Jimmy Cantrell
I've probably said this before.... but the issue is people are stuck in their bubbles/rabbit holes. The vehicle of delivery is addictive, its fed to you constantly and quickly. The algorithm will lock you in, it's good for businesses (whether that's commercial or political gain). I've seen some phone app audits and it's eye watering.
There's no space for critical or lateral thinking?
But zooming further out, I just think people concern themselves with far too much. Most of what happens in the world doesn't come to you, unless you look for it and invite it in. And what does that honestly give you?
And people are so idiotic they don't know they are being used as a sales tool. Big money in racism, its being proven........people are being played
This is the part I agree with SO SO MUCH. I don't think I am special in any way shape or form, I think I am a normal person, I have a fairly decent social circle and because of the nature of my work I would say a larger than normal work one, which means I also see and speak to alot of people and travel this country and abroad. Most of the overblown concerns and bile I read about the country being overtaken, trans people being an issue, London being unliveable, Islam taking over, wokeness everywhere etc etc etc.........Its just frankly BS. None of this stuff impacts on my life because I live in a very live and let live mentality and let people be, they don't impact on me, I don't on them. I don't feel threatened or unsafe in "my own country" and I am probably exposed to areas you would think it would be a problem alot.
As I said yesterday, people are almost ambulance chasing on many of these subjects, there is also ALOT of conflation between things that are not related in order to make things seem worse than they are.
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