Ian Walker
We should play McEvoy just for the fact that at least one journo is then bound to report that Bale played.
Marca, August 29 2013
exclusivos: residuos Bale a medida que se desvanece de transferencia
Doctor: Si el Madrid no consigue Bale pronto va a morir de desnutrición
In horrifying news from the depths of Senor Levy's warped realm, Marca has learned that Gareth Bale played in Tottenham's 0-0 draw with Tbilsi, a minor Europa League team of no importance. Marca's reporter on the scene, Javi Lopez, managed to obtain a photo of Bale, which confirms what every Madridista feared: Bale has lost weight, and is slowly wasting away from the stress of being denied his dream.

Pictured: Happy Bale, playing for the Tottenhams earlier this summer

Pictured: Bale against Tbilsi, a shocking loss of weight and stature
Filled with horror, our editor took these pictures to doctor Florentino Zerep, who affirmed our worst fears. "This boy is suffering from the pain of malnutrition and stress", he stated. "His white heart beats weaker and weaker as his dream is denied." Bale's weight loss is believed to have caused the brave boys in the Madrid locker room to break down in tears, and has caused a storm of indignation directed at Levy involving, among others, such figures as Pope Francis, Zinedine Zidane and noted real estate developer Florentino Perez.

Pope Francis: "The actions of evil men (like Daniel Levy) will be punished in heaven. Hala Madrid."
For the good of the player, for the good of the game, for the good of humanity, we hope Bale will complete his move soon, before he becomes Senor Levy's first fatality.
Sexo es Vida,
G. Marques, editor
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