OK... let's talk about something other than the transfer window
Looking at NWHL there are various areas that are a bit unusual... can someone be bothered to explain what is what in this image... click it to expand. Sorry it is huge but it needs to be huge to see the detail
Are 1 and 3 camera positions... why is 2 odd seating compared to either side?
I guess 4 disappeared due to fat fingers in the mighty MSPaint.
I guess 5 is a camera position... maybe 6 and 7 are the main camera positions, but why so huge, do they need all that?
Where will Levy sit, out of 8 9 10?
Is 11 the bench, with 12 the front bench for Pochettino? Is this also for the away team?
What is 13?
14 15 16 17 look like Press areas, but are they all the same, just Press?
18 is for cameras I guess, 19 is the TV studio for Gary Lineker et al
21 - we see the huge white "grass lights" framework, and a large triangular support thing attached. Fascinating. Apparently this will slide under the north stand when not in use. Similar to the one used at OWHL.
Don't ask me where 20 went.
22 is where the cognoscenti think a golden badger statue will appear
I noticed the blue glass going behind 24, not yet behind 23, indicating this might be quite an "open" backing, unless they put the veil/shuttering behind it?