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Politics, politics, politics (so long and thanks for all the fish)

Don't entirely disagree with you mate over the shenanigans of the last 3 years. But some of that is in part due to the complicated matters involved like the back stop, like our lack of infrastructure at the port. I am a remainer but accepted that many leavers had concerns about immigration and I want to leave a deal that gives us back control of our borders while protecting our partnership with our European partners. The danger is now to allow the extreme brexiteers to have their way, hijack an emotive issue and exploit it to give us a right wing brexit. That I am afraid is what I fear Boris is doing.

The thing for me is this. I would actually prefer Boris' right wing Brexit, if it means we arent left in vassalage.

If we actually broke off completely, we can change course consequently via further elections. As GB has stated a bunch of times, we could move to a Labour government further down the line - a Labour government able to actually enact its designs on repatriating the railways etc without EU interference on state aid etc (should they still hold those ambitions, of course).

And thats if Boris doesnt pull the rabbit out of the hat, maybe Brexit turns out to not be the apocalypse.

Corbyn? He wants to leave us hamstrung. Maybe its less short term pain, but is it really a better option?
But his decision was made knowing that would have been a risk, thats the point, they have the best of the best behind them and they know that was a risk and he took a risk.

Whilst Corbyn procrastinates

No, he doesn't, just refuses to dance to Boris’s tune and correctly as well, because no one trusts Boris and Cummings!
Can't say I am an expert but I don't think the Supreme court can overturn legislation made by Parliament no matter how bad it is. They can only determine if Parliament has acted in accordance with the constitution.

That's what I mean, lets say a law was passed that conflicted with say the common law, that is when they would step in. a parliament does not have carte blanche and cannot exceed it's constitutional authority.
In a bold rallying cry in the Commons he blasted cowardly Corbyn for avoiding the people - and insisted Parliament would continue to try and block Brexit for as long as they could.

The public don't want another referendum and just want Britain to get on with leaving, he raged, shouting over braying MPs screaming at him to resign.

"We will not betray the people who sent us here!" he stormed.

"We will continue to challenge the opposition parties to uphold democracy.

"This parliament will keep delaying, will keep sabotaging negotiations because they don't want a deal."

"The electorate are being held captive by this zombie parliament and this zombie opposition," he added.

"And he wants the entire country to be held captive in the EU after October 31 at a cost of more than £1billion a month.
"We say no, I say no! Let's get Brexit done and let’s take this country forward."

Boris went on to break with tradition by calling on smaller parties to call a vote of no confidence in him - which could spark the election he desperately wants.

Traditionally only the Leader of the Opposition can do that, but Boris threw down the gauntlet to the SNP and Lib Dems too.

"If the party opposite does not have confidence in the Government, they will have a chance to prove it," he blasted.

"I think the people of this country have had enough.

"Out of sheer political selfishness and political cowardice members opposite are unwilling to move aside and let the people have their say.

"This Parliament must either stand aside... or bring a vote of confidence and finally face a day of reckoning with the voters.

"Will they have the courage to act or will they refuse to take responsibility yet again and do nothing but delay?

"Why would they not? What are they scared of?"

Johnson... what a vacuous wind bag.
Some on here are such gluggers of the right wing Kool Aid that Boris could goose the queen up the arse, rob the bank of England and sell Kane to Arsenal and they would still support him.
It was a case of proroguing parliament that was illegal in the eyes of a Remainder SC.

Parliament didn't shut down immediately and never does when prorogued to my knowledge. There was plenty of time to stop it using the measures they already had.

The Proroguing has nothing to do with Brexit, so the Brexit views are irrelevant

Or It was and the Government lied, so the SC are right.
I know what you mean mate. The fairest way to resolve brexit is not through an election though imo. For example, I do not want a Corbyn government. I don't want a Boris government. The elections are not fought on single issues if you vote either way you get all the non brexit implications of giving either a majority. The best I can personally hope for is a hung parliament which would have us back to where we are now on brexit.

For me, I think if you want to resolve the brexit question, the most representative way is through a new referendum where the choices are brexit with a deal, no deal or remain. It a strategy with lots of Risk but it is probably the fairest way of resolving the question.

An election solves nothing, if anything we will end up with a more split Parliament, the only way out is if there a majority for one of the extremes (no deal/revoke) which won’t happen.

I voted remain, but believe we should leave - but it HAS to be with a deal or it will be carnage for the worst off.
An election solves nothing, if anything we will end up with a more split Parliament, the only way out is if there a majority for one of the extremes (no deal/revoke) which won’t happen.

I voted remain, but believe we should leave - but it HAS to be with a deal or it will be carnage for the worst off.
That's what I think too.
So explain his loss of ground on two dead parties like the Lib Dems and Greens?

That's a different subject!

The current labour party setup is not to my liking! But is has little to do with Brexit!
Labour as a party and how they will do election wise is not what we are talking about here!

All parties are trying to make sure that we all have a choice except for Boris’s phalanx who wants no deal!
Not on!

You will get a vote of that I’m convinced and you and everybody will have choices, as it should have been organised three years ago!
I've already done that.

You presented some fairly short-term data that was conveniently and, in my view, misleadingly cropped to support your argument. I then referred to extended data over a longer term and doing so suggested that it was actually 2015 that was the more unusual level for the pound over the past decade, rather than it's post-referendum level. I then put forward a possible reason for the outlying data.

Simple, no?

What’s simple is that you have failed to account for why the pound dropped post Brexit vote. Everyone knows it dropped because markets reacted to the vote. They don’t think the UK will prosper without the free open trade with our neighbours and control we exert over it via the EU.

You maintained the pounds drop was not due to Brexit but could not say why else it dropped instantly post vote.

Brexit has only brought negative things to the UK. And you and others can not outline what positives it offers. I can see it looked an attractive proposition, but does it still look that way now? What does it have to offer anyone? It’s messy, exceeding difficult, and weakens us economical and politically. This reality is staring you in the face.

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