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American politics

Surely Biden now has to expand the size of the supreme court and appoint 4 human beings to balance things up again?

Also, in general, how can a court be supreme to the government in a country? Courts should be independent arbitrators of laws, but not decide them
Surely Biden now has to expand the size of the supreme court and appoint 4 human beings to balance things up again?

Also, in general, how can a court be supreme to the government in a country? Courts should be independent arbitrators of laws, but not decide them

Been for and against court packing, seen good arguments for and against.

These decisions definitely swing me more in the pro direction, fudging hell. Still not sure how that plays out well longer term. Definitely won't look good from a Republican point of view, could easily trigger several more such decisions, where does it end? But at the same time how much power should these 9 people have to make these blatantly political decisions?

Biden doing it, I think that's very unlikely.
So strange there's no limit to how long the supreme court justices can hold their positions. Especially now they're more political than ever. I just don't see the logic of life time appointments, or how it can possibly be beneficial for the American public.
So strange there's no limit to how long the supreme court justices can hold their positions. Especially now they're more political than ever. I just don't see the logic of life time appointments, or how it can possibly be beneficial for the American public.

It's partly just the way it's been for a long time and changing it would be cost to impossible.

I think part of the reasoning would have been to keep the supreme court fairly conservative (not politically conservative necessarily, but resistant to change) and not an institution that will quickly move from one position to another. The wish for balance between some institutions that can and do change relatively quickly and others that do not.

In part perhaps also a wish to limit power, a counter balance to the president and congress as they would only be able to change the makeup of the supreme court over a relatively long time, so a protection against populism for example.

Good ideas in theory, arguably also in practice for many years. I'm no historian, but I think the founders looked at Roman history and tried to put in balancing factors to prevent some rather unfortunate outcomes.

Right now there's (imo) quite clearly an activist supreme court, actively looking to overturn existing judicial precedent based on political ideology. A job that should fall on the legislature. It's perfection. It's no longer a check on the political power of the president or legislature, it's just a political power grab.
Been for and against court packing, seen good arguments for and against.

These decisions definitely swing me more in the pro direction, fudging hell. Still not sure how that plays out well longer term. Definitely won't look good from a Republican point of view, could easily trigger several more such decisions, where does it end? But at the same time how much power should these 9 people have to make these blatantly political decisions?

Biden doing it, I think that's very unlikely.

Stopping your country becoming one of the most socially repressive places on earth is surely worth hitting the nuclear option. This is a stain akin to the Gulags
Stopping your country becoming one of the most socially repressive places on earth is surely worth hitting the nuclear option. This is a stain akin to the Gulags

I think that's an overstatement, though I get your point.

I think part of the calculation should be, how will this impact the next election. Not because I'm particularly concerned about Biden being president, but if doing this helps mobilise the right, help them retake the oval and Congress then you're not even back to where you started in a couple of years, you're even worse off.

It could be worth it. Biden doing it though... I would be shocked.
I love Murica as I have family there, but i couldn’t live there. For one of the shining examples of democracy that it is, it’s still a very backward country. As much as I criticise the left, I’d 100% be a democrat if I did live there. The republicans are nuts and have been completely absorbed by Trump.
He’s got more lives than a fudging cat. He will get away with it like he always does. I’d settle for him never being able to run for president again.
More lives than a bag of cats but I'd put money on him going down now, or at least being indicted. Direct testimony today was stunning stuff and really only the tip of the iceberg. The DOJ likely has all this and more, including the documentary they were filming. That's how confident they were it would succeed.
What's next up is the case of West Virginia vs. EPA. The repercussions of this case could effectively end federal climate policy in the US, and with it any slim chance to ward off truly catastrophic warming. Considering that the right-wing of the current supreme court is bought and paid for with Poch money we can guess where they will land. We are in a world of trouble.
Disgraceful. A fudging mind-numbingly stupid decision based on greed.

Got to go nuclear on them now. Expand the court, impeachments, whatever it takes.
I'm getting increasingly confident I will experience the end of USA as we know it in my lifetime.

Unless the world ends first, of course.