't looking for perfection or anything close to it. IMO, many people are looking for broad principles/policies that they agree with, fronted by a person who they believe will deliver on them. That's why Sanders could have challenged Trump, despite anything the Republicans would dredge up. That is why Trump beat Clinton. It's why Obama won twice. Not even Clinton supporters truly believed in Clinton.
"well, well Sanders wouldn't have won cuz he wrote something about rape once" -- in an election where Donald Trump won despite multiple allegations of sexual assault, hinting that he'd bang his daughter, being caught on tape saying he can do anything he wants with women because he's famous and a whole load of other sh1te.

All that was thrown at Trump and it made no difference because his voters were motivated. Sanders would have motivated voters too. Whether he would have beaten Trump, we will never know for sure. But I don't remember many people thinking Trump was going to be president at the start of the Republican primaries, so the same people speaking in certainties about Sanders' chances can be safely ignored.
"well, well Sanders wouldn't have won cuz he wrote something about rape once" -- in an election where Donald Trump won despite multiple allegations of sexual assault, hinting that he'd bang his daughter, being caught on tape saying he can do anything he wants with women because he's famous and a whole load of other sh1te.

All that was thrown at Trump and it made no difference because his voters were motivated. Sanders would have motivated voters too. Whether he would have beaten Trump, we will never know for sure. But I don't remember many people thinking Trump was going to be president at the start of the Republican primaries, so the same people speaking in certainties about Sanders' chances can be safely ignored.

I know, laughable isn't it? BTW, what decent left wing politician didn't support the Sandinistas? Do people realise who they (the Sandinistas) were fighting against.
I know, laughable isn't it? BTW, what decent left wing politician didn't support the Sandinistas? Do people realise who they (the Sandinistas) were fighting against.
Partly the US. So I can imagine that supporting them would go down pretty badly in, er, the US.